Chereads / Anomalous Apocalypse. / Chapter 1 - When The Day Dawns.

Anomalous Apocalypse.

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Chapter 1 - When The Day Dawns.

Once responsible for life, now responsible for extinction... there is no way to contain it, no way to defend ourselves, no way to fight back.

The greatest power in our solar system is also our greatest enemy.


Age: 4.5 billion years.

Sex: Not applicable.

Height: Unknown.

Morale: Truly Neutral.

Goals: Unknown.

Tastes: Unknown.


After the occurrence of a mysterious event that resulted in approximately 6.8 billion deaths. The world finally realized the chaos and danger of a Ragnarök-class event, an event that made the world largely impossible to inhabit, its structures intact, its biomes free of pollution, lakes, rivers and seas clean and pure as if they were untouched by everything and everyone.

What before everyone thought could be a destructive apocalyptic event, whether it was a meteor crashing into the planet, setting everything on fire and destroying it, or gigantic floods, cataclysmic earthquakes, hurricanes of inexplicable categories like the one that occurred on Jupiter... nothing and no one was prepared when it was creation itself, which gave us life, that was responsible for taking it.


Attack Strength: Stellar / Subhuman to Superhuman, potentially much greater.

Defense Capacity: Stellar / Subhuman to Superhuman, potentially much greater.

Speed Reaction: Hypersonic, with Lightspeed / Subhuman attack.



Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics. Immortality (Type 5). Light manipulation. Manipulation of Matter. Biological Manipulation. Mental Manipulation. Transmutation. Neutralization. Superhuman physical characteristics (for some). Immortality (Type 2). Regeneration (Rank K). Intangibility (Type 5 Limited and Alternate). Body Manipulation. Manipulation of Matter. Absorption. Resurrection.



Special Techniques: Anomalous Light.

When it hits an organism, it is capable of altering it profoundly and rapidly, liquefying its flesh, distorting its mind and altering its matter on a molecular level, reducing them to goo and freaks of pure flesh.

Supernatural entities have their powers annulled during the process, becoming just another of the so-called aberrations.


Assimilation: Can integrate into other instances and any other form of organic matter, integrating them into their being at a molecular level.

The absorbed entities retain their sentience, and although the process doesn't cause pain, it impedes movement and deteriorates their minds.


Liquefaction: Can switch between solid, semi-liquid and liquid states at will, without warning and suddenly.



It was this that was broadcast to the masses, on the open web, when the world finally learned that they were never alone, always safe, always contained, always protected.

Almost 7 billion people had perished in a cataclysm of biblical proportions. The cities were deserted, the streets devoid of life. Yet the structures remained curiously intact. Tall buildings still touched the skies, bridges crossed rivers, and the monuments that were once symbols of human pride in the sightseeing and tourist movements that rumbled through the economy of such capitals were now silent shadows of the past, devoid of movement, noise and humanity.


In the depths of underground facilities, Dr. Alessandra N. Soares, a researcher dedicated to understanding how something that nourished so much of the world's life, could turn against them in this way. All the suspicions of something on this level were to be expected, not in the way it happened, but to be expected, however, billions of years from now when it was expanded or reduced, because human life on earth survived like a cake recipe, each ingredient counted for everything to have a specific result in the end, taking one ingredient out of the equation, the whole structural basis vanishes.

She had spent sleepless nights trying to understand the nature of such an anomaly. Her efforts, however, seemed more and more futile in the face of the magnitude of the destruction and her inability to react, vulnerable to the light that surrounded the entire planet, day or night.


At his side was field agent Daniel R, a man with a dark past linked to the roots of the organization he worked for. Daniel had seen the worst that humanity had to offer, the worst that anomalies far from human knowledge had to offer, and even in the midst of so much terror and breaches of containment, nothing on this level had ever occurred.


Neither of them needs an access card. The door is ajar from the surface of the earth, as if they had been abandoned in a hurry.

It stinks in here. It stinks like them. Like the anomalous and savage melted people, some call them zombies, others call them monsters... but no, there is still consciousness inside, inside the melted and grotesque masses of what were once humans with unique lives and goals, enjoying their days and the fresh air, in a way that no one else was able to do.

Hopefully, they've gone. You've come this far. You can't go back.

Whether it's blood, shit or something tainted by one of those things, there's no telling. You make a point of turning away.

You still get the distress signal. It started only yesterday. Whoever it is, you pray to be alive.

Your footsteps echo through the empty corridors. Each step sounds like a dozen, as if you weren't wandering alone in an apocalyptic world.

The elevator doesn't work, so you head for the stairs, eventually arriving at the "B5-C.K" floor. Daniel at your side seems afraid to enter, as if he understood the meaning of those floor acronyms, but his courage speaks louder, because apparently the world was already suffering from something worse than "C.K" was supposed to mean.


You pass through countless containment chambers structured in strange ways that are nothing like conventional prisons seen in movies or in reality.

Daniel can't help but scrutinize each cell, as if he understands something, the horrors they once held long ago and are gone... If he's lucky.

The watery trail takes you to an office, which leads off the main hall, the source of the signal. The door is open, but jammed. You position your foot and push it with all your strength in support of the soldier in the military uniform with the initials "SCP".


Something slides out of a room to your left and turns the corner before you can get a good look. The first thing you think of is "dog".

It was on the ceiling, though.

You take cover in the living room and knock on the door behind you. It's dark in here. It's safe. You take off your jacket and turban. It would be a shame to die of something like hyperthermia after all you've been through.

The only working emergency light turns on in your cabin, illuminating the room with a pale orange every second.

As if the room itself had a pulse.

There are shelves placed randomly behind the door, a barricade. You scan the room. Filthy clothes, unfinished rations. Even with an adjoining toilet, there is excrement in a bucket in the corner of the room. A pneumatic chamber on the north wall, which probably supplied the occupants.

The trail ends in a corner of the room, forming a grotesque puddle. You see three medicine bottles, which upon analysis turn out to be opioids. All empty.

You sit down in front of the computer and start it up.



- Humanity may yet have a future. - Alessandra murmured, more to herself than to her colleague.



- Learn to embrace the darkness. Fear the light... Fear God... - Daniel quoted the mantra that his organization had changed from what was once something honorable and motivating to what has now become a single warning of survival. - For living in darkness is our only hope.



Emergency Protocol Initiated.



Security Measures Deactivated.



Full Access Granted.



Get... Contain... Protect.















You hear footsteps on the other side of the door. Each first step heavy, and the seconds dragging.






















A shadowy silhouette covers the beam of light between the door and the floor.






















You tense up, breathing heavily, praying for it to pass. You condemn the deafening beating of your heart for surrendering its position.



Please wait...





Please wait...





Please wait...






The shadow recedes. You breathe a sigh of relief as the screen lights up…



Opening File




An error occurred while retrieving the current iteration of the [Redacted] file.

You are viewing revision #3.

Updated revisions can be accessed at the bottom of this page.


-- Access File: SCP-001 Revision #3/12: (1) Audio File --


Revision 3/12 updated 1312 days ago


Apocalyptic Anomaly, minutes after its activation.

Photographer unknown, probably dead.


Item no: SCP-001


Object Class: Apollyon


Special Containment Procedures: Due to its nature, SCP-001 cannot be contained. Survivors of the SCP-001 event located within secure facilities should maintain contact with each other. Staff are encouraged to try to reach [REDACTED] Site-19 in any way possible. Staff aware of the whereabouts of Council O5 should inform the Administrator.


Survivors attempting to travel abroad should completely cover their bodies with protective clothing; preferably several layers. Travel on foot should be avoided as much as possible. Cities and artificial structures generally offer greater protection. Previously wooded areas should be bypassed. Air transport is preferred above all.


Employees exposed to SCP-001 should be considered dead.

Compromised employees should be abandoned.

Euthanization should not be attempted.


Collective instances of SCP-001-A that are formidable in size should be avoided at all costs. Electric shock weapons have proven partially effective in immobilizing instances, and can be used for self-defence. Incendiary weapons also work. Cryogenic ammunition is the most effective so far.


Officials present at Site-19 must continue their research into interplanetary colonization. Space shuttles must be built in such a way as to prevent light from penetrating the interior.



For those with families, or God forbid, children - I'm sorry, I really am, but you must move on. Don't let your deaths be in vain. We still have time.

Humanity still has a future. Come to Site-19. We need all the help we can get.


Learn to appreciate the darkness, comrades. Fear the light.

- The Administrator.



Description: SCP-001 is the term given to the Sun, after the event in [SYSTEM ERROR] Lost data: ec172. Contact SysAdmin. Resulting in ~6.8 billion losses. The effect of SCP-001 does not appear to be the result of exposure to ultraviolet rays, but rather to the visible spectrum (~390 to 700 nm). The effect is similarly present during moonlight.

Upon contact with the visible light produced by the sun, living organisms liquefy at the point of contact, with the effect spreading until the entire organism is converted. Visually, it is similar to wax melting. The duration of the process depends completely on the level of exposure and the size of the organism. Regardless of the restructuring, at no point does the organism die.


When complete, these organisms (SCP-001-A) take on a gelatinous consistency. Mobile life forms will try to move as they did before, with varying degrees of success.


Flora typically remain inert, still capable of photosynthesis, and still produce oxygen. Organisms capable of flight lose this ability. Fauna remains sentient, and demonstrates the behavior of its non-anomalous versions when not absorbed by a collective instance. Humans retain partial sapience and memory.


Biological anomalies exposed to SCP-001 are affected in the same way. It seems that exposure nullifies any previously expressed anomalous characteristics.


Due to its composition, instances of SCP-001 that make contact with similar ones, possibly combine and fuse at a molecular level. This process doesn't seem to cause the instances any pain or discomfort, although the remaining volume may inhibit movement. Since the SCP-001 event, most of the instances have accumulated in these collectives, which do not appear to have a maximum volume.


The resulting biomass is amorphous and chaotic. The component organisms will switch between liquid and plasma states - limbs and bodies will periodically emerge from the mass for a short period, before deteriorating and being consumed by another life form.


Collective instances will get around using their appendages in tandem. Larger instances will form a pseudopod and crawl in an amoeba-like manner.



- What the fuck? - Alessandra said in shock, horror and even scepticism at the vital information that he had been going through all these dangers and risks, showing secrets in that old computer, secrets about an unknown organization.


But now it was something else, because there was clearly a whole world of it based on his path and journey, all Daniel's strange and bizarre talk, his tastes for fiction and creepy horror pastes, in reality it was pure reality, the SCP Foundation really existed under the façade of a false website manipulated as if everything there were fictions, but in reality, all real where their world had succumbed to the anomalies of SCP-001.



- So I tell you, Dr. Alessandra. - Daniel said behind her, touching her shoulders, and the woman swallowed dry at the tension. - I'm Agent Daniel Radcliffe, Class Z of the Foundation... Welcome to the SCP Foundation.


- The Aurora Project will begin under your supervision.


- A new era is dawning on this planet.


- The Dawn of the Cruel Planet of the Sun.


- The worldwide apocalypse that has made humanity enemy number one of the star responsible for nourishing their very lives in this solar system.

This work is a One-shot with the potential to become something more, it will all depend on the recognition it gets, I have my fingers crossed for something beyond what we have here, but if there is no support in the comments, it really could end here, because the biggest mystery is how humanity would fight against the only thing that keeps them alive.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, I'm fascinated by this SCP Universe, anyone who's interested or has any questions, just let me know in the comments and we'll discuss it.



Characters Introduced:


Daniel Radcliffe (Class Z of the SCP Foundation):


Alessandra N. Soares (Supervisor of the Brazilian SCP Foundation):


Images Presented:




SCP Foundation:
