Chereads / Harry Potter Enshrouded / Chapter 26 - Maps and Stones

Chapter 26 - Maps and Stones

Evening dawned upon the exhilarated Hogwarts as discussions regarding the Quidditch game still continued. The Gryffindors were illuminated by the glory of beating Slytherin as Hogwarts buzzed amidst the excitement.

Meanwhile, the catalyst of this fervor stood on the school grounds facing a bleak yet lively cabin. Smoke emanated from its chimneys while the outdated Halloween decorations encompassed the cabin, further adding to the atmosphere.

The trio... now the quartet with the inclusion of Felix Navarro, charted themselves to the very same hut to meet Hagrid. Since the start of the school year, Felix Navarro had been a cheerful Gryffindor, often helping Harry and Ron complete their homework. His loquacious personality further aided his friendships. 

Hagrid and his dog, Fang, stood outside the cabin. They both showcased their respective gestures welcoming the quartets inside.

Upon entering, the quartet found the hut quite homely. Although cluttered, the hut had the quaintness and comfort bought via the glittering fireplace. The cozy rugs made out of multiple magical furs further amplified the atmosphere.

Breaking the quartet's curiousity, Hagrid asked. "So how were your first few weeks of school?"

The conversation continued drifting towards Harry accusing Snape of stealing the object hidden under the trapdoor. Hagrid nonchalantly dismissed any accusation; however, he did end up revealing that the hidden object was the Philosopher's stone.

The conversation also sparked the introduction of Hagrid's rock cakes. The cakes ended up poisoning the poor Ronald Weasley. The four later on left the hut carrying Ron towards the infirmary while also pondering about the philosopher's stone.

Meanwhile, amidst the halls of Hogwarts were the Weasley twins, who had decided to meet up with Adrian in an empty classroom. Together they were working on producing a map of Hogwarts.

During the meeting, Adrian finally introduced them to the advanced homunculus charm, enabling the tracking features. Meanwhile, the Weasley twins continued to provide their extensive knowledge on the secrets of Hogwarts.

Today was the trio's fourth meeting, which marked the completion of the map.

The new map included two major features that overshadowed the previous Marauder's Map:

1) The map had color-coded labels that effectively distinguished students and professors.

2) The map had a feature that would enable the user to select a specific person, showcasing further details like their speed and the person's most likely pathways. This was achieved through the spell Exposius Iterus. Adrian had discovered this spell in the library.

An hour later, the production of the Marauder's Legacy was completed. The Weasley twins had ultimately convinced Adrian to honor the legacy of the Marauders.

"It's done, muttered the twins in excitement. "Now we just need to duplicate one for you, Adrian."

The Marauder's legacy was a one-of-a-kind tool that was only meant for the Weasleys and Adrian. The three had decided to sell an unevolved version of the Marauder's map, which only showcased the user their own location amidst Hogwarts.

The prototype for this map had already been created, and Adrian had employed a spell to avoid duplication. The spell worked by imprinting the creator's magic on the map, which allowed the map to discern magical auras. This prevented anybody except the creators from casting the duplication charm.

The clocks continued marching forwards as Christmas soon approached. During this period of time, the twins and Adrian had attached the map to the Hogwarts bulletin board, hoping to gain attention. "Releasing after Christmas" was the slogan written on the board. They had also asked their friends to propagate excitement with the quartets, making the map popular in Gryffindor while Daphne and Malfoy achieved likewise amongst the Slytherins.

Classes and Adrian's training had also progressed as usual, with Flitwick starting the fire-making charm while McGonagall taught the Avifors (bird transformation) spell.

Adrian continued to be the best in every single class except for Herbology, where he remained decent. He, along with Luciano, also spent more time hanging out with Daphne. Although Daphne found Malfoy's rants unbearable, upon Adrian's introduction, she found Luciano's friendly and academic attitude amusing.

For this Christmas vacation, Adrian had decided to head back home with his sister. Although he dreaded his dad's politics, he was required to finish a certain obligatory task. 

He had promised Randolph to pay a visit as an investor, aiding with the production. If Adrian has decided to stay during Christmas, he could not leave Hogwarts for a long period without being detected.As a human being, he simply did not want to go through those obstacles.

Adrian boarded the train alongside his sister as they headed towards their respective compartments. Due to the chimavorax incident, most parents wanted their respective children back home. This was especially true amongst the purebloods. The parents were scared, they were sick, and they were perturbed about their children.

Adrian sat in the compartment with Luciano, Nott, and Malfoy.

Luciano was the first to break the awkward silence."So what are you guys doing during the break?"

Malfoy, straightening his posture with a haughty smile, replied. "Oh, my dad has held a party where he has invited everybody prominent in the British magical world. He told me that even the minister of magic will be showing up."

"Another political gathering," Adrian muttered to himself.

The train soon came to a halt as Adrian spotted his father, Damien, standing on the platform.

As Adrian vacated the train, he suddenly realized that his first year was already halfway done. Amidst the daily hustle-bustle of Hogwarts, he had failed to perceive the rapid flow of time. Time was something ephemeral as Adrian pondered about his first few months at Hogwarts.