Chapter 87 - CHAPTER 87

Just like in the past, even Who's-Who and Sasaki, who had always been confident in their own strength, did not raise any objections.


Kaido, in his Azure Dragon form, soared into the sky, his mighty roar echoing across the battlefield.

"The four major calamities, plus this natural disaster Alastor!" Kaido bellowed. "Let the Celestial Dragons, the Navy, and the World Government tremble before me!"

Soon after, the name of Thunder Catastrophe Alastor, with a bounty of 880 million berries and a black market value of 2 billion berries, spread like wildfire across the world. His fame reached every corner, as everyone came to know the terror he represented.

As Alastor became more famous, Monkey D. Luffy, the pirate most anticipated by figures like Red-Haired Shanks and Rayleigh, finally arrived at the Revolutionary Army headquarters in Bardigo after several days and nights of travel.

A massive bear's paw-shaped indentation appeared on the ground, and Luffy crawled out, looking around confusedly.

"Where is this place? Damn it! You sent me flying here. How do I get back to Sabaody Archipelago?"

Luffy scratched his head, trying to think of a way, but soon his brain overloaded with thoughts, causing him to give up. "I can't think of it… oh well, let's see what's going on here."

Luffy walked toward the center of the island. As he walked, he encountered a few buildings and people. Without a second thought, he grabbed a nearby Revolutionary Army soldier and asked, "Hey, do you know how to get to Sabaody Archipelago?"

The soldier, who was a patrolman, stared at Luffy blankly.

"Sabaody? Isn't that close to Marineford?" the soldier thought, uncertain whether Luffy was a pirate or a navy officer, but he definitely wasn't an ordinary civilian. Without hesitation, the soldier shouted:

"Intruder! Intruder alert!"

Luffy hastily covered the soldier's mouth, but it was too late. Within moments, dozens of Revolutionary Army soldiers surrounded them, weapons drawn, their faces aggressive.

With no other choice, Luffy prepared to fight.

"Rubber Machine Gun!"

The sound of fighting quickly attracted more soldiers, and soon more and more Revolutionary Army members gathered, making it impossible for Luffy to finish the fight.

Naturally, someone reported the incident to Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

Dragon, ever the calm and composed leader, stood up and said, "Take me to see him."

Once outside, standing on a high platform, Dragon's usual calm demeanor faltered. The Revolutionary Army member who had brought the report was shocked to see that the leader, usually unshaken even by the threat of the World Government, had cold sweat dripping down his face as he gazed at the intruder. With a stunned voice, he exclaimed:



Bartholomew Kuma had discovered that both Boa Hancock and Alastor were involved with the situation, so as a precaution, he didn't take Luffy to Amazon Lily as in the original timeline, but instead sent him directly to the Revolutionary Army headquarters.

However, judging from Dragon's expression, there might be a surprise waiting, but it was clearly more of a shock than anything else.

"Do you know this intruder?" a messenger asked, looking at Dragon.

"Ah, well..." Dragon stammered, unable to speak at first.

The messenger was taken aback. The leader who could stand against the World Government without flinching was at a loss for words. What was the identity of this intruder?

Just then, footsteps approached, and a young girl with a red hat and goggles appeared.

"Mr. Dragon, does this boy have something to do with you?" she asked.

Dragon glanced at the girl for a moment, then sighed, his expression softening slightly. "Koala, this is my son, Monkey D. Luffy."

Koala, who had been a former slave of the Celestial Dragons and had been rescued by Fish Tiger, gasped in surprise.

"Wait, Mr. Dragon… you have a son?!" she asked, eyes wide with disbelief.

The messenger's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as he stood frozen in shock.

Koala blinked, her curiosity piqued. "Hey, Mr. Dragon, how did you have this son? I've never heard you mention him before."

Dragon blushed slightly, clearly embarrassed. For all these years, he had kept Luffy's existence a secret from everyone, even from Sabo, the young man he had taken as his successor.

"Ahem..." Dragon cleared his throat, trying to regain composure. "In any case, Koala, go and stop Luffy first and bring him here."

"Okay," Koala replied, a bit disappointed that her curiosity had not been satisfied, before heading off with the messenger to handle the situation.

Dragon, now feeling a bit nervous, reflected on his son. Since Luffy was born, he had entrusted his care to Garp and had barely been involved in his life, failing to fulfill his fatherly duties.

Though he had briefly seen Luffy off in Rogue Town, they had never truly met. If Garp hadn't told Luffy about his father in Water 7, Luffy might have never known the truth.

With a wry smile, Dragon quickly composed himself. After all, he was the man who dared to fight the World Government. He had to regain his focus.

As Dragon pondered how Luffy had arrived and who was responsible for sending him, his gaze shifted to a large indentation in the shape of a bear's paw on the coast of Bardigo. He immediately understood who was behind this.

"Kuma, Kuma, you really gave me a headache."

He had entrusted Kuma to be an undercover agent in the most dangerous place, as part of his work in the Seven Warlords of the Sea. But since Kuma had stopped contacting him, Dragon had been worried. However, based on Kuma's ability to send Luffy here, it was clear he was still safe.

Koala, watching Luffy fight off a dozen soldiers without losing his composure, smiled and nodded, impressed by Luffy's skills.

"As expected of Mr. Dragon's son, he's really strong."

Panting after his battle, Luffy turned to Koala and asked, "Who are you?"

It was unusual for Luffy to be out of breath so quickly. However, after his intense battles at Sabaody Archipelago, combined with days without food, his energy reserves were drained. But his spirit remained as strong as ever.

"I'm so hungry… I barely have any energy left." Luffy said, clutching his stomach.

Koala stepped forward, introducing herself. "My name is Koala, and I'm a subordinate of Mr. Dragon." She looked around at the tense crowd of Revolutionary Army soldiers. "Alright, everyone, stop fighting. This is Mr. Dragon's son."

The Revolutionary Army soldiers froze, their eyes widening in shock as they looked at Luffy.

"So this is Mr. Dragon's son, no wonder he's such a good fighter."

"He's the one who caused a commotion at Enies Lobby and has a bounty of 300 million berries! Straw Hat Luffy, right?"

"Yeah, that sounds about right."

Luffy, pausing to catch his breath, scratched his head, still confused.

"Dragon? Hmm... I think I've heard that name somewhere..." Luffy muttered, trying to recall. After a moment of thinking, he slapped his palm with his fist in realization.

"Oh, wait, my grandfather mentioned it in Water 7! Dragon is my father!"

The surrounding soldiers dropped their jaws in disbelief.

"You don't even know your own father's name?! How can you be this stupid?!"

Koala, unable to contain her laughter, held her stomach and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Haha! You really do look exactly like Sabo!" Koala teased.

"Sabo?! Do you know Sabo?!" Luffy's eyes widened in excitement. Unlike his delayed reaction to the mention of Dragon, the name Sabo had him immediately jumping up with joy.

"Sabo is the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army," Koala explained.

At this, Luffy grinned ear to ear. "Sabo's here? That's awesome! He's my brother!"

Koala's eyes widened in shock. The realization hit her like a wave.

Luffy, the infamous Straw Hat Pirate, was the son of Dragon, meaning Sabo was also Dragon's son.

"Sabo is Mr. Dragon's son too?! No wonder Dragon treats him so differently. They've been hiding this from me all along!" Koala thought, her heart racing with the newfound revelation.

Meanwhile, at the Punk Hazard facility, deep within the World Government's secret research base, Vegapunk, the genius scientist, had been conducting experiments on the Bloodline Factors for years. Today, he was particularly excited about a new breakthrough: an artificial Devil Fruit.

It wasn't the first time Vegapunk had created an artificial Devil Fruit, but today's creation was different: a Blue Dragon fruit meant to mimic the power of Kaido, one of the Four Emperors. This fruit, if successful, could rival Kaido's strength, a massive leap for the World Government.

The research facility buzzed with anticipation as scientists gathered to see the fruit. However, when they saw it, disappointment spread like wildfire.

"What is this? This isn't even close to a Blue Dragon fruit! The colors don't match!"

"The Blue Dragon fruit is supposed to be light blue, not purple!"

"It doesn't even look like a Phantom Beast fruit. Vegapunk, you failed again!"

Caesar Clown, who had always been in competition with Vegapunk, couldn't resist adding a sarcastic remark. "You failed, Vegapunk," he sneered. "Your skills are nowhere near mine!"

But Vegapunk was undeterred by Caesar's taunts. He knew that while the fruit's color was off, its functionality was still promising.

"Why is this happening?" Vegapunk muttered, still trying to figure out where he went wrong. "It shouldn't be like this. The colors… something's missing."

"Heh..." Caesar sneered from behind him. "Admit it, Vegapunk. You'll never be the scientist I am."

Vegapunk, unfazed, ignored the provocation. He was focused on his work, and despite the color difference, he knew the fruit's potential was still intact. He was confident in his creation.

"Color aside, this fruit will work," he thought, though he wouldn't allow himself to overlook any flaw. Vegapunk considered the fruit a failure and decided not to deliver it to the World Government just yet.

He placed the fruit in a room to be stored, leaving Caesar behind, completely ignoring his presence.

Caesar, seething with anger, stormed back to his own lab. "Damn Vegapunk! He's so smug! He failed, just like I would've expected!"

A young woman in a secretary outfit walked up to him, concerned. "What happened, Lord Caesar?"

"Vegapunk is the problem!" Caesar raged. "He's pretending everything is fine, but he failed! He just doesn't want to admit it!"

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