"About three weeks ago, I had a small run-in with some robbers in an alleyway. During the fight, I dropped some of my belongings there. Later, I went back to retrieve those things and discovered that the thugs had left some of their own stuff while escaping.
"Among them was a box labeled 'Strength Solution', packed to the brim with vials. That's all there is to the story."
Euri gave them the safest version of his excuses. No one would be able to verify the truth of this claim. If they investigated, all that would reveal would be a basic account of his run-in with the thugs and some blurry street footage.
Principal Serique held his gaze for a few seconds after he had spoken, but his face remained placid. Euri couldn't tell if he believed it or not, not that he cared.
"Have you finished the entire box?" Boris suddenly asked. The scrutiny in his gaze was a lot easier to read.