Chapter 3 - Chapter 3:

The cavernous caves and tunnels were long Noah had already been walking for hours trying to find a creature but none where around, he didn't understand what was going on frustrated with his choice he still kept walking. Hoping to find something in these dark caves he continued to stride forward. 

Another hour passed when Noah saw the cave open up into a large room, Looking around he could only spot one thing a pedestal built into the stone. A ring floating just above the pedestal by a few inches. Noah walked forward, 'it's a class item' he thought with excitement. 


Kaley walked through the open cavern looking at the many tunnels in front of her, wondering which one Noah had gone through. Carly looked with amazement this was her first year being allowed to enter and watch the awakening ceremony, being from a different province she had never entered the schools private dungeon. Thanks to being Kaley's assistant she got to attend and get a front row seat. 

Kaley and Carly walked forward and started getting the emergency nursing station set up. When Mr. Storm noticed them he started to approach. "Oh god here he comes." Kaley said as she stood up putting on a naturally fake smile, with a friendly aura. "Hi Mr. Storm" Mr. Storm gave a big grin seeing Kaley, "I told you we don't need formalities, that you could call me Adam" Mr. Storm replied. "Yes but I'm more comfortable with the formalities as you can understand." Mr. Storm had been trying to court Kaley since he had met her a little over a year ago. She couldn't stand him especially how he treated some of the students when no one was looking. Noticing the tense atmosphere Carly kicked in "Um we do need to get back to work Mr. Storm, we do have to be ready in case something goes wrong." her gaze not wavering to the seniors in front of her. "Ah but you see this dungeon has a zero percent death rate, what could possibly go wrong" Mr. Storm said with a calm voice as if to say do not interrupt us again.


Noah walked up to the pedestal gazing at the ring floating he had looked around for any signs of traps or beast, choosing safety over a rash decision. After finding nothing he reached out, his fingers reaching out grasping the ring, the ring within his palm he stepped back and opened his hand gazing at the ring. It was beautiful with the center of the ring being pure jade with a gold band wrapping around on the top and bottom of the ring. Noah looked stared at it in awe of it's beauty, excitement building inside of himself. 

'No mater what class I get from this ring I will become stronger and make a better life for Ella and I' Noah thought as he prepared to put the ring on his left hands ring finger. He held his breath as he slid the ring on his finger. 

As soon as the ring went on he felt a hand clasp around his mouth. Out of reflex he tried opening his mouth to scream but a warm liquid entered his mouth. A soft voice spoke in his ear "Drink Noah Bennet." without understanding what was happening he swallowed. 'What is happening, what the hell, who is this.' worry wrapped his mind as he was trying to figure out what had happened.

Just in front of his eye's sat a small blue box, he read the box "system initializing..." it said, his body lurched as green light burst from the ring, not having time to figure out who or what was holding him, or what the blue box meant, or what the light coming from the ring was. A cool since rushed through his body as the green energy entered his body, a burning sensation started in his stomach, as blue lines started to form on his skin. The burning sensation spread through his body, as the cooling energy combated the burning he felt as if he was in a flux of ice and fire. The hand released him and he fell to the grown as pain started to build. Huffing for air, he held himself on his hands and knees. His heart pounding in his chest, he felt as if his muscles were ripping, his bones were breaking, and his skin was burning, 'whatever i just drank is probably causing this backlash.' he thought as he breathed for more air.

Without any notice Noah vomited, dark blood splattered on the ground, as his muscles twitched straining to keep his body up, his vision became blurry. 'I can't see how am I going to find out what happened.' he thought as panic sat in. As Noah hunched from the pain another blue box appeared 'ERROR host has three classes awakening at once' he could barely make out the words as blood had started dripping from his eye's making it even harder to see. 'Am I going to die here.' he thought, the green energy still pouring in his body. He vomited more blood making the pool underneath him grow, looking up he saw another box 'class fusion initialized... not sufficient energy.... users stats will be consumed to supplement energy... calculating chances of survival... ten percent chance of survival.' the box flashed out. Noah felt something warm drip from his ears. Darkness started to paint the outsides of his vision as more and more pain raged through his body, more and more blood dripping from his eye's, nose, ears, and mouth.