Chereads / Saruyama Kenichi Takes Control (Rewrite) / Chapter 22 - Tessaiga's New Skills

Chapter 22 - Tessaiga's New Skills

A/N: This and the next one are going to be the last chapters that are going to be about Kenichi experimenting with his Youkai side, then the story is going to start combining with the one I wrote before the rewrite, although I'm going to change some things and add some new interactions.


I have to admit that Tessaiga is quite easy to use, unlike Inuyasha who had to learn his techniques on the fly, in my case I can instinctively know his abilities and how to use them.

Kenichi: (Sesshomaru could also do that, at one point in the anime he transplanted a human hand with a Shikon Fragment. When he did that he was able to hold Tessaiga for a brief time and was also able to use his abilities quite easily, in fact, Inuyasha learned to use Kaze no Kizu after seeing Sesshomaru use it and still had a hard time doing so).

Although in my case it's more because I have a great affinity with Tessaiga and also because now Tessaiga has much more intelligence compared to the time when Inuyasha used her, she could even communicate through heartbeats.


Well then let's go for the first skill, although I know it may be a bit old fashioned, I like to say out loud the names of the moves, like in Fairy Tail and One Piece, plus this is a world influenced by manga, light novels and anime, so I don't think it's that weird.

Kenichi: "Jigoku no Gōka (Hellfire)!"

The moment I said the name of the skill, Tessaiga's blade was immediately covered in fire, but unlike normal fire this one was of a darker color, also the center of the flame was black, the heat produced by the flame was so extreme, that nearby trees began to burn to ashes in a matter of seconds just by being nearby.

Jigoku no Gōka or also known as Hellfire, is a once-sealed unquenchable fire whose fierce flames can burn the entire world to the ground.

Although it was a bit of an exaggerated description, it was a fact that these flames could not be extinguished by ordinary means, in a sense they were similar to Uchiha Itachi's Amaterasu, that was the reason why these flames were so feared, although they could not affect much beings with higher powers capable of controlling concepts or destroying the world like some Gods and Dragons, any human or low level supernatural being exposed to the flame would be instantly incinerated even if they did not touch it.

Unlike Tessaiga's other skills, the attacks or techniques of this skill depend largely on my imagination and the fire produced is so moldable that it can even be mixed with other skills such as Kaze no Kizu, Bakuryūha and Kongousouha.

The only two flaws of this skill is that it consumes large amounts of Youki and that as time goes by the heat produced by the flames becomes more and more intensified to the point that even I run the risk of incinerating myself, in fact, right now I can feel the heat produced by the flames intensifying with each passing second and I can also feel an intense burning in my hands just by holding Tessaiga.

Kenichi: (But I have a way to deal with that).

At the same time that my hands began to burn, I took my dimensional bag and took out a beautiful silver ring from inside. Its name is Azure, it has the same name, appearance and capacity as the ring that appeared in an anime called Shakugan no Shana, it has the ability to give its user resistance to flames.

As in the Shakugan no Shana anime, this type of objects are known as "Treasure Tools", they are legendary objects that were created by ancient civilizations and have abilities that have been lost over time, depending on the rarity of these their abilities are almost impossible to replicate, that is why they are highly coveted by various supernatural factions.

Although Azure doesn't look like such an impressive Treasure Tool at first glance, from what I can see it is able to withstand even such powerful flames as these, so it's not normal at all.

Thanks to the ring I was able to use the Jigoku no Gōka for quite a few minutes. I have to admit that it was a pretty impressive skill, I was able to replicate several fire techniques from different anime with such devastating effects that left the whole environment charred, even the ground I was stepping on began to melt from the heat, besides the flames that spread in my environment were not extinguished and continued to burn intensely.

But after a while I began to feel fatigued, the heat that was intensifying more and more began to affect me a little and for the first time since I started using the Youki I could feel how it began to run out. The reserve that seemed almost infinite was exhausted in just 15 minutes after using the Jigoku no Gōka, this showed that the consumption of Youki was not a joke, in the future I will be careful when using this skill.

Luckily Toga's tomb has a high concentration of pure Youki in the air, so I only had to wait a few hours to fully replenish myself.

Kenichi: "Juryoku Tessaiga (Gravity Tessaiga)!"

The moment I said the name of the next skill, Tessaiga's blade turned a dark purple color and began to release a reddish aura. As the name says, in this state Tessaiga gains the ability to control gravity.

This ability originally belonged to the Demons of Shinmai Maou no Testament, more specifically to the family members of the former Demon Lord Wilbert, the one who was hailed as the "Strongest Demon Lord". It was acquired during the time of the Great War.

This ability, which was initially a magic, can be used to increase or lighten Tessaiga's weight, as well as launch attacks that can do the same on enemies and can even be used to compress. In its most advanced state, this magic is even capable of creating a black hole that can eliminate everything around it.

Kenichi: (Although in my case I'm not very interested in that application of gravity magic, not only is it difficult to control, apparently it also consumes a lot of energy, plus I already have Meidō Zangetsuha, a technique just as lethal and much more controllable).

Although it was an amazing magic, I could notice that the Shinmai Maou no Testament characters that possessed it were not very ingenious to use it, apart from the most powerful attacks, the way they used this magic was too simple.

That's why I decided to adapt this magic to imitate the gravity techniques of Fujitora, a character from One Piece who ate the "Zushi Zushi no Mi", a Paramecia-Type Devil Fruit that allowed its consumer to manipulate the gravitational force. The way he used his gravity was through sword techniques, so it fits well for me who can only use gravity with Tessaiga.

I was practicing for several hours, and I have to admit that it was much harder than I thought it would be.

After hours of practice I was only able to increase and lighten Tessaiga's weight, although I was able to make several large debris levitate that required quite a bit of careful control and I'm not even going to talk about attracting meteors from outer space. If I want to master this magic to perfection, it takes quite a bit of training, but I think I should be able to master it in the future if I keep training.

Kenichi: (Besides, there are still more characters with gravity abilities that I can base on like Bluenote Stinger from Fairy Tail and Graviton from Marvel, in fact, in theory since this magic is able to create black holes it should also be able to generate force fields, so although it will take me a lot of practice, I can put it to many uses).

After that I rested and also took the opportunity to eat and sleep. As the hours passed, I could see with amazement how all the damage I caused with my techniques began to repair itself, it seems that this was due to the influence of the Youki on this area.

When I was ready to try the next ability, I was a bit hesitant when I received the information from Tessaiga about how it worked.

Kenichi: (This world is really strange, not only do I mix different anime, it also has mixed powers, skills and items from other anime, a good example is this skill that definitely belongs to that girl in black armor who used a big shield).

After analyzing the ability in my mind, I raised Tessaiga above my head and pointed her blade towards the sky.

Kenichi: "Dokuryuu (Hydra)!"

Instantly after I said that, just as its name said, a giant three-headed Dragon made entirely of a purple colored aura materialized from Tessaiga's point and shot out a massive amount of liquid poison from each of its heads, the entire area immediately turned into a purple colored river causing all the rocks and trees that came in contact with the poison to melt.

This ability was obtained after a member of the Saruyama family successfully exterminated the Poison Dragon, also known as Hydra. Although I am obviously not referring to the original Hydra that the great hero Hercules fought against, this one could be said to be a sort of descendant of the original Hydra, although that did not take away the fact that it was a Dragon with a very lethal poison.

When it was absorbed by Tessaiga, it became an ability quite similar to the one used by a girl named Honjou Kaede (alias Maple), it belonged to a Light Novel/Anime called Bofuri, it was basically a story of a virtual reality game like SAO, even the sub-abilities were similar, among them was:

-Poison Absorption

-Paralyzing Shout

-Lethal Poison Breath

-Venom Cutter

-Venom Capsule

-Acid Rain

Kenichi: (Actually this ability isn't very useful to me, for starters I can produce poison naturally with my Youki, in fact, I'm especially proficient using it as well as fire and lightning. But some of these sub-skills can be useful, like Paralyzing Shout which can paralyze a large number of people by sheathing Tessaiga in her scabbard).

The Poison Absorption sub-skill can also be useful, basically it can absorb any kind of poison to increase its lethality.

The next ability I also recognized from the Bofuri anime, its name was:

Kenichi: "Pandemonium!"

The moment I said that, I buried the tip of Tessaiga's blade in the ground and at the same time two circles of energy materialized on the ground on either side of Tessaiga, one was red and the other was blue.

In Bofuri's anime, this ability made a red Oni and a blue Oni materialize and help Maple fight for a minute, if I go by the previous ability then this one should be the same...

Or at least that's what I thought at the beginning...

From the red portal materialized what I think was an Oni. His whole body was black except for his torso which was red, he was quite large and muscular, he also had two large horns on his forehead and several sharp fangs. In the part where his eyes should be, he had a kind of star-shaped sockets and only in the central part he had a single eye, in addition to carrying a large battle axe.

And from the blue portal a similar Oni materialized except that his torso was blue, the only things that made him different from the other Oni was that he only had a horn on his forehead, instead of an axe he carried a shield, the shape of the star on his face was also different and in addition to that he had eyes in each of the sockets.

Kenichi: "!"

The moment I saw the appearances of the two Oni that were summoned, I couldn't help but be surprised...

I knew these two, both of them were....

Zenki: "Answering the master's orders! My name is Zenki!"

Goki: "Likewise! My name is Goki! We both answer to the master's will!"

Yes, these two looked quite similar to some Shikigamis that appeared in a Manga/Anime called Shaman King, as they said when they introduced themselves their names were Zenki and Goki. In Japanese legends they are a pair of Onis that are usually represented by their complementary characteristics, representing Yin and Yang.

But in this world, unlike how it is said in the legends, both were two powerful Onis who at the moment of their death became spirits and were turned into Shikigamis by a powerful Onmyoji who was part of an organization called Gokadoin, a group of Onmyoji who are descendants of Abe no Seimei.

The objective of this organization is to eliminate all the Youkai in Japan. In the past, a member of the Saruyama family fought against this Onmyoji and when he defeated him, Tessaiga absorbed his Shikigamis.

Kenichi: (Although I understand their desire to annihilate all the Youkai, after all most of them are harmful to humanity, but there are also several who just live their lives peacefully, plus they are also the natural barrier that prevents other supernatural factions from invading Japan).

After thinking for a while, I turned my attention to Zenki and Goki who were bowing their heads as a sign of respect, I have to admit that they had a great resemblance to those who appeared in Shaman King. In that anime they were Shikigamis that belonged to Asakura Hao, the main antagonist of the story, the fact that they can talk being Shikigamis is a clear sign that they are high level spirits.

Kenichi: "As you may already know, I am the new host of Tessaiga, my name is Saruyama Kenichi."

Zenki: "Yes, thanks to the connection we have with Tessaiga we already knew that."

Kenichi: (Hmm... Although their voices are serious and intimidating, they are unexpectedly easy to talk to)

Kenichi: "They have no problem remaining as Shikigamis, if they feel uncomfortable about it I can look for some way to make them transcend to the afterlife."

If their combat capabilities are equal to those of the Zenki and Goki of Shaman King, then they would definitely be very good allies, but I don't feel very comfortable with the idea of having them held for eternity, from what I know of Tessaiga they have already been used as Shikigamis for several centuries.

Goki: "You don't have to worry Saruyama-sama, we are beings that were defeated and as such our responsibility is to obey the orders of the winner."

Zenki: "That's right, besides unlike our original owner who liked to make manipulative and cowardly strategies all the members of the Saruyama family who have carried Tessaiga have been splendid masters."

Kenichi: "They are sure"

Goki: "Yes, we are Oni, the major purpose of our lives is to fight, if we transcend it is possible that someday we will reincarnate into something completely different, it is even possible that we will lose our essence"

Zenki: "That's why we prefer to stay as Shikigamis, besides all Tessaiga owners have always been involved in big fights with powerful enemies, so please allow us to be a part of your force in the fights that are coming in the future Saruyama-sama"

I see, so they're fighting maniacs then, but that doesn't displease me, I've always liked those kinds of characters.

Kenichi: "Alright, I hope I can count on your help in my future fights Zenki, Goki."

Zenki/Goki: "Yes, Saruyama-sama!

Kenichi: "I already took care of all the Youkai in this area a while ago, so for the moment there aren't any enemies to fight, but I want to check how strong you are, you might have a fight among yourselves."

Goki: "Nothing would please us more Saruyama-sama, even though we're both partners, we've always had a rivalry, so this is a very good chance for us to settle the score"

Zenki: "Heh~ Speak for yourself, do you want me to refresh your memory so you can remember who won our last match"

Goki: "Zenki! You son of a bitch! I'm not going to repeat the same humiliation as last time! Get ready!"

I have to admit I was a bit surprised, according to legends the Oni are a type of violent and evil Youkai that are only satisfied with blood, but these two are more like Samurai, I wonder if all Oni will be like them, even their interactions are kind of funny, plus I only consumed Youki when summoning them, it seems they can materialize for as long as I want them to.

After a few more words both of them got into their fighting stances and launched themselves ready to have an intense combat.

*5 Hours Later*

Kenichi: (This is unbelievable...)

Even though they've been fighting for 5 full hours, I never get tired of watching them, their fight was a real spectacle.

Zenki is a bit of a brute but he is an expert in the use of that huge halberd-shaped axe, with my ability to see in alternate realities I have seen several characters that use that kind of weapon, but I would dare to say that Zenki is one of the most skilled I've seen so far, plus he can also use fire techniques.

Goki on the other hand is a more strategic fighter, he always looks for the best course of action during combat, his battle style is based on using his shield and fighting with his fists, I have to admit that he is an incredibly skilled fighter, his fighting style is at the level of the best fighters of Baki and Kengan Ashura, but he is much stronger physically than them, plus he can also perform lightning attacks.

The whole environment was so destroyed by the intensity of their battle that it looked like a war zone.

I could also notice that when they used their fire and lightning they consumed some of my Youki, the same thing happened when they got hurt, they both had a pretty reckless way of fighting in which they didn't mind losing some limbs, but after a while I understood that it was because they both can use my Youki to heal themselves, apparently even if they die they can regenerate again using my Youki, I guess that's what can be expected from two spirits.

Kenichi: (Seeing them this way it is completely clear to me that I am currently weaker than them, if I use Tessaiga or if I transform into my Youkai form I am stronger, but in a battle without any of that I can only give them some battle, they are both stronger and faster than me, plus they have a lot more experience).

Another advantage of the Pandemonium ability, is that just like Zenki and Goki, it can also absorb the Youkai that I defeat, turning them into my Shikigami.

After some more hours of combat, in which Zenki wins most of the time, I made them both enter Tessaiga, the help of both of them will be very useful in the future, besides they can also be my training partners.

Kenichi: "Tsumi no Eda (Branch of Sin)!"

Tessaiga's next skill also had the name of a skill from another Manga/Anime, if I'm not mistaken it was called "Deadman Wonderland".

At the moment I activated it several blue hexagons lined up forming a circle surrounding Tessaiga's blade. This ability gives Tessaiga the ability to freely control and move blood, either mine or my opponents'.

This ability originally belonged to a being of a race called "Deathman", they are a kind of Undead Demons. Their bodies are composed of the power and flesh of hundreds of corpses that were revived using a Necromancy Spell, depending on the corpses used to revive them they can become quite strong.

Although it is an ability similar to the one used by the characters of Deadman Wonderland, it could be said that it is an improved version, in addition to the fact that the blood can be used to create different objects similar to weapons just like that anime, it also has two other functions, which are:

-Energy Restoration: Tessaiga can absorb the blood of enemies and store it in its blade, by doing so it can transform that blood into energy that I can use in my favor to recover from wounds or even to recover my stamina, it can also be used as a means to recover the Youki spent.

-Using Blood as an Information Object: When Tessaiga absorbs the blood of enemies into her blade, she can also access the information that is stored in the blood, so she can know everything about the enemy.

I have to admit that these two are the best qualities of this ability, after all stamina and Youki are not infinite, plus in this world there are ways to alter memories with magic, but by using the second ability I can know everything about a person, so I can't be fooled with false memories.

Fortunately there were still all the bodies of the Youkai I killed in my Youkai mode, so I could use their blood to experiment.

To my surprise the range of this ability was quite wide, even though the bodies of the Youkai I killed were miles away, Tessaiga attracted all the blood quickly until it formed a giant sphere made of blood that was quickly absorbed by Tessaiga's blade.

Just as Tessaiga showed me, I could actually use the blood to recover my Youki, plus I could also see the memories and knowledge of the dead Youkai. Although since they were low level Youkai who barely had any ego I couldn't receive any useful information from them.

And the best part came when I tried using it for combat, I could basically replicate most of the Branch of Sin abilities of the Deadman Wonderland characters.

I especially liked the skill "Crow Claw", this was the Branch of Sin of a character named Kiyomasa Senji, which allowed him to create several scythes made of blood, although compared to other ways of using blood this was quite simple, when I used it on Tessaiga I was able to create a giant sword made of blood.

I was even able to use the blood to form shields and weapons that floated around me, as well as solidified armor made of blood. Although it wasn't the most powerful ability in Tessaiga it had several interesting applications, I may one day find them useful for a specific type of opponent.

After another hours of practice, I moved on to the next skill that unlike the previous ones was a technique like Kaze no Kizu, its name was...

Kenichi: "Rekkū Ichimonji (Skycracking Cutter)!"

At the same time I said that, a purple emblem materialized behind me, but I didn't take much notice and made a horizontal cut with Tessaiga's blade that produced a powerful explosion of purple energy that cut all the rocks, even those that were the size of mountains.

Kenichi: (It's basically like a Getsuga Tenshō)

This move originally belonged to an individual of a race of Demi-humans that live in an alternate dimension similar to that of most supernatural beings, they are characterized by having human appearances but with animal characteristics, such as dog ears, cat ears, rabbit ears, etc. Although they are generally a peaceful race who live isolated in their dimension and use a strange type of magic, sometimes individuals appear among their race who are dissatisfied with their peaceful environment and venture into the human world to cause trouble in search of a fight.

Kenichi: (Hmm... That place sounds interesting, although even in the supernatural world not much is known about that dimension, apparently it's an extremely peaceful place that has quite powerful Demi-humans.... I guess this technique that is able to cut mountains as if nothing is the best proof that they are quite powerful).

Although in the story High School DxD it was mentioned that beings from fantasy worlds such as fairies, dwarves and elves existed on Earth. They were always vague with details, in the end they only mentioned that they lived in alternate dimensions isolated from other civilizations, although it was mentioned that a few lived in secret areas of the human world.

Kenichi: (Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to get in contact with all those races, if I go by the history of High School DxD, in at least two years, Japan is going to become the epicenter of several events that endanger the whole world, so we could use a helping hand).

Now all that's left is to see Tessaiga's last two abilities.

The first is undoubtedly Banishing Shift, the power Tessaiga acquired after my father made her absorb the blood of the ancient evil Dragon Fafnir. It is a dangerous power described as being able to banish anything, be it physical attacks, magic or even concepts to Zero-Dimensional Space, in other words they cease to exist.


When I activated the ability, Tessaiga underwent a complete transformation, the blade turned black and its edge changed shape resembling the fangs of a dragon, the blunt part expanded forming several black scales with a purple sheen and the guard's fur turned purple. Whichever way you looked at it, it definitely had a rather demonic appearance, plus it was releasing an aura similar to fire but green in color.

Kenichi: (Although I would like to experiment with this form, it seems that I won't be able to do so for the time being. One of the requirements for using Banishing Shift is that the opponent has to initiate the attack, which means that this ability can only be used as a counterattack).

Although this is not due to a deficiency of the skill, this is more because I have not yet mastered it well, from what Tessaiga showed me, my father like Toujou Jin could also perform an attack that focuses on releasing the eliminating power of Banishing Shift offensively without the need to receive an enemy attack.

Also by controlling Fafnir's power to the maximum, both were able to unlock a transformation, in the case of Jin who directly consumed Fafnir's blood becoming a hybrid of human and Dragon, he was able to transform at will into a Dragon, and in the case of my father who made Tessaiga consume the blood, he was able to project a dark armor with Dragon motif from Tessaiga that covered his entire body, although both chose a different path in their way of fighting, they were definitely on par in strength.

Banishing Shift is an amazing skill, it's not a joke to say it's on the same level as Meido Zangetsuha as one of Tessaiga's most powerful skills, the only problem is that I need quite a bit of practice and fights to master it to perfection, in my current state I'm just like Basara at the beginning of the story who could only use it as a counterattack.

Kenichi: (But I'm not so worried, seeing how crazy this world is, it shouldn't take me long to have opponents to test this skill with).

And the last skill is...

Kenichi "Tessaiga So'unga Mode!"

The moment I finished speaking, a sinister aura came over Tessaiga and from the hilt I could feel several of them stabbing into my hands causing them to start bleeding intensely.

Kenichi: "Ugh!"

It was one of the most painful sensations I have ever experienced in my life...

???: "Destroy! Annihilate! Destroy! Death! Death! Death! Inu no Taisho! Touga!!!"

???: "Humanity! Destroy! Youkai! Destroy! Death!"

???: "Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death!"

I could feel how, a lot of voices were speaking directly in my head at the same time while muttering curses.

???: "Death! Devour! Life! Extinguish!"

I couldn't take it anymore, before I knew it I was already prostrated on the floor trying to endure the pain.


Kenichi: "Haa... Haa... Haa... Haa... Haa... Shit..."

I could only pull myself together and stop listening to those voices when I felt Tessaiga's heartbeat echoing in my head, after gasping for breath, I stood up with some difficulty from the ground and slowly opened my eyes.

As I did so I could tell that my entire body was covered by some sort of red armor with several blue circular gems on the front, plus on the shoulder part the armor had the appearance of a dragon's head. Although aesthetically it looked great, after a few seconds I realized that it was not made of metal and much less of dragon scales, this armor was made of...

Kenichi: "Meat!"

I couldn't help but shudder when I realized, every single part of the armor was made of what I think was Dragon meat, when I touched it I realized instantly, despite looking incredibly solid and resistant, when I touched it I could immediately feel that it was the same sensation I feel when I touch meat before cooking.

When I realized this, I felt a little disgusted for a few seconds, but then I realized that even though it was meat, it didn't give off any unpleasant smell and it wasn't slimy either, so after calming down I was able to endure it.

So'unga (Amassing Cloud Fang), was the third Youkai Sword originally used by Touga. Although many things are unknown about its origins and who forged it, what was known is that this sword was the opposite of Tenseiga, since So'unga was known as "The Sword of Death or Hell", and unlike Tessaiga that could annihilate 100 Youkai in one blow, this one could summon 100 dead souls in one blow.

This sword was first seen in the third Inuyasha movie, being from the Feudal Era, it was much older than Tessaiga and Tenseiga, so it was known that So'unga contained the spirit of an ancient evil Dragon from the depths of Hell.

When humans carried it, So'unga would take control over them so that they would kill as many people as possible, while when Youkai carried it, she would try to persuade them to do her bidding. Although if the Youkai in question was as strong as Touga he could overpower it using his willpower.

In the story of the movie, this sword was sent to the Netherworld so that it could not harm anyone thanks to the combined power of Tessaiga and Tenseiga. But in this world the sword could be destroyed and its spirit was absorbed by Tessaiga, but unfortunately not even Inuyasha was able to use it without her trying to control him.

What just happened to me was the consequence of using it in my human state. The So'unga spirit inside Tessaiga tried to control me, the only reason I was able to free myself from control was because Tessaiga forced some parts of my body to transform into my Youkai state. Fortunately my Youki is quite abundant and Tessaiga now has greater control over her abilities so So'unga is no longer able to extremely influence her bearers.

Although I have to admit that the skills Tessaiga gained in this mode are impressive, among them was:

-Gokuryuha (Dragon Twister)



-Mind Reading

-Phantom Castle

-Dimensional Travel

-Path to Hell

-Black Spikes

-Corrosive Aura

Also the armor gives me great defense and adds Dragon properties to my attacks, it's similar to how in Fairy Tail the Dragon Slayers use magic that can hurt Dragons, so this armor made all my attacks especially effective against Dragons.

Kenichi: (This is a good thing, most of the strongest beings in this world are Dragons, so this armor can be very useful to me if I ever fight one)