Chapter 5 - Ritual-Friend-Goblin.

Two days passed with Harry, Dracula and Niklaus holed up in Castlevania.

Perenell, who was sure to be pissed off when Harry disappeared too, was actually reassured when the trio returned to the island, but not alone, bringing in the process a fucking magical castle that teleported from the other side of the world to their island.

They were currently an ancient vampire, a couple of alchemists and a sorcerer who aimed to develop advanced methods of how and where to begin their crazy plan to colonize Mars, studying the ancient and ancestral library of the immortals, a place full of the greatest secrets of everything and all races, something that Dracula had always kept in the strictest secrecy, now exposing everything to a group of his most trusted.



- Well... imagine we're immortal and we want to restore this planet we're on. - Harry began, wearing his suit and a white coat, like a mad scientist. Perenell and Niklaus beside him were already drunk. Vlád looked more like a child totally focused on what should be the most interesting thing in the world. - What technically we all are here... theoretically of course, and you are... well, you.



- Water! - Perenell shouted, with his arm raised.



- Right, Water... - Harry wrote it down on the huge board. - And how much of it are we talking about, really? - He thought. - How do you know how much water there is on planet Earth?



- A lot, there's so much water that it's hard to be sure... but the last estimate was something around 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 liters of water.



- Okay... - Harry said in astonishment.



- Don't look at me like that, boy. - Vlád sneered. - You're the one who decided to play God without Omnipotence.



- Fuck off then. - Harry cursed, putting the numerology quote down as a percentage of the earth. - I'll round up on a grand scale for Mars, to about... 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. - He said, still a little doubtful.



- Magic, Harry James... everything can be solved with magic and the amount of wizards needed to form water for a full period every day... think out loud, because you've barely seen a fraction of what magical abilities can provide you with. - Vlád explained with a laugh.



- Great, next topic? - Harry asked, with Niklaus raising his hand. - Go ahead.



- Terraforming. - Niklaus said, his voice laced with drink, but being in that state of his where his intelligence flowed at alarming levels. - Mars is extremely cold, reaching -150º.



- And how could we do that? - Harry asked, knowing that Niklaus had been studying this absurdly.



- Arm the outline of the planet with mirrored satellites, which will serve to increase the temperature of Mars by reflecting the distant sun off the planet. - Niklaus explained. - The planet's poles hold extreme amounts of Co₂ in the form of dry ice. With more heat obtained by the mirror effect of the satellites, the gas would spread across the planet, causing a planetary greenhouse effect, until it reached the right temperature for the survival of all races.



- Okay, too complex... but if we can find a way to get there... it should be possible, as long as there's no life there to jeopardize. - Harry dictated thoughtfully and then wrote the topic down on the board. - I believe that the planet's atmosphere is very thin, almost 170 times less dense than that of Earth. - He said, writing under the attention of everyone, who asked for explanations in their eyes.


- I mean, planet Earth has a kind of magnetic shield, protecting it from the radiation and solar winds that hit not only our planet, but also all the celestial bodies in the solar system.


- Mars billions of years ago also had such a magnetic shield and was just as humid as planet Earth, but it suddenly disappeared, leaving the planet at the mercy of the solar winds that literally ripped away the planet's atmosphere.


- It would be a good idea to create an electric or magical circular network around the planet, to generate an artificial magnetic field that would deflect the solar winds, allowing the carbon dioxide released on the planet to not go outside and continue to have its greenhouse effect.


- As this carbon dioxide would increase the pressure in the atmosphere, so would the chances of Mars having liquid water, which is where our rockets will have their work cut out landing on the planet and being transfigured back into their natural state, which would be One Hundred Sixty Million Liters of water flooding the entire planet. - Harry said with the idea of rockets suddenly crashing, and him finding a way to bring water to the planet. - That's right! Water transfigured into a solid state from rockets, coupled to thrusters designed to take them into the vacuum of space, heading for the planet Mars, being transfigured back into its liquid state, pouring it all over the planet immeasurably, like a flood on a global scale. - Harry said, writing everything down in each sector of the topics as observations to be studied.


- Right, ideas... from these topics we've created, what should we include so that it's not all in vain? - Harry asked everyone in doubt.



- Oxygen. - Perenell said, his voice laced with alcohol. - We could create a device, or thousands of them, whatever... whose focus would be to break down the planet's carbon dioxide molecules (Co₂), transforming them into oxygen (O₂). - Perenell explained, trying to come up with a name.



- How about we call this topic the Narnia stage. - Harry said, with Niklaus staring at him and smiling at his student's desire to honor the alchemist's best friend.



- Good, then we'll create the Narnia device, responsible for breaking down the planet's carbon dioxide molecules (Co₂), transforming them into oxygen (O₂). - Niklaus said thoughtfully. - I can work something out.



- I also thought of Cyanobacteria. - Perenell continued, attracting everyone's attention. - These are micro-organisms that obtain energy through photosynthesis, just like plants, these bacteria consume carbon dioxide and return oxygen to the atmosphere.



- And we could create magically altered versions of this, their magical versions would be even brighter, as they would consume carbon dioxide and return a magical compound that would strengthen all magic users and related creatures. - Harry added, jotting the idea down in a topic alongside the Narnia device.



- We'd also need to adapt to gravity. - Vlád interrupted this time with a new topic, with Harry nodding and writing down the title: Parallel Gravity Training Chambers. - If a person weighing 70 kilograms stepped onto Mars, it would be as if they weighed 27 kilograms, meaning that gravity chambers would be necessary for our bodies to adapt to this new environment.



- Great... I hadn't even thought about the altered gravity compared to this planet affecting our bodies. - Harry muttered, writing it all down, the only similar thing he'd seen about it was in the Dragon Ball anime. - What about Phobos and Deimos? - Harry asked, drawing two moons around a planet. - Phobos is a moon whose days are practically numbered, because compared to Earth's moon, Phobos is very close to the planet and is gradually losing its tug-of-war, bringing it even closer to the planet, with the risk of collision and deterioration, forming a Saturn-like planetary ring of debris.



- But, Harry James, that's an estimate of between 30 and 50 million years. - Vlád said the obvious to them there.



- Better to at least keep a note of it and keep an eye on it, to avoid problems in the process. - Harry dictated, writing down two more things


Earth to Moon: 384,400 kilometers.

Mars to Phobos: 6,000 kilometers.



- We'll need to enrich the soil once everything is complete... - Vlád murmured thoughtfully. - Things like Earth, Sand, Plants, Trees, Grass, Clay, Rocks, Flowers... everything would need to be stored and taken there, in order to plant them and insert them into the soil, so that they would follow their flow of roots into the soil and enrich it.



- Precious components too... if it's a place where no one will be in need, a lot of things will have to be available... - Harry said thoughtfully. - I'll think about it more and leave the topic open.


And finally, the most important thing. - Harry said, circling all the topics and starting a title:


The World Neutral Zone.


Note: Conflict, war and mortal combat are impossible.


Note 2: A planetary democratic society, governed by laws against conflict and violence.



- It will be difficult. - Vlád muttered.



- Very difficult. - Niklaus and Perenell nodded together.



- We'll find a way... we'll need some kind of bond or something, which will provide protection against deadly dangers to your life. - Harry said thoughtfully, as he and Perenell discussed feeling a certain magic of Harry's flowing through her body, from the time they met where her eyes glowed emerald, according to her husband. - Since it's a world without wars, it has to be a safe world for its inhabitants, what do we call it? - Harry asked with his eyes shining brightly, followed by those of the three entities in front of him, who also shone in twin union and laughed:



- The Emerald Link! - The trio of immortals announced excitedly, with Harry smiling.



- All right... so the Emerald Link, with everything done, the entire neutral society allied with Prime's government, situated on the new habitable planet, Mars.


- Finally, an era of peace begins, a magically neutral and safe environment for everyone and everything, from humans in need to magicians' families to the most powerful magical entities.


- In which conflicts and disagreements are resolved in non-violent debates and duels.


- This is the Golden Age of the magical races.



- In theory, it's all great and simple... but in practice, it's going to be a lot of work, we need financial and manual support. - Vlád said, with Harry already knowing where this would lead.



- Money, what we need first is money. - It was a debate that Harry had started and that everyone agreed on, with Harry taking sides, since he didn't want his friends to spend something for nothing before it could work, their support at the moment was necessary, but only when things moved forward more safely, then he would allow the risk of his friends financing it.


That way, Harry only knew of one place he could turn to for his first topic, and that was where he was finally returning to debate with his account manager again in respect of his coming of age..



[ ... ]

== Gringotes - Mirror Dimension (K-E) ==

August 5th, 1992 }

Walking towards the double gates of the great Goblin bank, Harry noticed how the two guards bowed slightly before he entered, something very different from the first or even second time he had come here.

But, leaving that aside, it didn't matter much to him, since he really wanted to get off the radar of the people in Diagon Alley, who were blatantly pointing their fingers at him when he emerged from a greenish magical portal in the middle of the avenue, creating total attention for himself, something he even found strange, since weren't magical beings supposed to be adept at magical displays?


So, when the doors were opened by the two guards, he soon understood the reason for the Goblins' act of respect, since right at the entrance to the great hall, there was a medium-sized queue of customers who wanted to prostrate themselves in front of a large, familiar mirror, this being the Ojesed mirror that Harry had given the Goblins at the end of his year at Hogwarts, which was a long time ago, well, at least for him.



- "Interesting." - He thought when his turn finally came, and when he looked in the mirror, he could see his parents and unknown relatives in the background. Where, believing that this was all, he was surprised to see certain motivational words emerge little by little, such as advice that overcoming the past and aiming to create his future was the best way forward, that he shouldn't get hooked on an illusion but aim to build it from now on, things like that, which made him smile at the beautiful use of something that had destroyed the lives of many in the past. - "As I thought... they really are clever." - Harry finished his thought when he saw how after that, the wizards who had already seen the greatest of their desires, and who had certainly been motivated to do something, now aimed to go to the Goblins for assistance, treating them in a much more friendly and even cheerful or respectful way, very different from the view he had of the wizards towards the Goblins the first time he had been here.



Walking to the end of the corridor, where in the process the Goblins strangely stood up and bowed to him to the surprise of the wizards around them, Harry soon came to what was most familiar to him, but which Harry had promptly sharpened his gaze on when he sensed imminent danger in his area of effect.



Something he was sure of when, as he swerved to the side, a large axe crashed into the ground, destroying the floor tiles in the large crack that would have split it in half.


- What do you think you're doing? - Harry asked, his eyes gleaming emerald.



- You've given us one of our oldest relics lost to time. - The three-meter tall Goblin announced. - We must repay you in the best way we know how. - The creature concluded as if this were the most natural thing in the world, to his sadistic laughter... but Harry strangely hadn't sensed any murderous intentions, but rather something... natural, or even cultural to his race.



- Well, you'd better put up with falling on my arm, then. - Harry laughed as he saw the creature speed away, with him following quickly in the process.



The clash of blades was like a thunderous slash, sword against axe, and Harry stopped the Goblins from escaping, sensing the true danger of being within its area of effect.

Noticing that his back was vulnerable, even with the wizards at his back, which, when he looked, now had all the Goblin attendants prostrating their weapons and the wizards being escorted out of the bank, Harry immediately laughed at the shit that was about to happen.

It might be strange for someone like him, but during the years inside the time dome with Niklaus and Perenell, Harry had kind of picked up a certain sadism from the vampire, it might even be a defect, but he loved it and it seemed that these beings were just like him too.

So, surrounded by a hundred Goblins, with the biggest one in front of them rivaling them in brute strength, they both quickly moved away as they forced their weapons against each other.


Standing ten meters away from each other, Harry saw the Goblin of more than three meters drop his axe, with Harry also dropping his sword, thus starting to run towards his adversary.



[ ... ]

It was three minutes of pure physical fisticuffs, a draw if you like, with Harry and the Goblin hitting and being hit, each one gaining the advantage and then losing it, but nevertheless three long minutes under the euphoria of the Goblins around him, who shouted swear words and even phrases in languages Harry didn't recognize, but which sounded more like war cries.

When Potter noticed an opening, he quickly ran around the taller Goblin, where he punched his opponent in the face with his right fist, sending him flying away towards his allies.



But it was ineffective, in Harry's eyes, as the Goblin had adjusted himself in the air and spun around deftly as he fell to the ground with a certain grace and skill, then said sadistically:


- Get him! - The creature announced, with all the hundred around it shouting in chorus, then running towards Potter.



Harry had studied everything around him, his sword in the corner embedded in the tiled floor, his most powerful wand tingling like hot coals in his arm, practically "screaming" at him to wield it and use it as a weapon of destruction and death, his fist clenching and his gaze sharpening at the approach of the hundred sadistic, short, greenish Goblins who were running towards him, but who seemed just as deadly as the most dangerous creature on the planet.

So, with all of them within a meter of Harry, he acted, immediately punching the face of the first Goblin that tried to slice him, the next act didn't stop, as his adrenaline rose to alarming levels, his sense of danger screaming with all these challenges in his area of effect and the euphoria he only felt with three things, or when he was drinking alcohol to dull his senses and stop seeing creatures, having sex to cope with his traumas in the only way he knew how, or in mortal danger when he felt obliged to use his sword and first source of defense in his life, smiling as he continued with fast and furious sequences of punches and kicks towards the creatures that came rushing at him.

They were kicks, punches, elbows, Harry hardly thought, his body only acted, it was only in his hands as he brutally kicked his opponents, and it seemed that all this was like adding fuel to the fire for the Goblins, since they got faster and more brutal with each one that arrived, fell and got up again.



Harry didn't care if he was hurting them, it wasn't as if they weren't trying to do the same to him, whereupon, sensing maximum danger around him, he drew his wand and proclaimed:


- Protego-Bombarda! - Harry shouted with his most powerful wand, and the explosive protection spell appeared like a bluish dome around him, when the five Goblins who were going to attack him with punches, kicks, axes and swords were simply blocked and brutally blown up on all sides.



But it didn't stop there, as Harry continued attacking the horde of Goblins who were hit and got up even more brutally than before, continuing his attacks of punches, kicks, volleys, elbows, knees and headbutts.

His condition was the same as that of his opponents, blood splashing from his lacerated hands from so many blows, his red forehead that had collided with his enemies' hard foreheads, and yet he still knew that medicinal magic existed so he didn't have to worry about that right now.

Seeing that a Goblin had flinched as he stood up, Harry promptly pulled him up by the legs, under his protest, and used him as a club against his opponents, who cursed him under Potter's sarcastic laughter.



- Keep going, you little shits! I can do this all day. - Harry shouted, with the tallest Goblin in the distance, laughing at seeing this sadistic image of the Boy-Who-Lived, a meek and heroic boy that the wizards said he was, but who certainly didn't know this hidden side of him.


- Tempus! - Harry proclaimed, pointing and twirling his wand rapidly in a complicated invocation, but it had served to cause a greenish bubble to appear in its area of effect, where the dozen or so Goblins who had entered had their movements slowed down, as if gravity were increasing inside, but which, in fact, was time running slowly.


So, seizing his chance, Harry quickly brutalized his enemies by striking twenty-five times at each of the Goblins, who fell to the ground unable to get up.

As these were the last of the hundred or so hordes, Harry wasted no time as he ran forward towards his sword stuck in the ground, picking it up and swiftly changing its trajectory towards the last and most powerful Goblin there.



Dempf! - (Damn it!)


The Goblin cursed in his native language, seeing only now that the sorcerer's eyes were completely black, probably since his reaction speed had multiplied so much, with his pupil glowing fiercely in pure emerald.


An obscurial, man'd het thought et? - (An Obscurial, who would have thought?)


He finished as he ran too, wielding his axe.



So the clash was inevitable, Harry with his golden sword and the Chief Goblin with his huge axe.

With both overtaking the other, it was a matter of milliseconds before Harry turned and pressed his opponent with dozens of strong, skillful blows with his sword.

While Harry pressed his enemy with his speed and cuts that fissured the Goblin's flesh.

The Goblin matched his brute strength by using his support axe on the ground and kicking Potter consecutively in the stomach.

Harry, who had suffered from this and lost his balance slightly, soon forced himself up and, with a punch from below, hit the creature in the jaw, which flew upwards at the multiplied force represented by his Dark Gaze.

He then followed his opponent as he took off, punching the enemy who had tried to slice him, with Harry dodging and hitting him in the process, all in free fall where, as they neared the ground, Harry used a guillotine blow from his sword against the enemy's axe, where a crack appeared in the handle.


Sharpened by the Goblin's sadistic gaze, Harry once again felt pressured when the Goblin increased his speed and attacks, pressing him to the ground when Harry got down on one knee with his right leg, receiving brutal guillotine blows against his sword, making clear his revenge for Harry cracking the handle of his axe, where, as Potter's eyes widened, he saw his sword and only meaning of safety in the abusive environment of his childhood, being broken in half by his opponent's blows.



- Son of a bitch! - Harry shouted as he dodged a final guillotine blow aimed at his head, and then skillfully turned to dodge the following blows, where, noticing the first crack in the axe, Harry pointed his wand and spun around quickly.


- Bombarda! - He announced with his wand pointed at the crack, where the axe exploded in half as well.



So, with a vengeful smile and anger in the Goblin's eyes, Harry quickly dodged a volley of punches and kicks, which his opponent deflected and threw back at the same speed.

With each punch the speed increased, with each kick the crater in the ground was enlarged in sheer destruction of the tiles and debris of stone and earth scattering around, where with a final war cry Harry noticed the Goblin turn his arms with magically appearing runic inlays, followed by the same double punch to Potter's chest.

The blow from an already strong Goblin, now coated in magic, was brutal to Harry's body, as he felt and heard several cracks in his chest, with a horrible, lacerating pain tingling like hot coals in the area.



On his knees on the floor, with blood gushing from his mouth and trembling from the lacerating pain, he heard the Goblin's cynical voice:


- What is it, boy? - Said the Goblin, making Harry look at him, and there, with that phrase, see the image of his fat, hateful and abusive uncle, the same man who had beaten him up as a child with a cynical look, always calling him "Boy", "Freak" or worse.


And apparently, the Goblin also noticed that Harry saw something else, because the look of pure hatred mixed with Harry's dark one was what made the Goblin swallow and give up any sarcastic speech that could only make the situation worse.

It was with a dark levitation, the smoke made of pure magic spreading around him, that Harry faced his enemy and not an adversary, at pure speed. When he suddenly appeared in front of the Goblin, Harry punched him in the face, an act that sent him reeling backwards with his teeth breaking.

But Harry didn't stop there, for in pure flight from the shock of the blow, Harry crashed into the opposite side, and the other, and the other too, all in brutal seconds as he vanished and emerged hitting the Goblin on all sides, not letting him escape under the wide-eyed gaze of his troops who now stood up and watched the brutal blows their chief was suffering at Potter's hands.



- PAIN! - Harry shouted in finalization when he heard a distinctive sound whenever he was in danger, where his voice mixed with magic and what his photographic memory said, introduced the Goblins to someone as bloodthirsty as the legendary Lility Evans Potter, for it was a spell he had summoned, this unprecedented spell that had condensed in Potter's fist, it was all that came out like a demon aimed entirely at the Goblin's skull, in which he was hit, feeling the worst pain of his life and flew towards Ojesed's mirror in this torturous and agonizing sensation.



However, he had passed by without hitting the mirror, aiming entirely for the bank's double doors, which had been blown off by the Goblin's flight, which was now falling fast and dragging itself brutally along the entire avenue of Diagon Alley, rolling and making several wizards run desperately to avoid being hit.

Harry gasped at the broken doors of the bank, giving the wizards a horrifying view of their entire bank destroyed from the inside, with several Goblin bodies lying around, and him standing there in a pure attack position, his dark eyes glaring at the crowd, who trembled at the sight of their hero drenched in blood and bruises

And so, in sheer panting, it was that his eyes flickered and lost their dark aspect, returning to his natural one.

Seeing the Goblin in the distance stand up while laughing horribly in a sadistic way, and appearing to be very pleased that the boy was so bloodthirsty as to use a torture spell, he began to walk, this time waving peace at Potter, when he saw that he would continue the battle there on the avenue without the slightest problem.



[ ... ]

Minutes Later }

- Sorry... - Harry said embarrassed, with the Goblins around him smiling at the blushing manner of someone who minutes ago had been one of the most sadistic opponents his race had ever faced. - But why all this shit? Not that I'm complaining. - He continued jokingly, because he really was so pleased to get beaten up without losing friendship with anyone, caring little about his injuries, just wiping the blood off with a towel.



- It's a ritual of respect that our race preaches. - Said the Goblin that Harry had beaten up the most. - By the way, I'm Ragnok Gringot, Supreme Manager of the Mirror Dimension Goblins of the Kingdom of England.


- Hey! - Harry greeted, holding out a closed fist. - I'm Harry. - With the Goblin staring at him for a few seconds, he smiled as he matched the clash of fists.



- What the hell is going on here? - It was a wizard this time who emerged, shouting down the stairs, making Harry smile.



- Oh, I know that one. - Harry said, as the man came running up to him. - It's been so long, Not.



- What's up, Mr. Potter? - His account manager, who was examining him for any deep wounds, had asked him, strangely, how much he missed the boy. They had been exchanging letters recently, although his client had suddenly stopped answering.



- I had to see the other guy. - Harry laughed and glanced at Ragnok, who had laughed at the child's audacity. - Anyway... you're the one I needed to see. - Harry said with his eyes shining, like a child wanting candy. - I need money, lots of it.



- I'll let you sort out your business with your manager. - Ragnok interrupted the conversation by looking at the two of them. - Great to meet you, boy... there are few wizards like you that I've ever had the honor of meeting.



- You're pulling my leg already. - Harry laughed jokingly. - Thanks for the fight too... if you can call it a fight, of course. - He challenged him playfully, as if all the fighting so far had been a mere warm-up.



- Is it going to be like this? - Ragnok asked, picking up the two parts of his broken axe.



- Until you beat me in a fight, yes. - Harry replied laughing, as he picked up the two parts of his broken sword and looked at it as if he had lost a pet.



Leaving the room laughing heartily, Harry soon saw the wide-eyed look on his manager's face, where he sighed in defeat at Harry's innocent look, and they both left in the direction of the wizard's office.

All the supporting Goblins finished healing the warriors, rebuilding the place and opening the doors again, as they had a day's work to finish.


- Mr. Potter, could you tell me why you've been ignoring my letters and notifications lately? - He asked, opening the doors to his office, and Harry immediately sharpened his gaze.



- What letters? - Harry asked, not knowing anything, and entered the office.

And with that, I end the fifth chapter of the Second Book of Changed Prophecy.

I hope you're all enjoying it, and don't forget to give me your fierce support in the comments, and discuss whatever intrigued you in the chapter.


My inspirations for the chapter are listed below.


Colonization of Mars:

Harry's idea for Mars is something like the world of No Game No Life.

Like, a world without wars and deaths, where if there is a conflict and rivalries, they are solved with challenges, even games or championships... it's an inspiration in itself, but imagine it in a modern world on Mars, with magical creatures, relatives of wizards, and things like that.

Where Harry keeps everything in order, no wars, no hunger, no misery and so on.


Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed it, and don't forget to give me your support in the comments. XD


References to Harry's fight against the Goblins, imagine the video with Harry as the yellow puppet, the Supreme Goblin as the red one, and the rest being Goblins and the Gringotes bank closed:


Harry's Appearance: Dark Look (Base x10):


Ragnok Gringot:


Not (Potter Account Manager):


Styles of the Goblin-Warriors of Gringotts:


Styles of the Goblins-Attendants of Gringotts:


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