"Lumi... I'm sorry. I wanted to avenge your death, but I... I can't.. I don't have the strength anymore. Even if I could, it wouldn't bring you back. It wouldn't erase the pain..
Forgive me... I failed you. I couldn't protect you... Or my comrades and now, I couldn't avenge your death or theirs.. I don't even know if I'll make it to the afterlife or not even If I was able to I don't think I'll be able to show you my face
Even now I look pathetic as I'm about to die.. ha... Funny isn't it..
Lumi... do you remember your 7th birthday? When I was late and to make things worse, I forgot to bring a cake and we rushed together to the bakery, hoping to fix my mistake, but by the time we got there, it was already closed. I remember the disappointment in your eyes, and I felt so guilty but then I had an idea
"why not make a cake together?"
We gathered ingredients, and I can still see the joy slowly returning to your face as we mixed and baked. It wasn't perfect, but seeing you smile again made it the best cake I've ever made.. and it was the best day of my life ever.
[5 years earlier...]
"Lumi! I'm Home Lumi?!!"
"Ugh! That scared me, Lumiii..."
(Lumi laughing and giggling)
"Lumi! Get over here!!"
"(Out of breath) YoU ReAllY hAvE bECoMe fAsT huh.."
"Boo..! Father I haven't become fast you have Become old and slow!!"
"Who is it now?"
"Wait a sec! I'm coming..
Oh! Hi! Angie why are you here?"
"I'm here to see Lumi"
"Lumii...! Aunt Angie is here to see you!"
Lumi ran down the stairs quickly, rushed past her father, and went straight to Angie and hugged her...
"Ahh come on Lumi! you are just going to ignore me like that.."
"I guess she likes me better than you"
"I can see that. By the way, Angie, are you free later? I was hoping you could join us for dinner—Lumi would love for you to stay too."
"Sure I would love that"
"Come Lumi let's go play in your room"
"Okay mom"
"Lumi don't call your aunty mom!"
"It's okay, Dino, I don't mind at all. In fact, I'd prefer if she called me 'Mom' instead of 'Aunty.'"
"Okay you guys go enjoy I'll go buy some vegetables and meat for tonight."
|Next... Chapter 13: Flashback 2...|