Feeling my lips on his, Alijah's eyes widened before responding to me and allowing our tongues to play with each other. His mouth tasted so sweet that it reminded me somewhat of the tea Wyatt had given me.
My wolf wouldn't let me think anymore, though. I felt his firm hands grasp onto my hips.
If only… this could be mine. I don't think the pain will be enough.
In our feverous kiss, my wolf hesitated very little to plunge himself into me. The sudden movement caused me to gasp in incredible agony as it was like I was being torn in two. I quickly drew away from our kiss, fearing I would bite him.
This wolf hadn't treated me as the virgin I was. After all, in his mind, I was someone he had held many times before throughout their two years together. I thought I was prepared mentally, but in all my dreams, it never felt this way.
Desperately, I tried to fill my lungs with air, locking my eyes on the wall beside me. There was no way I would gaze at the expression he was making. However, my ears would hear him while I clung to the sheets instead of him.
"You're... so tight!" Alijah moaned, pushing himself in the rest of the way.
His arms caged me under him as my thighs trembled while they rested on his hips. My breath hitched, feeling his member twitch in me.
Ah… It hurts! It hurts so bad!
A soft groan left my lips even though I was trying to muffle them. Suddenly, he exploded within me, and even though throbs of agony rushed through me, my novice body couldn't help but find release along with him.
A mewl left me, blurring my vision and leaving me to twitch under him. He panted, trailing his hand down my shirt. There, I heard him click his tongue. However, I refused to gaze away from the wall.
Well, until…
"Rem?" Alijah mumbled, triggering my heart to flutter madly.
I couldn't help feeling like the weight was being taken off my shoulders when her name didn't leave his lips again. Another moan came from his mouth as my reaction to hearing my name come from his lips was to tense up even more than I had before.
My tail wagged under me, unable to help myself. It was far from over, but somehow unleashing his load into me instigated him to regain himself somewhat. However, I refused to look straight at him—something the troubled wolf remedied by grabbing my face and tearing my sight off the beautiful wooden wall on which I had planted my eyes.
"You... stop trying to tear my dick off!" He growled with an expression I never thought I would see on his face.
His cheeks were flushed as his eyes shimmered brightly, hungrily studying me.
Oh… Oh… I'm…
"I… d-don't mean t-to." My voice quivered, prompting the wolf to wince.
"Why didn't you order me to stay away?!" The distressed wolf soon questioned harshly, out of breath.
He appeared to be in pain, even though he seemed to worry more about me. I knew I was doomed no matter what I said. That he would want me dead, no matter what, as this was a line crossed we could never come back from.
Even if I let it happen because I feared him being harmed, without a doubt, this portrayed me the same way as the hordes of women who did this to him under the same circumstances.
I'm no different.
"It... w-would've been h-hard on y-you!" I answered, trying not to let myself feel anything, yet my entire body gave me away.
Why won't the tears stop? Why doesn't my voice sound normal? I don't want you to…
When these words left me, Alijah growled, only clasping onto his chest and slightly panting again. The effect of the drug was there, which meant he wouldn't be able to control himself for much longer.
"Oi... Are you brain-dead?! You don't do this because you—" Alijah started, only to stop suddenly as his eyes widened.
I closed my eyes, waiting for a further scolding, but instead of that, I felt him trace his fingers on my vulva, causing me to squeal. Not because it hurt but because it was sensitive to any stimulation. Instinctively, I gazed at him to see him staring at his bloody fingers.
Ah… Are you disappointed that no one has held me before? I'm… sorry if it's an inconvenience.
Although I never wanted him to care for or treat me differently.
"You... are so fucking stupid, Rem! How could you let me do this to you?!" Alijah's voice broke, squishing my cheeks with the hand he used to hold my chin in place.
Ah… It must've been displeasure to come out of that dreamlike state and see me under you. Someone other than your true love.
"I'm sorry for everything! I promise… I won't touch you or anything after this, but please use me as her replacement for today. It'll be difficult for you otherwise." I tried to hold my tears back, but they rolled down my cheeks.
Please… don't hate me, Alijah! I really am sorry!
My entire being was a mess while Alijah continued to growl, as nothing I said was the correct answer.
"Fuck it." He breathed, shifting his weight a bit.
I thought he would pull away from me and tell me to get lost, but much to my surprise, he licked his bloody fingers clean. The entire thing left me staring at him, stunned.
After he cleaned them, he tugged my blouse off, exposing my bare chest fully, before taking his shirt off as well and dropping it on the side. I was frozen in place when he pushed into me when taking off his pants.
A yelp left my lips, triggering his eyes to find me. He pinned my head between his arms, preventing me from escaping his gaze, before lowering his body down enough for our bare skin to touch. His ears focused on me, and he traced his fingers down my cheek.
A warmth radiated through me as he leaned towards my ear.
All of this will never be mine. Please… don't be gentle. Be ruthless, or my heart will never heal!
"Oh, Rem, I'll 'use' you, but not as her replacement. You're nothing like her." Alijah whispered, tugging away from there and gazing at me head-on.
What do you mean by that? I… I don't…
A second later, he went to kiss me, only to stop a few centimeters away from my lips. I prepared myself for what came next, but who was I kidding?
Nothing would prepare me for this wolf.
"You're so much purer and weirder than she ever was. I can't figure you out, Rem. Why go to this extent for me? Could it be that you love me?" He asked, not knowing how his question would leave me.
Ah… I… love you, Alijah, but that won't… matter.
Even though I said nothing, his expression slowly softened, allowing a slight chuckle to leave him. I didn't know how I appeared in his eyes or what expression I had made, but it was an answer to him.
"I see." He cooed, closing the small gap between us as he claimed me.
His tongue invaded my mouth so gently compared to the previous kisses. Unlike his last plunge, he moved tenderly to stop me from hurting as much. All the time he used to scold me gave me the time to adjust to his size.
Thanks to that and my fast healing, it was slowly hurting less—something I didn't look forward to. If it felt good, then I...
Separating from my lips, he let me be free to face wherever I wanted as he brushed his lips down my jawline. Sure enough, my eyes locked onto the wall again as he made his way onto my breast. The first thing I felt was his palm squishing it like before as he kissed a trail down my neck onto my chest, where he suddenly licked my sensitive nobs.
A soft squeal left my lips as a smile formed on his lips before sucking them into his mouth. The sensation of saliva on my bosom left me feeling exhilarated as noises of pleasure escaped me, prompting me to cover my face.
Luckily, there was a pillow I could use as a shield as my breast were getting tender with each suck. His tail wagged slightly as he enjoyed trying to milk me, even though I had nothing to give. My chest wasn't anything special, unlike Vera, who got her jugs from Aunty Amelia.
I was always so jealous of my sister's looks. She was known as the icy beauty of Silver Fang Manor and had all the good genes. However, Alijah kept teasing them like they were his perfect plaything.
He was always rough and passionate in my dreams, but his movements were nothing like that. Even though he should've been feeling impatient with all the drugs coursing through his system, he was tender.
Too gentle! Are you being this way because it's my first?
Even though I tried to keep quiet, the occasional mewl left my mouth as the pain dulled, giving way to more pleasure.
Gripping onto the pillow tightly, I bit into it as his thrust got a little deeper. Slowly, everything was changing, and a tingling sensation started to form in my core.
"Alijah," I murmured, only for him to respond by tearing my shield away from my face.
His lips were on me a second later as a feverous kiss followed.
Ah… Am I still me in your eyes, or Lilith?
I had no way to know. However, his movements became steadily rougher with each passing minute. He wasn't calling out to anyone other than the occasional moan that left his lips. However, his tail wrapped around mine while I felt off again.
Tugging away from my lips, he groaned into my ear, sending shivers down my entire being. It wasn't long until I felt like I was in the air, feeling his thrust go deeper into me. The sensation building within me differed from my first climax.
"Alijah!" I mewled, feeling a knot tighten in my core.
Every shove and tug was making it worse, though when my name left his lips, my body clenched up again, triggering a moan to leave his mouth, too. Instinctively, he buried himself into me, leaving little space between us as his tip kissed my wound.
Holding himself in place, he ground himself into me, triggering every synapse in my brain to fire as it sent me over the edge. My entire body convulsed under him as his member exploded with me at the same time.
Suddenly, my voice wasn't mine anymore as I squealed in pleasure under the wolf who made sure to keep no distance between our union. Gripping onto the sheets tightly, I felt my eyes roll back as my world wavered for a bit before I crashed into the world of the living.
My lungs couldn't fill with enough air as my entire brain was muddled. Once my world finally fell into place, I noticed Alijah's bright smile shining down on me.
"Did you almost pass out from climaxing so hard?" He smirked as any moment of his caused me to twitch.
"I… I… that was much more intense than I thought it would be." I mumbled.
"Can you be any cuter, Rem?" He murmured, triggering my thoughts to snap into place.
Wait… Did I just say that out loud?!
Instantly, I retreated again and buried my face in the pillow nearby, prompting the wolf to chuckle.
What's happening?! It was painful just a couple of minutes ago! Now… It's… Did I fall asleep?!
I couldn't handle what was happening. Alijah was still himself, fully aware of what he was doing.
"Don't hide." He huffed, starting to thrust into me again.
This was a request I couldn't fulfill, as I quickly lost count of how many times we both found bliss. It wasn't long before I lost the pillow I was using for covers, but I quickly found myself wrapped in the bed sheets for cover.
No matter how hard I tried to drown my mewls, Alijah would make me squeak to his pleasure. Our union dripped down my bum and into the sheets below us. My wolf stopped moving momentarily, making me think he was finished.
I was already somewhat numb from how much he had held me, but I soon found out that he wasn't. Instead of tugging away, he spun me around before raising my hips to match his.
Ah! You can see everything!
Unable to help it, I buried myself in the bed below as his hands traced my bum before he rammed himself into me again. A yelp left my mouth as soft sighs left his. After a few thrusts, suddenly, a new feeling surged inside of me, which differed entirely from all the others.
"Alijah, wait!" I yelped, reaching to him with one of my hands.
Why do I feel like I have to pee?
It scared me as every push into me made it harder to keep in. Meeting my rogue hand with his, he shoved himself into me before leaning his chest onto my back and grinding himself into our union. The sudden affection caused me to mewl as he held the arm that had gone for him hostage.
"Hm? What's the matter?" Alijah asked, brushing his lips against my nape.
Letting go of my hand, he clasp onto one of my breasts before using the other to rub my sensitive bell. Lycans always had high stamina for physical activity, and so did I, but this scared me.
"Alijah! Please!" I whined loudly, unable to control myself.
It was almost as if I was seeing doubles as he chuckled in response to my voice.
"Fuck, clamp harder on me, squeeze me dry, Rem." He groaned as saliva dripped down my chin and into the bed.
Juices from our union trailed down my legs as my body trembled under him.
"I'm going to explode!" I squealed, barely holding back the desire to let everything go.
"Let go," Alijah purred into my ear.
Huh? Is this something that usually happens? Vera's friends said nothing like this! Or did they? I can't remember!
"No... I—" I tried to fight it.
My resistance caused Alijah to tug me up to another feverous kiss before plunging himself into me again profoundly. If his lips weren't on me, I would've yelped. Slightly pulling away from my lips, he licked the corner of my mouth.
His fucking had turned animalistic and rough, like in my dreams. He no longer feared hurting me.
"Do it, or I'll make you," Alijah smirked, licking my lips again.
My body suddenly felt lighter as shivers ran down my spine when he brushed his lips down my jawline and into my nape.
"Alijah, I'm going to—" Before I could finish that, he suddenly bit down where he had been caressing.
The pain mixed with the pleasure, creating a different sensation to erupt within me. People who usually weren't Lycans always thought they were rough during sex, but that was just how they were.
I could've forced this wolf to stop, but part of me didn't want him to. No matter how embarrassing everything was. No matter how much it would hurt later, I was enjoying myself. Even though I couldn't call this making love, Alijah was fucking me, and not Lilith, 1which that excited me this entire time.
I was the one who was being held in his arms—no one else.
Now… You're trying to mark me! I can't stop from—
That thought was caught short as my body reacted to Alijah in a way I never thought was possible. A loud mewl left my lips, losing myself within his touch. My voice squeaked when a weird liquid squirted out of me from where we were connected.
I felt so embarrassed, even though my mind was almost blank. My body convulsed in response to this new feeling, too.
No way… Did I just piss myself?
I usually had wet dreams, but nothing like this. However, I ended up soaking my wolf and the bed below me.
Tears rose again as I shook my head, "I-I t-told you!"
"Aw, don't cry, Rem. You didn't like it?" He cooed, wiping the tears away.
"I…" I trailed off, avoiding his gaze as he kissed the back of my head.
"Did it not feel good?" He asked, triggering me to shift my gaze towards him slightly.
"It did, but—" I stopped when I noticed how rosy his cheeks were.
"Ah, you're embarrassed?" He cocked his head, triggering me to nod.
"It was nasty, no?" I mumbled, focusing on his expression.
Alijah's lips curled upward as he leaned closer to me.
"No, it wasn't. You were such a good girl for reacting like that to me. Now, should I reward you?" Alijah murmured into my ear, releasing me from his previous grip and allowing me to fall onto the bed.
"Reward?" I echoed as he smirked before grabbing my hips and plunging himself into my core.
Ripples of pleasure hit my body as my voice soon became erratic again. However, I quickly noticed how something within me was swelling, doubling in size.
Wait, are you going to knot me?!
This was something only Lycan males could do. They would usually do this when they wanted to impregnate their partners more successfully, and since I was half-wolf, I also had the organs that helped in the knotting process.
On instinct alone, my body clamped down on his heat. At that moment, my consciousness wavered as if it were too much, whiting my mind as my voice became otherworldly. The naughty wolf yanked me towards him, prompting me to sit on his lap as he held me close to his chest.
This knot allowed his twitching member to continue releasing his seed into my empty womb. I wasn't fertile, though. He knew I wasn't. Lycans could smell a sweet scent from their partners whenever they were, and I wasn't.
Otherwise, he would've never done it. However, it was the warmest thing I had ever felt.
Ah… yet another thing I'll never have again.
"Rem." My name left Alijah's lips, licking where he had bitten into me.
Female Lycans on the web always said that this was the best thing that could've happened to them during sex. Still, for any other race, it was usually a painful experience whenever their wolf lovers did this, as the knot had pushed Alijah's heat onto the entrance of my womb, holding it in place.
This allowed him to dump his load into me steadily and consecutively. Letting himself fall onto the bed, he held my back close to his chest. A knot could last up to half an hour or more. The females on the web called it the blissful tie.
It seemed to be more than that for me. However, my wolf was fondling my breast and playing with my sensitive bell while we were together. All the while, he continued to overflow me with himself. I couldn't count how many times I got off because of his stimulation, but eventually, I lost myself.
The next time I regained self-awareness, my eyes flew open to find myself in the same bed we had shared. My body felt fuzzy, and I couldn't tell how much time had gone by again. It was like a storm was happening, and I was trying to sail through the chaotic waters with a raft.
How… did everything lead to this?!