Chereads / The dark truth of the grimace shake / Chapter 1 - The dark truth of the grimace shake

The dark truth of the grimace shake

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Chapter 1 - The dark truth of the grimace shake

The dark truth of the grimace shake.

On a sunny day on June 12, 2023 It was Grimace's birthday to celebrate he made a shake of his own called the grimace shake but there was a dark secret about grimace and the grimace shake.

It was on June 12 of 2023 the grimace shake was just released. People rushed to the nearest McDonalds to try the grimace shake.Something happened to the people who drink it.

The first people who drank the grimace shake gave it good reviews about the grimace shake like "it is so good" and "Me and my friends love it!". But then the thing happened people around the world started dying mysteriously. But lead detective robert o j pooper found out something that know one has yet thought of.All the people who Drank the grimace shake Died! 

So Robert o pooper told the other detectives. At first they didn't believe him but when the evidence came through they didn't believe their eyes the evidence checked out but there was one detective who still thought it was a lie he was known as Dr o Brimas. 

After Dr o brimas left the police station he still didn't believe it so he decided to drink the grimace shake But then His car broke down and he walked into a bush and he saw a glimpse of purple and then he got knocked out because he drank the grimace shake when he woke up 

His skin was blue and grimace in front of him with a cup of the grimace shake and grimace said "hello brimas!" "i'm surprised you're alive" "just because you're alive and somehow i'll turn you into someone like me!" "We will call you Brimas after your name.

(Brimas the blue version of grimace) After the incident the brimas shake was made 

In celebration of Brimases birthday And all the co detectives were killed except Robert o pooper! 

"O pooper O pooper!" "i just got word that all the co detectives got killed" said a police officer "really?!" "ok what was the cause of death?" "scratches!" hmm ok scratches dr o pooper thought it's not like grimace to do scratches like that maybe a New type of grimace!

*A couple weeks later* *Breathing* "O pooper" "yes?" "i'm scared" "why" "this is where grimace was spotted right" "correct" "how do we know he can't just kill us right now" "we don't" later that day "hey brimas" "what grimace" "wanna play a game" " no" "why not" said grimace sadly. "because i don't like you now because you turned me into this monster" "oh i'm sorry but i can't turn u back" "ugh what game is it?" "I don't know you choose" how about the quiet game" said brimas "FBI OPEN UP!" it was o pooper and that police officer "get on the ground grimace!" "and you to other grimace" "no'' said brimas and grimace at the same time.but then the both teleported away far far away.

They teleported to Ohio and o pooper and the police officer had no idea, But then a man named Dr maxwell he had a lead to where they were but still didn't know. Dr Maxwell, a lead officer of a secret organization called the scp foundation!.Dr was assigned to grimace.

"I have an idea where we should look" ok where is it?" said O pooper. Later that evening dr maxwell incudosed o pooper to the team assigned to find grimace "You will be working here for the time being" "ok maxwell" "when your here you call me sir i am a site director the second in command" "ok sir" said o pooper sadly.

Later that day he went on his first mission to find out were brimas and Grimace had went 

They followed all their clues and ended up in michigan. Right next to Ohio!

They were with an elite squad called the mq short for the meme squad to contain all the rough memes across the world the associates are Jackson keath Ezra Bauflorwing and kallen burdon. 

"You will try to hunt down grimace and brimas also known as the blue grimace" robert o pooper remembered."To hunt down this monster we will track were his newest victims"

The newest victims lead the team to Ohio to a town called *there is a monster here called grimace* The way they found out this was where grimace was hiding was because of the name "allright team grimace is here me and kallen will move it then when i give the signal Robert and ezra will jump in and rain hell.

"Alright team plan in action" said jackson well jumping out of a helicopter "wait for me" said kallen."Ok going" said jackson from the two way radios."HELP!" yelled Jackson from the two way radios "ok Robert got the minigun?" "yup"

They jumped out and started shooting "RAIN HELL!" Yelled Ezra "What's that?!" said grimace and brimas "we gotta get outta here" "ok lets go'' they run out of there at very fast speeds but then Someone Just somehow appeared right behind them "hello" said the mysteries man "i am seedos the fastest thing in the universe" "also i'm not a human" "then what are you?!" "I am" "speed." "?!?!??!" as soon as speedos said speed they somehow was not in the same location

 Brimas somehow was in a type of cell but it was like a containment cell from a scp movie and grimace was no were to be seen and Brimas was angry. He saw a team of scientists watching him with his x-ray vision.After many months he came up with a plan to escape!

First with his x-ray vision he saw there were many guards outside his cell door so he will kill the scientists the screams from the scientists will attract the guards they will go check if on them leaving only 1 guard then he will kill and hide the body of the other guard in a vent then once he finds grimace and frees him they will find the exit and kill anyone in there way.

It's time Brimas thought he poisoned the guards with his Brimas shake then he took out the guard with his scratches and hid the body in a vent.He found grimace in a giant cell underground he had to go down a elevator with the word 'Heavy containment' he assumed it meant only the most dangerous monsters he wonder how he wasnt down there he saw variety of scps down there like a scp that looked like a old fashion plague doctor or one that was a old white porcelain comedic mask.He found grimace in a cell in the 'most dangerous'section at the end of a corner he found a group of armed guards in and at his cell.

He knocked out all the guards in a single swipe of his hand but what he didn't know was that they new brimas would be coming because of the similar body shape and they were found together.So they brought reinforcements and the reinforcements "?!?!?" "Speedos!" yelled brimas in a flash speedos disappeared and ended up behind brimas "You called me?" mocked speedos before brimas could even know it Speedoses hand was right through his body! "AHHHHHHH" screamed brimas in terror "what was that" said grimace since there were no guards because they were all shooting brimas.So grimace started to get out of his cell.

 "BRIMAS?!" "What are you doing here?" "Talk later, save me first!" "Ok then" grimace said As soon as grimace said that he teleported behind speedos and took of his gloves making him not speedos but slowdos with no speed he was useless grimace in a instant made slowdos faint "come on Brimas come on!" yelled grimace "ok ok i'm coming"Said Brimas 

When they were out of the scp facility.But what they didn't know was that Brimas and grimace just fell into a trap to kill the duo.The snipers were locked onto them from the forest in front of them to the helicopters in the sky they.There were also soldiers pulling up in reinforced steel doors and also their was a bomb squad to take them down.And it was all led by Dr maxwell and the meme squad.

In a flash the soldiers got out of the vehicles they were in "GO GO GO" said the soldiers as the bullets flash past brimas and grimace bealey going past them "eh" said grimace as he quickly killed all the soldiers.But then more soldiers came out.And grimace easily killed all of them again but more soldiers kept coming out they figured it was useless to kill them so they tried to escape bye running at the speed of light but then lots of copies of speedos appeared in front of them.The speedoses started attacking them "OW" "YAAAA" "OW" "OW" "OW" "OW" "Sike" said grimace in a instant he kills all of the speedoses.

*So his more powerful then i thought* thought Dr maxwell after that happened the scp foundation sent in more soldiers. But when the new troops arrived Brimas and grimace were gone.The scp foundation sent in an elite team called zeta 14 to countain Brimas and Grimace.But first the team had to locate grimace and brimas.

They located them to be in a old abandoned warehouse in a town called 'The town' *there going to be here any minute now*grimace thought with a stressful expression Brimas was about to go on a trip across the town to see if they were coming.They thought if they could see them coming they could get ready and prepare against the meme squad.Dr o pooper was questioning why he was here why he wanted to come it would just end up like he was dead like all the other detectives but he wasn't a detective anymore he was better he was part of the scp foundation the meme squad he was better more powerful so why was he scared.

"Ok ok ok" said Brimas "ok i'll do it" said a unknown man though they would soon find out it wasn't a man but it was like brimas and grimace. 

"Ok Grimace should be in that building right there" "we should go in through a vent" I see that one over there ""it should be good to go through" said Jackson. 

"But what if it fails and they see you?" "What will we do to prevent that" said kallen "Hope not to get seen" "...". "Ok team we jump in three two one" As soon as the meme squad was about to land there parachutes didn't work so that had to use another way to land they landed by going to the highest point of the area and then climbed down from there.Anforchently Kallen didn't do it because he could not hear them because he was to far away from the other members of the meme squad.

When they landed and started to climb down they realized that there was a window pointing towards them from the area where Grimace and Brimas was hiding so they could have seen them and it didn't help that they were in giant glowing suits. "I'll deal with them" said the unknown voice "AHHHHHH'' Said Dr o pooper and as soon as they looked back they couldn't see Dr o pooper and someone was right where he was standing "Hello ""Meme squad" "Wh-Who are you?" "I am deadis the most powerful type of grimace or brimas"

"And now i am helping Grimace" "Because he has something of mine that i want back" 

"Muda!" Yelled deadis while punching Kallen in the chest,the reason why he yelled Muda was because it is useless in japanese

His home was in japan

In an instant he faded from sight It was scary they had someone like that, "How are we going to beat him?" said Jackson trying not to act scared. They started to infiltrate the building where grimace and brimace was hiding although they didn't see deadis in sight they were shivering in fear because of the shear power of deadis as soon as they left the vent they realized that ezra was gone but there was no time to search they looked for grimace and Grimace but then they realized Brimace and Grimace