The rest of the pathway was smooth as Rex and Sarah arrived at another trio of boosters. This time, the options were a shield, a rocket, and a bomb. Since there were no projectiles to protect against at the moment, Rex grabbed the rocket without much thought.
"What are you going to do with that"
Sarah was interested in what kind of miracle he was going to pull off again but Rex really had nothing to show off, he just grabbed it because the shield was useless as there was no other players around them.
To buy himself some time, he decided to fire the rocket aimlessly. It shot forward with a loud whoosh. As fate would have it, a monkey was crossing the road from one tree to another, holding a bunch of bananas in its hands. Before the monkey could cross completely, it heard the sharp sound of the rocket approaching. Panicking, it jumped to the other tree, tossing its bananas into the air before scurrying away.
To Rex's surprise, a booster appeared on the road where the bananas had landed. He hadn't expected anything, let alone a booster, to materialize from such a random act. Upon closer inspection, the booster icon depicted bananas.
'Is it an attacking booster'
Rex thought of a scene where his character who was driving the car suddenly threw the banana after eating it making the car behind it slip. But that was just an imagination. Rex grabbed the booster and saw that the use icon for it didn't light up.
"Brother, what is that boost"
"I have never seen it before"
Rex was surprised that even Sarah herself didn't know because he was going to ask her about what the boost was but Rex had a brilliant plan. Fake it till you make it,
"I don't know what others call it but, I myself call it the Great Banananana"
Sarah looked at him with squinched eyes as if it was really the name he had came up with.
"I will just call it the banana boost…"
"What is it used for"
She was interested in the new information and wanted to know more. She had never seen this neither on the game forums or the wiki.
"You will find out soon"
Rex said in a mysterious smile as if he truly knew what it does. They continued on the track,
"There should be a fuel station up ahead"
This map truly fit Rex's style because unlike other maps where you had to manage your fuel and make it so that it doesn't run out before a station, this map had three and the track was short compared to other maps. When Rex took over, it was already the third lap, the final lap.
He speeded over without caring about the fuel usage before arriving at the fuel station where a monkey mechanic came over quickly with his racer car coloured shirt which was orange. It was called a fuel station but not only did it fuel your tank, the mechanic would fix your car. How much time it took would depend on the fuel and damage done to the car. The mechanics of these maps were monkeys. Depending on your starting positions the fuel station would have their slotted places and you couldn't go in other player's fuel stations.
Unlike Sarah who didn't notice anything different, Rex saw something, the booster icon had shone a little though on the edges, he saw it and pressed it and an animation appeared. The character in the car gave the mechanic monkey a banana and the monkey had stars in his eyes as it turned into a flash. Within seconds, not only was the fuel tank restored. The entire car had been fixed.
Both Sarah and Rex had surprised expressions on their faces.
"That's why I call it the Great Banananana"
Sarah rolled her eyes over his explanation and continued to call it what she wanted to call.
"I didn't expect the banana boost to be able to do this"
"Wait, is the speed faster than before"
She noticed that the speed of the car was faster than the top speed which can be achieved normally. A bright icon of a wrench appeared on the top right hand corner.
"Is it a buff given by the mechanic monkey due to the banana boost"
Rex didn't even know about it but decided to go with it. The buff had a time limit as the icon which appeared whole was slowly removing itself but it was going down very slowly which meant that it lasted for very long.
__ __ __
On the monitor was a black coloured red striped car which was the car of DarKnight71. The person who was in control of the car, looking at the monitor was a beautiful girl who had scarlet red hair. She was wearing a pair of loose-fitting homewear shorts and an oversized hoodie as she lay sprawled across her bed with head resting on a pillow on the bottom end of her bed. If her mother walked in, she'd surely scold her for her being so unladylike but of course this is because she was in her own room alone. If it was outside, she would be sure to maintain her status.
"Hehe, with that I should be able to win the first place"
"I can't wait to see how IronfisT will react when she reaches the finish line after"
Though she used a bit of an underhanded way to make her go through the other path, she didn't feel guilty. Afterall, she was just using tactics and it was just a game. Though money was on the line, she wouldn't necessarily grab it if IronfisT didn't have any. She had also seen how much money IronfisT had won before.
They were gaming friends who had been together for a few ears. She couldn't beat IronfisT in most of the other games and this was the game she could. She remembered the other games where she lost against IronfisT. She was just taking revenge and wanted to shove it in the face of IronfisT.
Seeing the finishing line from afar, she thought about whether to take a small skip.
"It's already nearing, better not to take risks"
As she neared the finish line, she saw something. A car which was parked at the finishing line.
'Is someone afk"
She thought that it was something who had been afk during the start of the round but as she got closer, the colour of the car became a little more clear.
"It couldn't be….."