In the town of glorantera in the milky way, a small alien girl walks along the path of the meteors, humming, she notices a portle. Should she go in?she asks mama, mama says "Alina, that's the portle to the sun rays. There beautiful, you can go everyday if you want, just be home by six" Alina replies "ok mama, be back by six!"alina rushes in the portle, she finds the beautiful sun rays and a lake, she dances and sings and jumps, it's so much fun! She goes home and eats dinner, and goes to bed, today was amazing. And she can't wait for tomorrow, but mama let her stay up till 1 because today's Saturday, the weekend! She plays, sings, dances, jumps, rolls, wiggles. She can't stop, it's too fun! She plays meteor crash on her iPad, she plays Roblox, and alien bounce! It's so fun she can't stop laughing, she jumps on her bed, jump, jump, jump, so fun! She plays her guitar, she runs around and goes "ooh-ohh-ahh-ahhh" like a monkey! It's so fun that she can't wait for tomorrow, she loves it, and never wants to stop, but she draws now, she draws her, papa, and mama, she loves her life and family, and she can't wait for tomorrow, another fun adventure, it'll be as amazing as today, and she can't wait, mama comes and says time to sleep. Alina hops in bed, gets under the covers, and snoozes off. Goodnight!