I'm the type of person who values alone time. A person who practices the art of self-reflection. From what I noticed in our society is they move forward in life without knowing who they really are. I cannot blame them. It's on them to figure it out on their own unless you become an example to them on how it's done. There are 2 types of mind that we're not aware of. The Conscious mind is one who is logical and analytical. We use this for analyzing situations, making conclusions out of it and most importantly, we know from what is right and what is wrong. In all types of the mind, the next one is the most powerful. This is where we gained our habits, beliefs and pattern of behavior. This is how we think and feel on autopilot mode without being aware of it. Sometimes we're not even aware if we put our housekeys in our bag, if we put our wallet in our bag to buy things out of the supermarket because we're unconsciously on go-go-go mode. If we're mot aware of how these 2 types of minds work, we don't have the capacity to survive the reality we live in. I forgot to tell you, as an introverted person most of our default states are having an alone time. This is the place where we reflect on what matters in life. This is the place where we absorb information easily without distractions. This is how we gained energy. As introverts we have the right to be who we are. It's never true that for us to be accepted by the people around us, we have to follow what their expectations of us are. Following people's expectations would lead to inauthenticity. Following this caused our depression, low-self esteem and unhappiness. This is not the place we want to be. If we're not careful in handling these things, we lose ourselves in the process. Sleepwalking through the hands of society. So to diminish these tendencies, we need to our isolation phase to figure out who we are as a unique individual. Instead of reflecting on the things that are not great. How about we shift our mindset turning those negative into a positive one. Rather than calling yourself a dumb, why not tell yourself that you're a keen observer. Observation is a powerful trait where you notice things that others miss. We're innovative thinkers as well. Ideas are popping out of nowhere more than we realize it.
Sometimes it appears when you're in the shower, walking through nature, you watch something on youtube and listen to podcast. I thought being creative is more about singing, writing, composing music, etc. What I learned is about creating something in tangible reality / physical manifestation. You imagine something then you take action in reality for this to happen. As introverts, we struggle to take action out of fear of failure and the unknown. It's scary to take necessary steps if we're not so sure about what's going to happen in the future. I know I have. Life would be meaningless if everything is predicted because there's no excitement.