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Reborn as a dragon killer

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Little devil let Lu Mingfei back to 18 years old. That year, Shilan middle school students are sad for the upcoming graduation, Xia Mi is still in Beijing middle school reading preparatory classes, Chu Zihang and Caesar all regard each other as destined opponents, drawing pear Yi is in the shrine of the source of heavy industry, secretly planning the next warping home plan, want to see the world outside of eight snake branches! - The tragedy of Che has not yet happened, everything has time to change... Tokyo that will never stop the heavy rain, poured out Lu Mingfei deep cowardice; The icy expanse of snow in the Arctic Circle buried Lu Mingfei's last hesitation. He's back, and this time, he's determined to have no regrets

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - reborn to 18

"我的能力可以帮你回到 18 岁,让你重新选择."当然,这个世界上没有免费的午餐.回去的代价是我将永远离开你."你想回去吗,兄弟?"在北极圈的尼伯龙根,陆明泽微笑着向陆明飞伸出手,这个小恶魔,陆明泽,依旧一如既往的优雅——他的西装无可挑剔,他的领结光亮丽,口袋里露出一条白色的丝绸手帕.但他的眼睛里充满了深深的悲伤,一种压倒性的,如潮汐般的悲伤,似乎可以淹没整个世界.他们周围躺着一个女人,她的血液已经完全抽干了,她深红色和黑色的血液在雪地里凝结.那只混血地狱犬,咆哮着,露出牙齿,被血腥味逼疯了,对着陆明飞凶狠地吠叫着,仿佛要扑向他,将他撕成碎片.然而,这些野兽却无法靠近,它们的爪子犹豫不决地抓挠着雪地,仿佛前方有什么比它们更可怕的东西.浑身是血的陆明飞挣扎着站起来,握住了陆明泽的手.随着北极尼伯龙根的大雪继续下着,地狱犬从地狱中大声嚎叫."陆明飞,你在干什么?"陆明飞突然抬起头来.他面前是一面方镜.当他抬起头的那一刻,他看到了自己.这显然是一个浴室或类似的东西.他双手靠在水槽的边缘,茫然地盯着镜子里自己的倒影.小恶魔,冰冻的湖面,乔伟妮,嗜血的混血地狱犬——这一切瞬间消失了,就像孩子吹出的肥皂泡一样,一戳就消失得干干净净.


镜子里有一具憔悴的身体,凌乱的头发,还有那张熟悉的,令人恼火的自鸣得意的脸.陆明飞很清楚,镜子里的人就是他,但他并不是他本该有的样子.经过校长的专门训练后,陆明飞的身体因为严格的,填鸭式的体能锻炼而变得更加肌肉发达.他强壮到可以与公牛摔跤,他肌肉发达的身材足以让年轻的女学生昏迷.否则,他就无法在巴西与一位 300-1. 磅的混合舞王正面交锋.但镜子里的人好瘦,像一根芦苇,仿佛一阵风就能把他吹倒.他看起来非常虚弱,仿佛回到了高中时代.陆明飞转头看向那个叫他名字的人,然后他看到了一张熟悉的面孔——一张他几乎要忘记的面孔.赵梦华.赵梦华疑惑地看着陆明飞.当他走进浴室时,发现陆明飞弯着腰靠在水槽上,茫然地盯着空荡荡的脸盆.陆明菲保持如此奇异的姿势这么久,以至于赵梦华几乎确信,那里的人不是陆明飞,而是一个一动不动的玩偶.赵梦华清了清嗓子好几次,但陆明飞并没有注意到他的到来,只好开口了.陆明飞茫然地盯着赵梦华,在他的耳边,仿佛小恶魔的耳语又一次回荡了起来."我的能力可以帮你回到 18 岁,让你重新选择."他真的回来了吗?鲁明泽把他送回了18岁吗?不管是激动还是悲伤,陆明飞突然觉得想哭.在北极圈的尼伯龙根,当陆明飞和乔伟妮被地狱犬逼到绝境,无处可逃时,就在他们被困在无尽的雪地中,无助之时,小恶魔突然出现,再次向他伸出了手.这一次,小恶魔没有带走他四分之一的生命.反而牺牲了自己,把陆明飞送回了18岁.


在福源酒家的一次同学聚会上,小恶魔已经向陆明飞提出了类似的提议,给他一个重新开始的机会.那是一个雨夜,就在陆鸣飞被学院成员追捕的时候,陆明泽试探地伸出了手,仿佛只用一个点头,陆明飞就可以恢复正常的生活.但那一次,陆明飞选择了拒绝.然而这一次,他抓住了陆明泽伸出的手——于是他真的回来了."我没事,"陆明飞对赵梦华微微一笑."我们在哪儿?""如果不参加毕业派对,我们还能在哪里呢?文学俱乐部一起看电影,记得吗?赵梦华一脸奇怪地看着陆明飞,仿佛觉得陆明飞已经快要患上老年痴呆症了.但他并没有多想,递给陆明飞一个纸袋."这是你的西装.请务必在演讲前进行更改.陈雯雯说你应该穿得正式.包里叠得整整齐齐,是一套黑色西装,白色衬衫和一条修身的领带——这套合身的韩式西装看起来与陆明飞纤细的身材相得益彰.这个袋子,以及它里面的记忆,触发了陆明飞内心的某个东西.看着那套衣服,他突然想起了自己在哪里,明白了赵梦华的意图.那时,陆明飞还在读高中三年级;这是文学俱乐部的毕业派对,他们一起去了电影院.Lu Mingfei had been chosen by Zhao Menghua as a mere backdrop, someone Zhao could use as a stepping stone to confess to Chen Wenwen! By chance, Lu Mingfei had a crush on Chen Wenwen at the time too, and had even picked the same day to confess his feelings.Looking back, he thought himself foolish. Zhao Menghua and Chen Wenwen had long been exchanging fond glances, just a step away from being an official couple, and yet he'd been cluelessly wondering if Chen Wenwen liked him and would accept his confession.Zhao Menghua had clearly picked up on his feelings, which was why he'd borrowed Chen Wenwen's name to coax Lu Mingfei into wearing the suit and taking the stage, setting him up to make a fool of himself. The moment Lu Mingfei got on stage, Zhao Menghua would swoop in and confess to Chen Wenwen first.Taking the girl he liked right in front of him—that was a bold move, an arrogant display, a sharp warning not to go after Chen Wenwen.In truth, though a bit heartbroken over Zhao Menghua winning Chen Wenwen's affection, Lu Mingfei hadn't found it hard to accept. After all, Zhao Menghua was often called "the next Chu Zihang," with great looks, grades, and a good family background. Chu Zihang was such an outstanding person—how could Lu Mingfei compete with someone like that?Looking back, he felt he'd been pathetically naive, but he had no resentment. Nearly everyone has unrequited loves in their youth, yet few ever end up with them. This quiet crush was like a seed buried in the soil, tenderly stretching its roots at even the smallest sign of warmth, its slender tendrils weaving deep into his heart. Its fate, however, was to wither the moment it faced the sun.He thought of that moment on stage: he hadn't even managed to speak before the spotlight shifted. Standing awkwardly, he could only watch as Zhao Menghua confidently strode up with flowers in hand, announcing his love for Chen Wenwen, who shyly confessed she liked him too. As everyone cheered, Lu Mingfei had clapped along, looking down to hide his face as he fought back tears.Surprisingly, looking back now, Lu Mingfei felt little pain or anger—only regret that he hadn't made better choices, leaving himself in such a pathetic position. This time, though, things would be different. Not just at this reunion, but for so many regrets he wished to change, to fight for, to turn his story from tragedy to triumph.The memories poured over him—the icy bronze city below the Three Gorges Dam, the broken-down subway in the Nibelungen, and Tokyo in cherry blossom season, where endless rain fell… memories weighed down by a dusty sorrow. His heart stirred, and he thought of the warm, dimly lit love hotel in Tokyo, where the red-haired girl sat by the tatami, flipping through a travel guide as she considered where to go once the rain stopped. Lu Mingfei alternated between watching her and the rain outside, which fell as though it might drown them together in that little room.D*mn, he almost thought he could hear the patter of Tokyo rain again.Silently, he laughed to himself. He realized just how much he had to do. There were so many people to save, so many regrets to mend. Today was the perfect starting point—he checked the date. May 15, 2009. He still had months before he would enroll in Kassel Academy. Old Tang had months to go before he became Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire; Xia Mi was still studying her pre-college courses in Beijing, and Chu Zihang had not yet been forgotten by everyone.Japan was still a year or two away. There was plenty of time—not only to slay Herzog, but even to bring Eriyi home to meet his aunt and uncle for a hearty hotpot meal. He could imagine how the country girl, who got excited even over a simple fried rice, would be delighted at a spicy hotpot feast, though he wasn't sure if she could handle the spice.And the little devil, Lu Mingze… Lu Mingfei wondered about his situation now. He'd have to go to the Arctic sometime to check on him.What a blessing that none of the tragedies had yet occurred, and that there was still time to change everything.Lu Mingfei washed his face in cold water to wake himself up. He tossed Zhao Menghua's suit aside, then pushed open the bathroom door and stepped out.This time, he wouldn't let himself have any regrets.(ps:8 chapters are updated every Friday)





"You came out without changing into the suit?" Zhao Menghua frowned at Lu Mingfei.He had given Lu Mingfei a suit, but Lu Mingfei was still in his casual clothes, which disrupted Zhao Menghua's plans. His tone even held a hint of frustration.With a touch of an accusatory tone, Zhao Menghua added, "You're not planning on giving your speech in those clothes, are you?"The speech, of course, was just a ruse to get Lu Mingfei up on stage. In Zhao Menghua's plan, Lu Mingfei wouldn't even have a chance to say a word. As soon as he and the Xu brothers stepped onto the stage and reached the designated spot, the words "Chen Wenwen, I love you!" would appear on the screen beside them. That would be Zhao Menghua's big moment."Are they going to give speeches too?" Lu Mingfei chuckled, not bothering to say much more. He pointed to the two Xu brothers nearby, Xu Leilei and Xu Miaomiao.The two were standing by, wearing suits. The slim-fit Korean-style suits were stretched tightly over their round frames, making them look like little balls. Some classmates nearby with a teasing sense of humor were already calling them "pigs in suits."Lu Mingfei found himself wondering how he'd ever been so naive, actually believing Zhao Menghua's claim that Chen Wenwen had prepared the suit for him to give a speech. Even if Chen Wenwen had chosen a suit for him, would she also prepare one for the Xu brothers? All in the same style as his? It was just too suspicious.Lu Mingfei wasn't the timid, awkward high school kid anymore. He'd once been the president of the student council at Kassel Academy, after all—a guy who only needed to nod, and dozens of people would volunteer to serve him. He had a personal secretary, Isabelle, who took care of his daily life. On any given day, he was either commanding respect on campus or fighting deadpools with his katana outside of it. After seeing so much, he had a newfound sense of confidence. Most importantly, after Director Angers' intense training, Lu Mingfei was confident he could take down Zhao Menghua and a dozen of his friends if it came to it, so he wasn't intimidated by Zhao Menghua's attitude at all.To be honest, Lu Mingfei didn't quite understand Zhao Menghua's logic. Why drag him into this as a background character, just because he liked Chen Wenwen too? It was almost as if Lu Mingfei's old timidity had invited others to push him around. People couldn't help but want to kick a beaten-down rubber ball on the side of the road; they weren't even consciously malicious, just compelled to stomp on it.This time, Lu Mingfei resolved to change that.Zhao Menghua was momentarily taken aback by Lu Mingfei's attitude, unsure how to respond.In the past, Lu Mingfei had been the type of pushover anyone could order around, like a sandbag anyone could punch. But today, he seemed unexpectedly resolute. Zhao Menghua couldn't mold him to his liking and was thrown off, unable to react.If Lu Mingfei had been more assertive, he might've glared at Zhao Menghua and coldly pointed out that he was aware of his little scheme, telling him to behave or risk a disruption to his declaration. Just like he'd once warned unruly hybrids in Kassel Academy.At the time, President Lu had meant business—if the high-risk hybrids didn't behave, he'd deal with them personally, katana in hand.But freshly returned to high school, Lu Mingfei had little interest in confronting Zhao Menghua. Besides, as a former president of Kassel's student council, picking on an ordinary person seemed beneath him.So, Lu Mingfei simply found a seat, signaling that he intended to sit quietly, watch the movie, and be left alone."The suit's on the bathroom counter if you want it. There's still time to change," Lu Mingfei said, casting a brief glance at Zhao Menghua, whose expression fell somewhere between perplexed and frustrated. But with the movie about to start, Zhao Menghua didn't have time to argue and had to send an underling to grab the suit.In Zhao Menghua's plan, Lu Mingfei was a critical piece of the background. Missing him would throw things off.As Zhao Menghua walked away, someone else approached.The girl wore light makeup and a bright DKNY dress, strutting over proudly like a peacock displaying its feathers. She sat beside Lu Mingfei with her chin up."Did you tick Zhao Menghua off? He looked pretty annoyed," she said bluntly.It was Su Xiaoqiang, the class's legendary figure.Su Xiaoqiang's beauty was unmatched in their class, and her family's wealth from coal mining was just as impressive. With looks, money, and an almost charmed life, she was known as the "Little Celestial Maiden" of their school.As a side note, Little Celestial Maiden Su Xiaoqiang had a crush on Zhao Menghua."Me? Tick him off?" Lu Mingfei shrugged. "Would you believe me if I said it was the other way around?""Of course I would." Su Xiaoqiang winked. "You don't exactly seem like the type to provoke him—you wouldn't even dare cross me."The truth was, Lu Mingfei was only wary of Su Xiaoqiang to avoid being surrounded at the school gate by her many admirers.Their relationship was a strange one. They weren't exactly friends—neither would agree to that. One was the class darling, the other its bottom-rung outcast. They seemed worlds apart, yet, somehow, they still managed to be close.The Little Celestial Maiden was popular, no doubt. Everyone agreed on that. After all, she was good-looking, outgoing, and generous. But if you looked closely, she didn't really have any close friends. She was so dazzling, like a perfectly cut ruby, that most felt a little pressure around her. Even the thought of standing beside her felt overwhelming, so they kept their distance.Lu Mingfei was the only exception. He'd been stepped on so many times that he was used to it. Everyone could overshadow him, so if Su Xiaoqiang teased him a bit, no one batted an eye. In fact, they thought it looked… harmonious?Lu Mingfei didn't mind her teasing. If she enjoyed poking fun at him, he'd just go along with it, lying back and taking it. And after a while, the two of them ended up somewhat close.Whenever Su Xiaoqiang brought treats to class, there were only two people she'd personally hand them to. One was Zhao Menghua—everyone knew she liked him and didn't hide it. The other was Lu Mingfei.But the feelings were different. She brought snacks to Zhao Menghua with the giddy heart of a girl with a crush, while Lu Mingfei got treats as a sort of "here you go, so you don't bug me later."When he thought about it, Lu Mingfei couldn't quite define their relationship—friends? Frenemies? Big sister and little brother? None of it seemed right.They were more like the straight man and the comic in a routine. When the Little Celestial Maiden was flaunting her brightness, she needed someone to reflect her glow, to highlight it. Like those bootlicking cronies who hovered around the tyrants in TV dramas, praising them with empty words and fueling their arrogance.As Su Xiaoqiang awkwardly applied a touch-up with her silver compact, Lu Mingfei felt an urge to tease her, to say, "You know, all that makeup is kind of wasted. Soon, the guy you like is going to be confessing to Chen Wenwen. You'll be so heartbroken, your makeup will run."But she looked so bright and beautiful that he couldn't bring himself to say it. He'd bet she was hoping for a compliment from Zhao Menghua, a "You look really nice today." Yet the boy she liked hadn't even noticed her.D*mn it. Lu Mingfei realized they had something in common: the people they liked would end up together, leaving them out in the cold. Were they the losers in love, or some kind of special... comrades?Lu Mingfei searched his pockets but found he hadn't brought any money or tissues, which could be a problem since, in his memory, Su Xiaoqiang would end up crying after Zhao Menghua's successful confession.He slapped his forehead, then fetched some paper towels from the restroom. He folded them up neatly and slipped them into his pocket for later use.There was a saying that thoughtful boys always kept a pack of tissues handy—because you never knew when the girl beside you might need one. Now, Lu Mingfei understood that. If you weren't prepared, you might end up having her wipe her tears on your sleeve, and no one would want that.So, no, he wasn't thoughtful. No wonder girls didn't like him.In the dim, small movie theater, countless youthful thoughts drifted silently through the air. Then, the lights in the screening room dimmed.


(ps:8 chapters are updated every Friday)




Lei Lei Xu and a group of extras walked onto the stage under the cover of darkness, each finding their place and standing still, dressed in identical suits, motionless like wooden stakes, dutifully playing their parts as extras.Everything was proceeding as planned, just as Lu Mingfei had experienced before. The difference was that this time, he gave up the role of the clown, relegating himself to the inconsequential role of an observer. Was this a chance to mend past regrets? Lu Mingfei wasn't sure.Suddenly, a spotlight illuminated the screen, and a line of text appeared:"Chen Wenwen, I love you."The words flashed on the screen, and Lu Mingfei's surroundings erupted with teasing "Ooh~" sounds.Chen Wenwen was gazing at Zhao Menghua, her eyes brimming with affection, while Zhao Menghua gave her a confident nod and walked boldly up onto the stage. Zhao Menghua spoke with such conviction and confidence that Lu Mingfei found himself slightly dazed—someone who could declare his love so boldly must really like Chen Wenwen, right? It would be hard to make such a high-profile confession without genuinely liking her.Judging by their knowing glances, this wasn't so much a confession as an announcement of their relationship.At this moment, Zhao Menghua was declaring his feelings for Chen Wenwen, proclaiming that they were together. But Lu Mingfei couldn't help recalling a reunion a year later, when a group of classmates sat in an Italian restaurant, and Zhao Menghua, with his pianist fiancée Liu Miaomiao, held hands, wearing platinum Cartier rings as they announced their engagement. Meanwhile, Chen Wenwen cried silently in the restroom.Did feelings really have such a short shelf life? Not even until the end of time, but rather a single year, turning a fiery love into indifference.A memory stirred within Lu Mingfei—himself once planning to pick dandelions with Chen Wenwen. Back then, in his eyes, Chen Wenwen looked so beautiful in her white dress, so much so that her simple gesture of bending down to pick dandelions captivated him. His mind was flooded with verses from the Northern Song Dynasty poem Youth Wanders:"Blade as water, Wu salt whiter than snow, slender hands peeling fresh oranges."Lu Mingfei first encountered this Song poem when Chen Wenwen lent him her essay materials. He had scoffed, thinking this Zhou Bangyan guy was ridiculously lecherous, to be so captivated just by a girl peeling an orange.Until he liked Chen Wenwen himself. Then he realized that love was exactly like that. Not just her peeling an orange—even her picking dandelions would make him sneak glances; even when she napped on her desk, head resting on her arm, he could watch her hair move with her breathing, watching quietly until the bell startled her awake, only for him to hurriedly look away, his heart still racing.Did he ever imagine, back then, that he might one day stop liking Chen Wenwen?For some reason, an image of a girl with dark red hair filled his mind. That girl would sometimes laugh, wearing four-leaf clover earrings, and sometimes sit quietly beside him in a traditional priestess outfit, like a well-behaved kitten. Love is strange and uncontrollable.Lu Mingfei glanced at Su Xiaoqiang beside him.At this moment, her usually animated expressions were gone, and the dim lighting cast shadows over her lightly made-up cheeks, making her look heartbroken, like she was about to cry.The boy she liked was leaving with someone else.Lu Mingfei wanted to comfort her but didn't know what to say. The tissue he had recently grabbed finally came in handy—he pulled it out of his pocket and placed it on the armrest between them, signaling she could use it as she liked."Leading lady! Leading lady! Up on stage!"The crowd egged her on, a beam of light illuminating Chen Wenwen. Dressed in a white dress, the young girl slowly walked to the stage, her face flushed.On Chen Wenwen's face, shyness and joy intertwined, making her look like a fairy. Lu Mingfei had good taste—she was indeed beautiful."Say yes! Say yes!"Everyone stood up, the cheering filling the small theater."Actually, I like Zhao Menghua too," Chen Wenwen said softly."Wow!"Cheers erupted instantly. Zhao Menghua's friends started applauding, as if they were witnessing the vows of a newlywed couple. And at that moment, Su Xiaoqiang next to Lu Mingfei couldn't hold back any longer and quietly began to cry, covering her face."You know, it's okay if you cry louder," Lu Mingfei said honestly, thinking that Su Xiaoqiang was someone who would cry boldly, loudly sobbing and running out would be more her style. Crying silently like this felt so unlike her."If you weren't here, do you think I'd cry quietly?"Su Xiaoqiang looked at Lu Mingfei with teary eyes. "You didn't cry, so how can I cry loudly?"Lu Mingfei was stunned. "Why would I cry?""Chen Wenwen, of course. You like her, don't you?" Su Xiaoqiang asked with a sob. "She's leaving with someone else, and you're not heartbroken? You don't feel any regret? If I'm the only one crying, it makes me look pathetic."Lu Mingfei thought, "Hey, hey, hey, has everyone known I liked Chen Wenwen since high school? But my feelings have long since shifted, so why would I be sad?"In truth, Chen Wenwen had long been pushed out of his heart by Nono, and even now, Nono's position in his heart was beginning to waver."It's not that I'm not sad… but there's nothing you can do if she doesn't like you." He wanted to say more but was cut off by Su Xiaoqiang's loud sobs, which drew everyone's attention.Everyone knew Su Xiaoqiang liked Zhao Menghua, so it was natural for her to cry when her crush became someone else's boyfriend. Yet, seeing the scene, everyone seemed to think that Lu Mingfei had somehow caused her to cry.Finally, Su Xiaoqiang looked around and said loudly, "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen someone cry before?"With that, the crowd turned away as if receiving a royal decree.Lu Mingfei scratched his head. He felt he should apologize to Su Xiaoqiang since he had made her cry, though he didn't know exactly what he had said wrong. This scene felt even more difficult than a fight to the death."Thank you, really," Su Xiaoqiang said softly. "You were right… I just wasn't ready to hear it.""Oh… no need to thank me." After a long pause, he could only manage these few words, unsure what else to say."Lu Mingfei, I feel like you've changed. These don't sound like words you'd normally say," Su Xiaoqiang said. "I thought you'd be even sadder than me. I didn't expect you'd be so calm."Lu Mingfei, now, wasn't quite the fearful, pathetic person he used to be. If it were the old him, he'd have never managed to say these things, no matter how strongly he felt.Su Xiaoqiang, teary-eyed, asked him, "My makeup is probably all smudged from crying now. Do I look ugly?"Was Su Xiaoqiang ugly now? Absolutely not.Lu Mingfei thought of two characteristics in manga that attracted fans: "contrast" and "losing." Right now, these two qualities were perfectly embodied in Su Xiaoqiang."No, you look beautiful," Lu Mingfei said truthfully.For someone who had been through life and death, he should have been watching these young people's love and sorrow with the calm of a survivor, but for some reason, a strange sadness welled up in him, as if Su Xiaoqiang's sobs had awakened a deeply hidden pain in him.Lu Mingfei remembered another girl who had once cried for him, a girl now buried deep in a dark well. He'd failed her.He adjusted his clothes, and under Su Xiaoqiang's questioning gaze, stood up. He was someone who had resolved to change his life, and at that moment, he had to do something.



(ps:8 chapters are updated every Friday)







"Ricardo, we're running out of time. Are you still planning on staying?" After asking this, Nono was even surprised at herself.She clicked across the room in her high heels, watching Lu Mingfei and Zhao Menghua surrounded by people. The two were casually clinking beer cans together as if they were having a deep conversation about heroism, reminiscent of an ancient tale. The two were locked in a duel of words, drinking heartily.Zhao proclaimed, "The national idol Chu Zihang is nothing but a skeleton in a grave, and Su Xiaoqiao, though fierce, is timid. As for the piano prodigy Liu Miaomiao, she's all appearance with no substance. Even the Xu brothers are nothing but fools… In this place, there are heroes, but only you and I stand out, Minghua."Lu responded, "Oh, please, Zhao Menghua, you're all bark and no bite, pursuing short-term gains. A true hero? Look no further than myself."Nono wondered what was going on. The situation in the theater was completely different from what she had expected. She had heard from Xu Miaomiao that Zhao Menghua was going to humiliate Lu Mingfei. Expecting the worst for this "unlucky" guy, she had dressed to impress, borrowed a Ferrari, and came rushing in to stand up for him. But instead, there he was, mingling with Zhao Menghua and others like a fearless whiskey-drinking hero, standing out as the center of attention.Could he really be this bold? Nono could hardly reconcile this version of him with the person she knew."Senior sister," Lu Mingfei called out when he noticed Nono, his voice carrying a trace of excitement. He remembered this moment well. He'd always looked forward to her arrival, the moment when she'd open the door to the world of Kassel Academy for him. Nono had given him his first glimpse of something bright and beautiful, and just the sight of her dress had made his heart race.The lights in the hall fell upon him, and all eyes followed. This was indeed a strange sight: the usual nobody had become the star of the evening, drinking with Zhao Menghua and accompanied by a striking girl who seemed to have come just for him.Lu Mingfei walked toward Nono, who stood with a commanding presence in her ten-centimeter heels, forcing him to straighten up so he wouldn't look shorter."So, you've already decided to enroll?" Nono smiled, noting the change in his address."Since you're joining, I, your senior, must dress you properly. You can't be signing an enrollment agreement dressed like this," she said, eyeing him up and down.At her signal, two girls from behind her approached, carrying multiple suits. Without hesitation, they took his measurements and began adjusting the clothes to fit him. For the first time in a while, Lu Mingfei felt the warmth of someone's care close by.Nono held his shoulder to keep him steady as she straightened his hair. From an outside perspective, it looked as if she were gently fixing his appearance, but only Lu Mingfei could feel the strength in her grip."Not bad. I thought you'd be a wreck with Zhao Menghua around, but you handled yourself well," Nono remarked with a fatherly pat on his shoulder, pride evident in her voice.By then, the store assistants had dressed him in a suit that fit perfectly as if it had been tailored just for him. The transformation was remarkable, from a regular high school student to someone who looked like a Wall Street elite."Now this," Nono clapped approvingly, "is Ricardo M. Lu."As Nono helped him step out, she gave a graceful nod to his classmates. "Everyone, Ricardo has other engagements tonight, so we'll take our leave. Enjoy the rest of your evening."Don't be fooled by her kindness to Lu Mingfei. She found the S-class and "unlucky guy" labels amusing, so she took extra care with him. She felt no attachment to his classmates.Nono often wondered if she was a cold person, unable to let anyone into her heart, even someone like Caesar, who might have sensed her distance but believed he could one day win her over."Ricardo?" Zhao Menghua asked, watching them leave."It's just his name," Nono replied casually.Outside, a bright red Ferrari awaited, its model instantly recognizable to Lu Mingfei as the Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano. He straightened up, showing no hint of nervousness. After all, he had once owned a supercar himself, a Bugatti Veyron he'd won from Caesar, even if he'd wrecked it on his first drive.As they got into the Ferrari, the car roared to life and sped away, weaving through the city streets as the streetlights flickered on in waves, illuminating the road into the distance.After some time, Nono slowed down and glanced at him. "So, how does it feel?""How does what feel?""Losing your first love. I heard you liked Chen Wanting?" she teased with a mischievous grin.He took a deep breath, then answered, "Actually, it feels good."Nono was so startled that she almost lost control of the car, quickly pulling over. "Are you out of your mind?""I'm serious," he said softly, finally letting go of years of emotions. It wasn't sadness but a sense of relief, as if a weight had lifted."Would you give up that easily?" Nono asked, her curiosity piqued. "Aren't you going to fight for her?"Lu Mingfei hesitated, glancing at her. "Do you think she'd really love me back?"For a moment, Nono didn't know what to say. She could encourage him to pursue her, but she couldn't make someone love him. The truth was clear, but it hurt less than he had imagined. For the first time, he was free from the ache of unrequited love.As the car moved forward again, a quiet resolution settled over him. There were things he had to do, and places he needed to go. In that moment, Lu Mingfei made a decision. He would let go of his old dreams and set his sights on the unknown future.Later that night, he got out of Nono's fiery red Ferrari, took a deep breath, and dialed the number to Kassel Academy."Hello, I'd like to enroll as soon as possible."



(ps:8 chapters are updated every Friday)








When Professor Goodrian heard that Lu Mingfei had decided to enroll, the kind old man was nearly moved to tears. He immediately sent a helicopter slicing through the night sky to deliver the paperwork for Lu Mingfei to sign. Goodrian's eagerness was strikingly similar to that of a shady real estate agent seeing a potential buyer about to commit—desperate to seal the deal before they changed their mind. To Goodrian, Lu Mingfei's enrollment was like a president signing a billion-dollar trade deal with his country.Lu Mingfei, of course, had no intention of backing out. He was eager to rewrite his tragic story at Kassel Academy, so he quickly signed his name on the contract, even emphasizing to Goodrian that he wanted to start as soon as possible.Goodrian, delighted, assured him that he was one of the Academy's finest students and that his request would be their motivation. He promised that Lu Mingfei's admission letter, flight ticket, and passport would arrive with the speed worthy of a "very important person."As it turned out, Lu Mingfei's eagerness indeed had an effect. Due to his "urgent request for admission," the Academy's secretary, Norma, expedited the processing of his documents. Compared to the usual timeline, his passport and ticket were delivered a full week earlier to his aunt's house. The ticket was set for September, the same month returning students started their semester. Typically, new students' admissions wouldn't begin until early October, around the 7th or 8th.Lu Mingfei still wasn't entirely satisfied with this date. If it were up to him, he'd have started even sooner, in July or August. However, Professor Goodrian explained that allowing him to join in September alongside returning students was already exceptional. Without a compelling reason, an earlier start date simply wasn't possible.Lu Mingfei understood Goodrian's difficulties. The late start for new students was due to the extensive documentation needed—not only official paperwork but other, less visible processes. In fact, Kassel Academy would create a complete false identity for each student to protect them. Dragon-slaying was a dangerous occupation, and some highly intelligent, malevolent hybrids had climbed to high positions in human society. If a student entered the hybrid world with their real identity, it would be perilous for them and their families.In the past, incidents had occurred where a rogue A-level hybrid targeted the family and friends of the Academy's officers. In one case, the rogue was cornered in a desolate area, where grieving officers filled its body with bullets, some even resorting to rocket launchers. But it was already too late; the officers' lost loved ones would never return.So, from the moment Lu Mingfei agreed to enroll, his data was altered without anyone knowing, creating a completely different "Lu Mingfei" with modified education, birthplace, birthday, and even academic records. Some individuals would also leave traces for this identity worldwide to increase its authenticity. This elaborate process took time, hence the delayed start date.If Lu Mingfei hadn't been a special case, he wouldn't have been able to start with the returning students and would have had to wait until October to fly to America.By early October, however, Kassel Academy was no longer peaceful.On October 10th, the day after Lu Mingfei passed his 3E exam, a historic invasion took place. The announcement of a "Dragon Invasion" was sent to every student's phone, and sharp alarms echoed throughout the campus. Kassel students pulled out Uzi submachine guns, running and shouting as they engaged the invaders. Some students, fresh from a dance party and still in formal attire, pinned up their hair and fought back. The fierce battle nearly demolished half the campus.Among the invaders was Old Tang, also known as Ronald Tang, an American-Chinese bounty hunter Lu Mingfei had met through an online game. He lived in Brooklyn, New York, and took on jobs from various websites for income. But his true identity was the yet-unawakened Bronze and Fire King, Norton.He was also Lu Mingfei's friend. Back then, Old Tang was just an ordinary bounty hunter. Lost on campus after losing contact with his team, he unexpectedly encountered Lu Mingfei. The two of them were chased by Constantine, driving a Bugatti Veyron through the Academy's winding mountain roads.When Constantine was finally killed before him, the shock unlocked Old Tang's long-buried memories. Lu Mingfei watched as intense flames erupted from Tang's body, seemingly igniting the night. Tang's anguish-filled scream was like a desperate roar of fury and sorrow unleashed upon the world.On that chaotic night, Old Tang transformed into Norton, the Bronze and Fire King.It was also the night Lu Mingfei lost his first car—and his first friend.Perhaps, having finally resolved his inner turmoil over Nono, Lu Mingfei now felt a surge of energy, eager to make an impact at Kassel Academy. His first goal: to save Old Tang!Old Tang was the first friend Lu Mingfei made in America. Their bond, forged through long nights of gaming and chatting, wasn't easily broken—even if Tang was a Dragon King, Lu Mingfei wouldn't give up on him. He had few friends who understood him this well; the last one was Finger, with whom he'd shared such a close friendship that they'd even used two straws to share a single soda.Having been lonely most of his life, Lu Mingfei cherished every friend he had.Though Lu Mingfei's determination was strong, he didn't have a solid plan to save Old Tang. After all, Old Tang was the Bronze and Fire King, Norton. According to the Academy, once Norton's personality awakened, Tang, as they knew him, would be lost. From that point, he'd be only one thing—the Bronze and Fire King, an enemy of humanity.As Kassel's principal, Ange, put it, this was a war between two races, and from the beginning, everyone had chosen their side.Lu Mingfei thought that since Old Tang's memories were triggered by witnessing Constantine's death, maybe he could prevent it by tying Tang up at home on the day of the invasion. Or perhaps he could find a way to seal away the Dragon King's memories, allowing Tang to remain himself. He'd even considered guarding Constantine's egg to prevent its revival.Lu Mingfei had countless ideas, and while none were guaranteed to work, he had to try. If he hesitated and let the tragedy unfold without intervention, he'd be no different from his past self.He'd once made mistakes due to indecision and weakness, leading to unforgettable tragedies. Whenever night fell, regret flooded his heart, suffocating him with "what if I had…" thoughts that tore at his heart.This time, he wouldn't hesitate. So, when it was time to depart, he packed his bags and headed to the airport, as determined as a knight charging into battle. Norma had booked him a flight to Chicago as if it were his warhorse, ready to carry him to the battlefield.Interestingly, his aunt seemed even more excited than him about going to college in the U.S.Perhaps influenced by news and online complaints from overseas students, she viewed America as a chaotic place, plagued by crime and unhealthy food. She imagined the only things to eat were fried chicken and burgers, while robberies and riots lurked beyond every corner.Worried about Lu Mingfei's safety, she packed various items in his suitcase. The heaviest was a sturdy pressure cooker, hoping it might shield him in the event of a shooting incident. Other items included beef jerky, traditional herbal medicine, and, if not for Lu Mingfei's intervention, a dozen jars of Lao Gan Ma chili sauce.Packing was enjoyable for his aunt but burdensome for Lu Mingfei. Together, his suitcase and backpack weighed nearly as much as half his own weight.Although his aunt could have accompanied him as a concerned parent, both his uncle and aunt were too busy with work to see him off, leaving all the luggage to him alone. By the time Lu Mingfei reached Beijing Airport, exhausted after dragging his bags through security and check-in, he was nearly spent.Sitting in the waiting area at the boarding gate, he stared at the clock, hoping his flight would arrive soon to take him to Kassel Academy.Then, he froze. Among the crowd, he spotted a familiar figure.The person wore a black Diesel hoodie, a Burberry checkered scarf, and carried a black suitcase with a laptop bag draped over the handle. Though stylishly dressed, his lean, blade-sharp demeanor, coupled with a broodingly handsome face, made him a "wolf-like" heartthrob who attracted lingering glances from passing girls."Chu Zihang?"



(ps:8 chapters are updated every Friday)






It really was Chu Zihang. Lu Mingfei never thought he would encounter him at the airport.Hearing someone call his name, Chu Zihang turned around and spotted Lu Mingfei in the crowd. In that moment, everything else seemed to disappear as their gazes met across the bustling sea of people, as if it were destiny. The genius dragon-slayer was reborn and reunited with his blood-bound comrade. At this moment, the gears of fate began to turn, grinding and creaking. Even though this was their first meeting, both felt a strange familiarity, as if they were always meant to stand side by side. They couldn't help but run toward each other, tears in their eyes, ready to embrace in the middle of the airport… or not.Though Lu Mingfei was indeed as excited as a monkey spotting tourists on Mount Emei, eager to give Chu Zihang a big hug, Chu Zihang subtly stepped back, maintaining a safe distance, almost as if Lu took one step too far, he'd be met with a quick jab to the jaw, flooring him on the spot."Are you serious about that step back?" Lu thought, a small action but it hurt so much.With polite restraint, Chu Zihang asked, "And you are?""I'm Lu Mingfei, from Shilan High School, a year below you," Lu Mingfei quickly explained. "I heard your cello solo at the school's New Year's Gala. Your performance of Schindler's List was incredible! A lot of girls in my class were asking for your contact info."Lu stammered through his explanation, knowing that Chu Zihang didn't recognize him yet, trying to play it casual. But what he said was true; they were indeed schoolmates. Chu Zihang was a legendary figure at Shilan High. Even before going to Kassel Academy, Lu had heard his name numerous times in passing.Sometimes Chu Zihang was the "Outstanding Student Representative" giving speeches under the national flag, while Lu and thousands of other students from the middle and high school divisions stood in the playground. Dressed in the blue school uniform, Chu Zihang would calmly read his speech from start to finish. Other times, he was the center in the school basketball team, his every drive and slam dunk securing points, his shadow on the court lingering as a topic of discussion for a week straight.The performance that left the deepest impression on Lu was Chu's cello solo at the New Year's Gala. Despite his lack of musical inclination, Lu had anticipated Liu Miaomiao's piano solo more, figuring that even if he couldn't appreciate the music, he could admire the performer. But as Chu walked on stage with his cello, pulling the bow in solitude, even someone as tone-deaf as Lu found himself immersed in that mournful sound.Lu always thought that Chu Zihang must be a cold and proud top student, someone from a completely different world than him. Until that night in the cafeteria, filled with the greasy scent of soy-braised pork knuckles, when Chu's outburst led him to say he would help Lu smash Caesar's axle.In a way, Shilan High really was a prime talent feeder for Kassel Academy. Of the Academy's three key figures in the future, two would come from Shilan.Right now, Lu felt incredibly uncomfortable. After all, his best friend was standing right before him, yet he had to pretend they were strangers. He really wanted to give Chu Zihang a big hug, relieved to see him as Chu Zihang and not as "Lu Mang." But he couldn't help feeling happy too. After all, what could be more joyful than seeing your life-and-death brother safe and sound, knowing you'd nearly lost him?Lu had always been bad at hiding his emotions; his crush on Chen Yaoyao had been apparent to the entire class. Now, his mixed feelings of joy and sadness were equally visible.Though Chu Zihang seemed emotionless, his inner sensitivity was unmistakable. If he weren't, he couldn't have taken such good care of his mother, to the point where her friends showered him with praise, even joking they'd trade their unruly sons for him—two for one, if need be.Though Chu couldn't remember Lu Mingfei, he couldn't ignore Lu's joy, which shone as if a fan had just met their idol, or a mother reunited with a lost child.Why did this feel so strange?Back when Chu Zihang was at Shilan, classmates had mentioned a fan club called the Navigation Society. This "navigation" was not GPS-related; rather, it was a fan club dedicated to him, with members studying his horoscope and daily habits. If Chu had a basketball game, they'd go in groups to cheer him on.Lu Mingfei now bore a certain resemblance to those Navigation Society members."That really is a coincidence," Chu responded politely."It sure is! It's amazing that two students from Shilan could meet at the airport all the way here.""People said you went to study in the U.S., and now I'm headed there too. Which university are you at?" Lu smiled, seizing the opportunity. "We might even be in the same city!"This was Lu's little scheme. He already knew Chu was at Kassel Academy and was even president of the Lionheart Society, but he pretended not to know, hoping to keep the conversation going.Chu, perhaps surprised by Lu's familiarity, responded instinctively, "A small college on the outskirts of Chicago, nothing famous. You probably wouldn't have heard of it.""Chicago? No way! I'm going to Chicago too!" Lu exclaimed. "Have you heard of Kassel Academy? We're a partner school with the University of Chicago."Chu was momentarily stunned. "Kassel Academy?"Evidently, he hadn't expected Lu to be a new student at Kassel, especially given Lu's innocent, harmless appearance—which seemed a bit out of place for the school known for its ferocious killers.Lu couldn't believe his luck. Meeting Chu before he even set foot in Kassel Academy—what a twist of fate.Chu also found it remarkable, asking, "Was your ticket booked by the Academy's secretary, Norma?"Lu nodded."That explains it," Chu said. "My ticket was also booked by Norma. She often books tickets in bulk, and since we're from the same school and city, she probably assumed we knew each other and put us on the same flight. Norma can be quite considerate sometimes."They both took out their boarding passes and realized they were not only on the same flight but had adjacent seats—clearly arranged by Norma.Lu Mingfei had never appreciated Norma's "consideration" so much before. He had wondered how he'd naturally reconnect with Chu at the Academy, but now that problem was solved—such a natural encounter, just like the opening of a coming-of-age film."So, we're schoolmates again. I look forward to your guidance," Lu said, smiling."Likewise," Chu replied with a nod.Their flight finally arrived, and the two newfound "strangers" boarded together, stepping onto foreign soil amid the clamor of the crowd.Lu knew this grand story was just beginning.



(ps:8 chapters are updated every Friday)








Old Tang, I'm here in America. LiJust off the plane, Lu Mingfei pulled out his phone and tapped furiously on the keyboard, sending a message."Congrats! You passed that interview for Cassell College, right?"The person on the other end replied quickly."It's more than that. The admissions officer at Cassell College thinks I'm exceptional, and they gave me a full scholarship, practically begged me to come!""How much is the scholarship?" Old Tang sent a curious emoji."$36,000. They'll hand it to me as soon as I check in.""Yeah, right, keep dreaming." Old Tang clearly didn't believe him. "If you said you passed the interview, I'd believe it. After all, I helped you practice your English for so long. But with your grades, a scholarship of $36,000? You think US dollars are like Vietnamese dongs? Unless Cassell's evaluation only counts StarCraft skills.""Don't look down on me; I really got a full scholarship from Cassell!""If you got that much scholarship money, come to Brooklyn, New York, and I'll take you on a Greyhound bus tour around America."Lu Mingfei didn't bother explaining further to Old Tang and simply sent a screenshot of the email Norma had sent him. The email looked official and, when translated, said that Professor Guderian from the college thought Lu Mingfei was talented and was willing to take him as his student, allocating $36,000 from his research fund as a scholarship for him each year.He also sent a photo of his admission letter and his current location.The location showed that he had arrived in Chicago."??????"Old Tang sent over a long string of question marks, filling nearly the entire screen. He felt something was definitely off."Surprised? Once I finish my registration paperwork, I'll come find you, so you can show me around the States."Lu Mingfei cheerfully whistled, ignored Old Tang's barrage of questions, put his phone back in his pocket, and patted his bag contentedly.The timing was perfect. Old Tang was still the same familiar Old Tang he could banter with, teasing and trading jabs, instead of being locked in a cold reservoir in the Three Gorges, fighting and bleeding in a dragon's form.Chu Zihang skillfully took the subway, riding over a dozen stops, then walked a short distance to Chicago's train station, where they would take the train to Cassell College."Train CC1000, Train CC1000…"Lu Mingfei held his ticket and followed Chu Zihang, muttering to himself as he waited for the college's train at the Chicago station. Chu Zihang, meanwhile, closed his eyes, resting in a seat nearby.The CC1000 was a special train, specifically approved by the Chicago government, similar to the private trains that lead to mines and factories. It was designated for Cassell College students, as Cassell was located in the remote outskirts of Chicago with difficult access, and if not for this train, a helicopter would likely be needed.Since the CC1000 was a special train, its departure times weren't fixed. If Lu Mingfei had come alone, he'd probably have had to wait a few hours or even a day. But traveling with Chu Zihang made a difference.Chu Zihang had already sent his travel itinerary to Norma, who arranged for a train to pick him up early on. That's the kind of status he had."Cassell College categorizes students based on grades and other factors. I'm classified as Grade A, which is quite high in the college, so I have some privileges."Seeing Lu Mingfei's envious look, Chu Zihang explained concisely. Lu Mingfei thought to himself: Who are you kidding? Of course I know about the college's classification system. Technically, my grade is even higher than yours—the highest rank, Grade S. My roommate, Fingal, is actually Grade F, the lowest in the college.But as an S-grade, Lu Mingfei had never experienced such privileges. Each time he traveled to the college, he would line up for the scheduled trains and maybe use the VIP lane at best. It wasn't until he became student council president that he got to enjoy the student council's exclusive pick-up and drop-off service. Compared to Chu Zihang, it felt like Norma had purposefully overlooked him.Turns out his S-grade was merely on paper; only the principal, Ange, took it seriously. Chu Zihang, however, was truly the super A-grade hybrid everyone acknowledged.The college's train arrived quickly.The familiar sound of a whistle echoed. Accompanied by the sudden flash of bright headlights and the sound of wheels grinding against the tracks, the train slowly pulled into the station at sunset, resembling a black serpent returning to its lair before nightfall, resting at the Chicago train station."CC1000 Express, passengers, prepare to board. Passengers, prepare to board."In the entire hall, only Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang stood up. Oddly, the busy train station fell silent as the train arrived. Lu Mingfei realized that he and Chu Zihang seemed to be the only passengers on the train.The ticket inspector was young, looking no older than Lu Mingfei, dressed in a dark green uniform with a golden badge on his hat. His outfit had a retro style that reminded Lu Mingfei of the trendy vintage looks in fashion magazines."President!"The inspector straightened his back and saluted as soon as he saw Chu Zihang, with an expression so solemn that Lu Mingfei thought it was a waste for him to be a ticket inspector; he'd make a great honor guard."Are you with the Lionheart Society too?"The Lionheart Society was the oldest and most profound student organization in the college. They named themselves this way because they believed a lion lay dormant within the blood of hybrids, and if one was willing to untie the ropes binding the lion, they would gain its strength.And the very thing holding back that power is oneself.Chu Zihang was the current president of the Lionheart Society. He had a good memory and could remember the faces and names of everyone in the Society, but he didn't recall seeing this inspector among them."Not yet. I'm a student from the class of 2008, working here part-time. It's my goal to join the Lionheart Society. I really admire the Society's mission—to unleash the heart of the lion." The inspector explained a bit shyly. "I even submitted an application, but you guys didn't accept me. They said the Society only accepts iron-blooded warriors, and I'm too mild-mannered.""A bit of gentleness can be good too. We fight hard to protect what allows us to remain gentle." Chu Zihang handed the inspector his ticket, offering quiet comfort."Yes! I'll keep trying." The inspector seemed highly motivated by Chu Zihang's words, much like a devout Christian meeting the Pope at the Vatican.The inspector took Chu Zihang's ticket with both hands, swiped it on the scanner, and, when the green light appeared, respectfully handed it back.Lu Mingfei followed behind Chu Zihang, dragging his suitcase to the inspection gate. The inspector glanced at Lu Mingfei, showing a surprised expression."A freshman?""That's right. I signed the enrollment agreement with a professor in May." Lu Mingfei nodded, handing over his ticket."You're pretty early then," the inspector commented. "Freshmen usually arrive after October. It's only September now, and this is the upperclassmen's arrival time.""I was just eager to experience college life," Lu Mingfei laughed, handing over his ticket.The inspector took Lu Mingfei's ticket and swiped it. As the green light lit up, a cheerful voice from the scanner sounded: "S-level, are you Lu Mingfei? When I heard from Norma that an S-level student would be taking this train, I thought it was a mistake. I've never seen a rank this high before."The inspector's green eyes sparkled. "Is that level real? Even the president is only Grade A. Are you actually stronger than him?"Lu Mingfei thought, Hey, come on. Marvel at it if you want, but don't stir up trouble! You're using clickbait tactics like those on the Chinese internet. No wonder you didn't make it into the Lionheart Society. The student council's news department would suit you better. Fingal would treat you like his successor.Without a word, Lu Mingfei took a half-step back. The inspector's enthusiasm lay somewhere between a fan meeting his idol and a tourist seeing a rare panda at the zoo. Lu Mingfei was worried the inspector might strip him down for research in the next moment.Grade S? Chu Zihang raised his eyes to look at Lu Mingfei, surprised to find the freshman he'd met mid-journey held such a high rank. But he quickly lowered his gaze again."My mentor, Professor Guderian, did indeed say I'm S-level," Lu Mingfei confirmed.The inspector adopted a more respectful attitude—who could blame him? Currently, the only other S-level in the college was the principal. In terms of rank alone, Lu Mingfei held the same authority as the principal."Your entrance counselor is already waiting for you on the train."After nodding in thanks, Lu Mingfei dragged his suitcase onto the train and waved at Chu Zihang.(ps:8 chapters are updated every Friday)






"Chu Zihang, you don't have to leave."Fuyama Yasushi called to Chu Zihang, who was about to head to another car. "I've seen the records, Lu Mingfei is your high school alumni. With you here to explain during his orientation, he will likely accept it better. You know, Cassell College's orientation is usually very intense, so Lu Mingfei might have a bit of difficulty accepting it.""You've made me sound like one of those girls who hold onto their boyfriend's hand for dear life in a haunted house..." Lu Mingfei sighed, exasperated.Chu Zihang nodded but didn't refuse Fuyama Yasushi's suggestion. He put down his luggage and sat next to Lu Mingfei."What's coming up is way more exciting than any ghost," Fuyama Yasushi said vaguely."Let me first pass on Professor Guderian's apologies. He's your temporary advisor and was supposed to give you the orientation, but because you arrived early, he's unable to meet you. He's currently in Moscow drinking vodka. So, I will walk you through some of Cassell's key points," Fuyama Yasushi explained."Isn't Professor Guderian supposed to be recruiting in Russia? How can he drink vodka, isn't the school worried he'll drink too much?" Lu Mingfei was a bit surprised."The Russians are very hospitable; without a bit of vodka, Professor Guderian's recruitment wouldn't go as smoothly. Not everyone is like you, eager to study abroad. The relationship between Russia and the U.S. isn't great either. Professor Guderian's recruit in Russia is an excellent student, but unfortunately, she's not interested in studying in America. Whether he can get her to enroll depends entirely on him.""Let's not talk about him. Take this," Fuyama Yasushi handed Lu Mingfei a large paper bag.Lu Mingfei opened it and found a set of Cassell College uniforms inside: a snow-white shirt, dark green suit with silver piping, a deep rose-red necktie, and the school's emblem of the World Tree embroidered on the chest. As he opened the cuff, he saw the initials "Ricardo·MLu" embroidered in dark green.Cassell College certainly loved dark green—just like the CC1000 train's interior. The school uniform matched the train's aesthetic."This is the school uniform. I got the standard size based on your measurements from the school materials office. The name has been freshly embroidered. When you get to school, you can try it on to see if it fits. If it's not right, you can exchange it or take it to a tailor. I recommend the second option—tailoring the suit to your body is always the best choice.""I'll definitely go try it out when I get the chance. The uniform is beautiful."Lu Mingfei nodded in thanks, feeling the fabric between his fingers. It felt soft, and for a moment, he found himself nostalgic.He hadn't worn a school uniform for quite some time. Since Ange's injury, he had mysteriously become a target of the school, and since then, his connection with Cassell had faded. He never imagined he'd return as a newcomer.Lu Mingfei accepted the uniform. Fuyama Yasushi clapped his hands, then took out a set of documents from his briefcase and handed them to Lu Mingfei."Before we proceed with the formal orientation, I need you to sign a confidentiality agreement. It's something every new student must sign. It guarantees that you will not disclose anything you hear or see during this orientation to anyone outside the college. If you break this, the college has the right to punish you as outlined in the agreement. The consequences may include withholding scholarships, demerits, or even expulsion. In extreme cases, they could even restrict your personal freedom to prevent the information from leaking out..."Lu Mingfei opened the document, which was written in both Latin and English. Since his English wasn't great, and he didn't understand Latin, it looked like a foreign language to him.Fuyama Yasushi knew Lu Mingfei wouldn't understand, so he explained the contents of the agreement carefully.Within the college and the secret organizations, this agreement held significant weight. Once signed, it couldn't be undone. In other words, once Lu Mingfei signed it, he was effectively bound to the college. If he leaked any secrets, the school would impose severe punishment.Fuyama Yasushi knew this agreement was so strict that in the past, some students chose to drop out before even starting due to its harshness.It made sense. Students came to Cassell College with hopes of university life, only to find themselves asked to sign a confidentiality agreement that felt as intense as joining an FBI core department. It gave a feeling of being trapped, but this contract had existed since before the establishment of Cassell College, and even the principal couldn't alter it.The highest law for hybrids, and secret societies alike, was not to reveal the existence of dragons to ordinary humans.Fuyama Yasushi thought Lu Mingfei might hesitate at such a harsh agreement, and he was about to ask Chu Zihang to help explain it, but before he could speak, Lu Mingfei quickly picked up the pen and signed his name on the back of the document. He did it so casually, it looked as if he was signing an autograph for a fan.Lu Mingfei pointed to his signature and asked, "Done. Do I need to put my thumbprint or seal it?"Time had passed, and Lu Mingfei didn't quite remember the details. By the time he was president of the student council, the college had already implemented a signature, fingerprint, and iris scanning system to prevent students from being impersonated by dragons."Oh, just the signature is fine, no need for a thumbprint."Fuyama Yasushi was stunned by how quickly Lu Mingfei signed the document. When he took the signed agreement, he noticed the bold, flowing signature and couldn't help but think of the Chinese calligraphy style, cursive script."Aren't you going to reconsider?" Fuyama Yasushi couldn't help but ask."Reconsider what?" Lu Mingfei asked, confused. "Isn't signing this a requirement for enrollment? If I don't sign it, do you want me to reconsider dropping out?"Fuyama Yasushi felt embarrassed by Lu Mingfei's straightforwardness. If the S-level student, who the principal valued highly, actually decided to drop out because of his casual comment, Fuyama Yasushi would surely be in trouble with the principal. He quickly put the agreement away and changed the topic.Looking at Lu Mingfei seriously, Fuyama Yasushi asked, "Earlier, I mentioned that the Cassell College orientation will include things more stimulating than ghosts. Now I ask you... Do you believe in dragons?"Seeing Fuyama Yasushi's serious expression, Lu Mingfei couldn't help but find it a bit funny. Professor Fuyama, not only do I believe in dragons, but I've even seen one. Not to mention, I've killed more than one of the original dragon-kind.Though he thought it, Lu Mingfei knew he wasn't supposed to know about the existence of dragons yet according to the timeline, so he did his best to look confused and shocked. But his acting wasn't that great, and the exaggerated expression on his face made it seem more like a parody than an actual performance.Fuyama Yasushi raised an eyebrow at Lu Mingfei's face but quickly caught on to something. As a psychology professor, he was used to reading micro-expressions and could tell something was off with Lu Mingfei's reaction. It seemed he had spotted something abnormal, and Lu Mingfei didn't want his secret to be exposed."I believe!" Lu Mingfei replied firmly."I don't just believe, I know that dragon blood runs through my veins. I'm a true descendant of dragons."This time, Fuyama Yasushi was genuinely shocked. "How do you know that?""The textbook says all Chinese children are descendants of the Yellow Emperor, the dragon's offspring," Lu Mingfei said with a serious face.So cold… was I awkward just now?Fuyama Yasushi was caught off guard by this cold joke and was rendered speechless for a moment. He didn't know how to respond.This was the second time in this brief meeting that Lu Mingfei had caught him off guard.Chu Zihang, however, was unfazed. His slight twitch at the corner of his mouth suggested he found this somewhat amusing too, as they were both from the same cultural background.Fuyama Yasushi looked at Lu Mingfei seriously. "I'm talking about real dragons, not fantasy creatures or cultural totems.""Are you not joking with me?"Lu Mingfei scratched his head awkwardly, trying to cover up his earlier expression mismanagement.Fuyama Yasushi seemed to think that Lu Mingfei's mental state was a bit off, so he ignored his comment and instead walked to the other side of the car, where a yellowish canvas was hanging. Fuyama Yasushi pulled the canvas down, revealing something behind it.It was a large oil painting, and the glaring light in the carriage reflected off its metallic frame, almost blinding. The image depicted a dark sky mixed with fiery colors, with a single enormous tree standing in the center, its withered branches reaching out in all directions, forming a web that held the cracked sky together. The ground below was littered with bones, and a giant black beast was rising from the pile of bones, its wings adorned with skulls, as it opened its


(ps:8 chapters are updated every Friday)