It's a standard issue for all newly formed parties to get a 'Test-Ques't to see if the members click well enough, those quests are usually low-paying but arduous, usually chosen by the available clerk of the guild and as such it is an unofficial rite of passage for new adventurers.
The fancy gnoll, Jeff, who'd handed the papers to Tenpao was quick to pick one that had been on the mission board for some time, the mystery of Jacinto's missing cows.
On the quest board, this quest was singled out from all the others, not due to the adventurers not picking it up because it was arduous and low paying but by the sheer lack of information this quest had, for non-adventurers, the feeling would be the same as booking a date with someone across the country without ever meeting or speaking with them!
So, the newly formed party thought of the obvious solution, talk to Jacinto himself! Jacinto's Dairy Items was a relatively fancy store in the more refined commercial district, where the stalls and simple tents to sell items were replaced by sturdy concrete buildings, so after exiting the guild the party set for that direction.
"Wowza, this place sure looks good! On par with Pine!" Lulu began, shifting her head back and forth between the many closing stores varying from alchemy to clothes. "Pine folk weren't as energetic as these from here. So creative. Pampkin loves it!"
"Pine is only the capital due to its geographical advantage," Tenpao said with his eyes fixated forward, "I need to get back home to grab my equipment after we're done chatting with Jacinto." Lulu and Bushy nodded, and Dwelm simply laughed.
"Geographical advantage, pha! That's a way to look at it." Dwelm said, then looked around to make sure there was none hearing them, "There's a huge mine of gemstones underneath the capital, apparently there is also a gate for an ancient ruin too." Then the dwarf went back to his usual self, "Never been there to confirm though!"
"W-where did you hear that?" Bushy said Dwelm about to respond stopped as Tenpao raised a hand pointing at the store ahead, a large wooden sign with a cow in full display.
Tenpao was the first to walk inside followed by the others, Lulu immediately went to look around at the various milk bottles on displays at the various aisles, the runes on the glass bottles that kept it fresh were small but not imperceptible for the eyes of Lulu, Bushy just moved closer to Tenpao while he walked towards the counter, multiple cows wooden figure in display with a burly cowkin behind the counter, her golden hair was silky smooth wearing a leather jacket but with its sleeves cut out, there was a door behind her. Dwelm was simply staring up, mesmerized by the giant wooden cow hanging in the ceiling.
"We're closing." The cowkin said with a 'What are these weirdos doing here' face.
"We're, um-" Bushy said.
"We're here for the quest." Tenpao said, handing over the paper to the clerk but she immediately returned it.
Without a word she opened the door behind her and went inside, what ensued next was the sound of multiple pans falling on the ground, a cat yelling in pain, the bark of multiple dogs, and then a goblin flew out of the door, the Tenpao could briefly see him wearing cow leather coat and dark shorts, soon after cowboy boots followed and a cowboy hat slowly fell to the ground.
Not a second after the cowboy hat disappeared, the goblin jumped up at the counter, "Howdy par'ner! I heard you took mah request?" Jacinto said.
Right after that, the cow clerk walked over and lit a cigar, "You better explain it right this time."
"Daw, Tereza! Y'know Ah always explain it right!" The goblin smiled, jumping down from the counter, "Let's walk n' talk!"
Outside the shop, Jacinto began while walking towards a more rural side of Oddtown "Mah cows have been disappearing ever since last month! Some light in the skies come and picks 'em up!"
"A light in the sky? Were there no runes? It could be teleportation magic." Bushy said but Jacinto quickly shook his head.
"Nah, the light quite literally lifts them up in the air, then it just goes away!" Jacinto kicked a small rock, "Neva seen anything like this, and that is a lot comin' from where I'm from." Then he stopped, "I swear, it's those demons demoning again!"
"Woah woah, no racism!" Lulu immediately said, "Racism is ugly and smelly."
Jacinto groaned, "But it's true! Last week there was a really tall man on a coat trying to get mah cow, when I confronted him it was three imps standing on top of each otha!"
Dwelm put an at the goblin's shoulder, "Don't worry, we'll figure it out." The dwarf said with a smile.
"Be careful all right? All adventurers who came before disappeared after passing the night on the fields..." Jacinto said, pointing ahead, "Ah'm counting on you!" Bushy puffed her chest.
Ahead of them was a huge field with cows sleeping, the grass was neatly trimmed due to the continuous work of the cows but the only thing that kept them from running away was a small wooden fence barely hitting Dwelms chest.
"Are you sure they don't just run away?" Bushy asked to which Jacinto shook his head.
"These have runes that keep the cows away." Jacinto answered. "Now, it's up to you folk!" He said then walked back the way he came from.
"Okay so, I'll go get my equipment. Keep watch until I come back." Tenpao said, taking the same path Jacinto took.
Bushy and Dwelm looked at each other while Lulu let herself fall backward on the grass, looking at the cloudless starry sky and the two moons in the distance. "So, what are you guys dream?" Lulu said, "Mine is to find peace."
The elf couldn't resist and asked, "Peace?"
"Yeah, don't dig too deep. Pampkin never thinks too deeply." Lulu said, stretching her arms, "What about you, tincan man?"
Dwelm chuckled, "Mead, not for myself though." He sat on the grass, "I want everyone to be able to enjoy a glass of mead without any worry."
Lulu nodded, "That's... nice! What about you, long ears?"
Bushy slowly sat down and too stared at the field of stars, a falling star passing through, "Well, my dream is..." Bushy said but her eyes slowly were attracted by the star. It got closer, "Uh..." Closer...
Until all of them turned their attention to the falling star that oddly looked like a disc until it pulled up stopping right above a cow, a booming voice came from it! "Yezz! Ztealing cowz time!"