The Ainsley Marquess Household
A commotion broke out within the grand estate when two scholars arrived unannounced.
"Excuse me?"
"Yes, is Arwen Ainsley present?"
The lady of the house, Dianna Ainsley, hesitated. She wasn't sure how to respond. These scholars had come specifically asking for her daughter.
"If I may ask," she began. "What is this visit about?"
"The propagation of her thesis," one of the scholars explained. "It has been submitted, and she has been given full credit."
Dianna blinked. "….Come again?"
The second scholar adjusted his glasses. "Her research was reviewed and accepted by the academic board. It's currently being circulated among leading scholars."
Silence followed.
Dianna's grip on the parlor door tightened. "Arwen's.… thesis? She submitted a thesis—?"