Kuroyama High School in Japan, a place where all kinds of people lived together. Shinzo Takakura, for his part, was in a state of intellectual torpor, his mind being entirely absorbed by one single thought : his entry into this institution, which was only a prelude to his ultimate goal, that of conquering the throne.
He had never known his sister, but he knew full well that he should not underestimate her. Despite their distance, she was two years older than him in the final year, while he was only in the second. This difference in age and status, although it seemed insignificant at first sight, was nevertheless a factor that he should not ignore in his ambitions.
He also knew that he was the son of the devil and that he should not make mistakes, he wanted his father to be proud.
Shinzo knew perfectly well that his high school distinction, even if only at the entrance, was not a great success, from his height of 1 meter 79, his only quality (and again, to see if it is one) were his red eyes that attracted some glances. Moreover, most of the high school students around him displayed impressive physical characteristics, as if they were all fans of combat sports.
Shinzo passed the gate and saw an excessively muscular boy who passed him in front, calm, he had hair in a mess, beautiful purple eyes, a rather large jaw, an excessively muscular body and he had to make the 2 meters.
Actually, Shinzo was skeptical about entering this school, but this horrible feeling took possession of him only a few minutes, because he would do everything to achieve his goal. Despite his large size, his physique is not seen at all, which can allow some stalkers to target him.
"I have no time to waste on such trivial things."
He entered the school, which looks modern, yet the exterior has a traditional side. There was no lock to change shoes, as if you had to keep the same shoes. Obviously, a uniform was imposed. Shinzo looked at his schedule and saw that there was an opening ceremony for the first time this year. It was in the chapel according to the schedule. Shinzo looked around him to succeed in finding himself in this high school which was very large and then he saw an outside, this outside was big, with a room at the back of the courtyard, what seemed to be a chapel.
Shinzo sighed, he was going to have to ask where the chapel was to someone he didn't know, which obviously bothered him, because he still had no time to waste with it.
He saw a pretty girl, green eyes, brown hair, preparing her clothes for the next class. Shinzo approached her, waving his hand, embarrassed but still cold.
"Uh, yeah, hi, can I find out where the chapel is please?"
The girl turned around and looked Shinzo straight in the eyes, silence was long before she spoke again, smiling.
"Of course ! You will come with me if you want. Sorry for the long silence... let's just say I'm surprised to see someone so tall."
Shinzo rubbed his head, he wasn't sure if it was a compliment or a remark, but he didn't think much more of it.
"The guy with the violet eyes... he's six feet tall, he's much taller."
To tell the truth, he understood her point of view anyway, as she couldn't have been more than 5 feet tall, so she was REALLY looking up when she spoke to him.
"Yeah, but the guy with the violet eyes, I don't want to hang out with him, that guy's a bully behind his angel face. Anyway, come with me."
Shinzo wondered directly something he didn't hesitate to ask the girl.
"By the way, how do you know where the chapel is ?"
He was wary, for he knew that trust was a false concept. She replied instantly, laughing.
"I used to go to the Kuroyama middle school next door, don't worry!"
Shinzo nodded even though he didn't believe it, well, he did, but, it's mixed. She continued.
"You must be pretty damn deep for even this person not to be able to discern anything."
"What do you mean ?"
This remark had sent shivers down Shinzo's spine: what was she implying ? Why was she so serious ?
"'Well... the one who writes..."
"What a strange girl."
Shinzo decided to change the discussion directly, finding the girl's behavior strange.
"What's your name ?", he said.
The girl thought for a few moments, then finally retorted as she began to head towards the chapel.
"Sakura Aiko. And you?"
"Shinzo Takakura, nice to meet you."
A long silence ensued until they reached the chapel, Shinzo bending down directly as a sign of respect, to which Sakura smiled. They entered the chapel.
Shinzo seemed to be one of the last to arrive. He didn't think it was very serious himself, but he took his place under the principal without saying a word.
In fact, Shinzo had watched the principal for a while, and had noticed that he was very muscular despite his old age, which seemed to reflect his 70s, despite his voice, which sounded much younger. The old man finally began to speak for the opening ceremony.
"Welcome, students, to Kuroyama High School. This year is important, because it's decisive, but in only one sense: I see you, the stalkers, the victims, the jerks as well as the good guys, and, do what you want, stalk, die, it's not our problem. But know one thing: You'll have to fight not to get stepped on and reach the top of the ranking, of course, if you're altruistic and intelligent, you can reach the number 1 spot without even fighting. Good luck, I'm already done."
The students were speechless, as this was a very surprising concept for a high school. Shinzo's eyes were wide, as he hadn't expected this revelation at all. However, it suited him : 100 years to conquer the throne of the Father, the Devil, this high school was going to speed up his task, and he wasn't going to let go of such an opportunity to conquer the world.
He got up from his chair, and, Shinzo thinking they were already going to start fighting, was surprised that everyone seemed to leave with respect.
"That surprises me."
As he made his way to the high school entrance lock, he saw an index card in the courtyard, hanging from a window with tape, above it was the name of each student and which class they were assigned to.
Shinzo searched impatiently for his name, then saw that it was at the very bottom, in 2-F.
A blond, scum-like man with an arrogant grin and a cigarette in his mouth approached him.
"There are 6 classes, from F to A, and, obviously, it's not for nothing: F corresponds to the weakest room and A the strongest."
He saw the look of surprise and concern on Shinzo's face, but continued, with a slight chuckle.
"Don't worry, they put the students in random classes at first, then, if you manage to impose yourself, you move up, or down in the opposite direction."
"Oh okay..."
Shinzo actually noticed something interesting : Why was this guy coming to talk to him?
Then he noticed the Christian cross on the guy's neck, which irritated him to no end, so much so that his vein popped out of his head, but he tried not to say anything. The blond approached the sheet, then looked to see which class he was in.
"2-F... we're in the same class man, I'm willing to help you get to the top."
"Why does he want to help me?"
He held out his hand to Shinzo while smoking his cigarette in front of Shinzo's face, which disturbed him, he coughed then cleared the smoke from the cigarette with his hand. Then finally shook his hand.
"Shinzo Takakura."
"Raizo Tachibana, yo."