"You are indeed setting yourself up for a heartbreak," Lorry, Sky's best friend said to her, still in disbelief at what she had just heard her best friend say to her.
"You are going to get hurt. Ocean is in love with Amanda and that's never going to change and I thought you already said you were going to move on from him? Why would you allow yourself to get used even if it's a part of the deal?" Lorry questioned, her head banging in anger on behalf of her best friend.
"I wish there is a better way for me to explain and tell you about it but sadly there's none. I don't think you'd also get it because you aren't in my shoes," Sky responded.
Lordy shook her head. "This isn't about being in anyone's shoes Sky."
"This is about the damage you are going to cause for yourself and as your best friend I cannot allow you to walk into the self destructive part," Lordy countered.