So, what should I call you? I don't think you are either ENAMAL or GHOST
[Ryan, you can call me whatever you like.]
Again, A message rang out in my mind, in my father's voice.
On Earth, every person above a designated age, is given his or her own A.I. assistant. That A.I. was in a packet of nanochips, inserted into their right-hand wrists.
Through that chip in people's wrists, the global government got their live health reports, but that's beside the point. The main point was that I had my own personal A.I. assistant. And it was transferred to the nanochips in my head. So there's no possible explanation of it being there with me.
Except there is.
Since you are in my head, you should have access to my memories, and you should be able to tell that I don't trust systems. So, what gives you the idea that I'll trust you? I said inside my head.
[You don't have to trust me nor do I want you to, my only job is to guide you to whatever you want to do.]
Oh, that's interesting. So, who appointed you for that job? I scoffed as my eyes narrowed down to slits, though I had a hunch, I wanted it to say it by itself.
[Your father, Robert Wilson, did. I, as a matter of fact, am an amalgamation of ENAMAL, GHOST, your family necklace, and lastly your father's leftover soul. Before you protest, let me tell you that it was done of his own volition.]
Okay, so back to square one, why do I trust you? This was the most pressing matter for me right now as, in my last life, I had read a novel regarding systems being parasites that nest inside the intelligent races of the cosmos and feed upon them.
Though that was merely a fantasy novel, since I read it, I was aware of the possibility.
And I certainly didn't have any desire to be someone's food, let alone a parasite's.
[I said it before and I'll say it again, You do not have to trust me nor do I want you to, I will just continue to do my job and die alongside you, if you do.]
I don't trust you, I will observe you from now on, and don't you dare try to mess with my mind!
As for your name, let's go with Codex.
"Well since you are a system, you should be able to tell me my status, right? Let's see… Status."
[It is built by using a part of GHOST's main program. It's not like it was me who created it to resemble a game.]
Suddenly, a thin sheet of see-through nanochips formed over my irises. It was the same as the one that projected Dad's figure into the air last time.
Name: Ryan
Race: Half-Spirit (-)
Strength: 5
Speed: 8
Endurance: 4
Magic: –
E-eh…? Half S-spirit…!?
When the words 'Race: Half-Spirit' settled in, my legs stopped and refused to budge. Touching my chest, I could feel my heart beating profusely.
I read the words again, slowly this time.
And again...
Alright now, calm down, I pacified myself.
Breathe in "Haap!", breathe out "Fuuu…"
After calming down, I moved into the cover of the exposed roots of a huge tree.
Now, Codex, show me what info you've got on half-spirits and spirits. Even though I only half-trusted Codex, it never hurts to know more.
[Spirit: Entities that have no tangible bodies and are an amalgamation of natural energies in the atmosphere that have gained sentience over time.
Spirits are further classified into four ranks, Nascent Spirits, Lesser Spirits, Greater Spirits, and Primordial Spirits.
Nascent spirits are those who have just been born and are made up of a single, basic, and most abundant, mana type such as fire, water, wind, light, nature, etc.
Lesser Spirits are those who have gained basic control over a second and in some rare cases a third element. Though possible, chances of gaining control over a fourth element at a lesser stage is almost non-existent.
Not enough authority to view full information.]
[Half-Spirit: Not much is known about them, as they are a very rare find. They are born with the consent of a spirit to be fused with a creature, but the rate of successful fusion is around 1% and another negative point is that the spirits lose their intellectual ability and ability to think. If that's not enough, they also lose their elementary powers and become empty slates.
This is why almost no spirit chooses to fuse with any creature of their own violation, that is, unless the said creature is more important to them than their own life.]
"Hmm… What am I supposed to say to this…?"
I was genuinely speechless.
What would you say if someone told you that you were not someone you thought you were, and had lived as, your whole life?
So my reaction was justified.
Not wanting to dwell on unimportant thoughts, I shook my head and focused on the present.
"What was I doing again…? Ah, right! I need food for Dia." Nodding to myself, I stood up and dusted my clothes.
Damn it! Hearing the rustling sound nearby, I immediately became alert. I unsheathed my knife and held it tightly in my right hand.
A few moments passed in silence but I didn't dare move and stood still, holding my knife in a tight grip as a drop of sweat slid down my cheek.
All the while, I kept on darting my eyes around, looking for the slightest sign of movement.
From my immediate right, the sound of a twig breaking resounded.
Before I could react, from behind me, something coiled around my left ankle, and pulled on it. All of it happened so fast that I fell forward, face first.
Feeling a tingling sensation on my back I rolled left on the ground.
—Dhub! —Dhub!
And thank goodness I did, because the next second, the sound of something piercing the dirt was heard from the place I was a moment ago.
Before I could sigh in relief, I realized to my horror that the thing that pulled my leg was growing larger.
Without further delay, I regained my composure, sat up, and swung my knife in on the green rope-like thing, then got back on my feet.
Something snapped when I felt my knife cut through something, but the feeling of cutting through flesh never came.