"Was your gear also confiscated by Vexor?" Cain noticed that the Team Rocket belt Alec once wore was gone.
On the trial island, trainers typically stored their items in belts provided by Team Rocket. With Alec's belt missing, it was clear Vexor had taken it.
This explained why Alec, despite his injuries, hadn't received any treatment or medical care.
"Yes, aside from Mightyena's Poké Ball, which I hid well and he couldn't find, all my other Poké Balls and storage gear were confiscated by him," Alec explained as he petted Mightyena beside him, a hint of melancholy in his expression.
As his starter Pokémon, and a canine species to boot, Mightyena would obey Alec's orders even without its Poké Ball.
"This pill also has some healing properties. Take it along with this one to stabilize your condition. Also, here's a medical spray for humans—use it to treat your wounds. Can you manage it?" Cain handed Alec a few supplies.
On the trial island, everyone who survived in the wild bore some scars. Knowing how to treat one's own wounds was common; Alec's injuries were just more severe this time.
Cain also took out a Team Rocket belt he had yet to dispose of and tossed it to Alec. "This is Xander's belt. Use it for now. It should have some essential supplies you'll find useful."
"Xander's belt?" Alec stared at it in surprise.
He knew Xander had been trying to challenge Cain and had quickly grown stronger over a short period.
Though Alec ranked third, and the gap between second and third wasn't too significant, the gap between second place and Xander, who was in first, was enormous.
"So you've already taken care of Xander? It seems coming to you was the right decision. Among the participants, only you can face Vexor. Or rather, only you, Cain, can stand against the subordinates of the four Executives," Alec remarked.
Cain smirked faintly at that. "If eliminating someone benefits me, I'll do it. And if someone shows hostility toward me, I'll deal with it without hesitation. Xander was just one such case."
Xander's enmity with him was irreconcilable. For his own future growth, Cain had to eliminate him. If not for Arbok's intervention, Xander would have been taken out by Cain long ago.
Additionally, giving Alec Xander's belt served as a warning.
"Xander has already been killed by me, so don't try anything stupid or crafty with me," was the message it conveyed.
As expected, upon seeing Xander's belt, Alec became more respectful.
Half an hour later, Alec, now wrapped in bandages, stood up. Thanks to Xander's belt, he had obtained many useful supplies that Cain didn't need, like medical sprays and antidotes, which had sped up his recovery.
After all, Vexor's Pokémon were mostly Bug-type, many capable of poisoning, so antidotes were invaluable.
"Mr. Cain, I've recovered enough. We can leave anytime. Don't worry about my injuries—just do what you need to do," Alec said as he approached Cain.
Cain observed him, particularly the half of his face covered in bandages. "Are you sure your body's fine?"
"No problem!" Alec replied without hesitation.
"Then let's go. Let's continue searching for point cards and see if we can find a suitable Pokémon for you. By the way, tell me more about Vexor as we move."
Cain began walking without looking back, unconcerned whether the injured Alec could keep up.
Gritting his teeth, Alec jogged to catch up, aggravating his wounds. Though he didn't start bleeding again, the pain was excruciating.
"My suggestion is that, if we're catching Pokémon, we go for Fire, Flying, or Rock types, as they'd be effective against Vexor's Bug-types. That way, I could help contain one or two of his Pokémon," Alec suggested.
"Agreed," Cain nodded.
He wasn't under the false impression that true warriors had to win alone. He'd seen too many people lose by trying to show off.
As the saying goes, "villains often die from talking too much."
If someone was willing to help lighten his load, there was no reason to refuse.
After all, Cain had recruited so many followers precisely to aid him. Why have followers if you're not going to use them?
"Also, when I encountered Vexor, he was alone. I don't know if anyone joined him afterward, but from what he said, it's likely that at least one or two of the people who joined later were already his followers, even if they haven't regrouped yet. That could change in a few days."
"So, if we're going to confront him, it'd be wise to draw one or two others to help us contain him."
"Don't worry about that; I already have a plan," Cain replied.
"Understood. Also, regarding Vexor's Pokémon, when he faced me, he didn't summon all of them. He used only three Bug-types to defeat me effortlessly."
"He had a Butterfree, which he used for support and containment; a Scyther, one of his main attackers, which seems to have the Technician ability, making it very troublesome; and an Ariados, another of his primary attackers. That Ariados has the Sniper ability because it took down my Arbok in a single hit."
Alec described Vexor's Pokémon, including their abilities and combat techniques.
The information he provided was far more detailed than what Cain had learned from Paul. Though Alec mentioned only three Pokémon, Cain now had a clearer understanding of Vexor's level of skill.
"From what I've heard, his main Pokémon should be a Beedrill, which seems to be his starter and is well-trained. Have you ever seen it?" Cain asked.
"Beedrill?" Alec thought for a moment before responding, "No. Most of the time, he only has a Scyther by his side, and an Ariados lurking in the shadows to ambush anyone who gets close."
Midway through their conversation, Cain suddenly stopped, and Alec, following closely, did the same. He looked at Cain curiously.
"We've reached the point card location. I see a rather interesting Pokémon."
(End of Chapter)