In a dark room without a hint of daylight, the only source of light is a group of monitors recording an inhuman event.
,,fascinating,, Dazne mumbled and wrote down a few things in her notebook about the demon she and Zenis had imprisoned a few days ago.
On the monitors, you can be seen a creature that looks like a black spine with legs running around in a closed room.
,,I'm dyiiiing!,, it said, every 20 minutes all day and night in pain. At this point even someone who's lacking emotions like Dazne was quite annoyed.
,,How interesting,, Zenis's hand landed on Dazne's shoulder as he watched the monitors.
When she noticed Zenis' smile, a chill ran down her spine. She knew that smile, and it definitely had nothing to do with good things.
,,Even though I want to experiment on this demon, sadly we have more important things to do,, Zenis sighed and scratched his head.
Zenis looked much worse than when he had last seen Blade, which had been 3 days ago, his hair was more greasy and unkempt, his posture suggested he might collapse at any moment, and the dark circles under his eyes meant that he wasn't sleeping at all.
Of course, Dazne knew about his problems, but Zenis had given her a task and she could never let him down. She simply couldn't let him down.
,,Let's both take a break, we need it more than ever,, Zenis decided and left the room.
Dazne took one last look at the demon on the monitors and left to follow Zenis. Having the demon a few meters below the house was risky and Dazne didn't want to leave him unattended, but with Zenis's consent, she could take break.
As she entered kitchen she noticed that Zenis was drinking his sixth cup of coffee and watching Ourka teach Luna math in the hallway.
She didn't understand at all why Ourka and Luna couldn't go out freely like her, but in the end she shrugged her shoulders because it was Zenis's choice.
No one in the family knew why Zenis didn't want them to go out, but the reason was simple.
He was scared
When he was younger and growing up, he had witnessed many disgusting things that happened to girls and women, and the thought of it happening to people he cared about disgusted him.
That was the reason why he didn't let those 2 go out without him, Luna is practically still a child and Ourka was unpredictable and who knows, she could easily be fooled and kidnapped.
Dazne, on the other hand, agreed to have Zenis cut her hair like a boy, teach her martial arts and basic deception techniques.
She was strong, for many handsome as man, yet pretty as women and she easily understood stuff.
That was also the reason why Zenis sent her to medical school. To learn about humans bodies, how to do operations. And how to cause someone so much pain until they die of shock.
As they watched Luna and Ourka, Zenis sighed. Things had been going downhill lately and he knew that problems would soon catch up with his loved ones.
,,it's time to start our plan,, he decided and put down cup.
Dazne immediately understood and nodded, ,,I'll go start the car,, she announced and went into the garage.
When Dazne noticed Ourka, she looked at Zenis in confusion.
,,We're going to our work so for now, enjoy your time here, you have time off from studying and duties for now,, he announced and went into the garage to follow Dazne.
,,hell yes!,, Luna yelled excitedly and instantly got hit by Ourka's hand.
,,Don't swear!,,
Later in car
Dazne drove in silence, concentrating on the road while Zenis looked out the window, deep in thought.
,,my dear god... You know Luna will have to go to school or they'll kick her out for absence,, She mumbled, trying not to sound conceited.
,,I know, but I don't like it because... I'm not strong enough to protect you 3 right now,,
Dazne just nodded at his answer, she knew that saying sweet things wouldn't help him and even though she thought he was strong enough, she would never go against him.
After few minutes
They passed through an invisible barrier and the air immediately began to thicken making breathing difficult.
"This must be why we didn't use my portal to get here" Dazne thought, stopping in front of an old-looking house that looked like it could collapse at any moment.
That was it...
Their aunt's house
,,Did you learn how to properly remove body parts and keep a person alive afterwards?,, Zenis asked glancing at Dazne.
Dazne nodded and slowly drew her katana, ready to come inside with Zenis.
To her disappointment, Zenis had no plans to let her in ,,Stay out on guard, don't go in at any cost,, He ordered and went into the garden, where the entrance to the basement should be.
Here it is...the entrance to the underground basement where his aunt had been for several years without any visitors or interaction with other people.
Holding a dagger, Zenis slowly walked to the door and knocked lightly while keeping the dagger hidden behind his back.
After a long pause without any answer, Zenis was ready to knock again when suddenly..
A beautiful woman with snow-white hair opened the door and her pale green eyes locked with Zenis's. It was Zenis's aunt, also known as Evyra Enox.
Looking at Zenis with hate and closing the door unfriendly with a sigh ,,I've already told you several times that I won't convert to Christianity,,
"Christians? What the hell does this have to do with me?" Zenis looked at himself in surprise, and it dawned on him in a moment.
Since he wanted to look nice for the visit, he wore a black suit, black pants with matching boots, slicked back his hair, and put a patch over his eye to look like a normal person.
"Wait, this could actually play into my hands" Zenis thought as he knocked again.
When Evyra opened the door again irritatedly, Zenis immediately smiled ,,you don't remember me? It's me, Noor from high school,, Zenis lied with a smile.
Looking at him hostile Evyra seemd likes she remembered something suddenly ,,wait... Noor? I remember you!,, She beamed with smile and gave Zenis big hug.
To an unexpected reaction from Evyra, Zenis did not know what to do, this was the first time in his life someone showed him love.
''how warm ... '' Zenis thought when Evyra hugged his chest pulling him into unexpected warm hug.
Without Zenis noticing his eyes teared up and tears began to flow on his cheeks. With every tear that hit the ground, a new question appeared in Zenis's head.
'' Why am I crying? I feel nothing but the warm of her embrace, I never asked for this and yet ... ''
Zenis slowly raised his trembling hands '' to show someone my weakness will not hurt ... right? " He thought.
All of a sudden Evyra pushed Zenis away, ,,now!,, Evyra shouted as confused Zenis tried to regain balance.
Before he could do so sword pierced his chest forcing it's way throught his heart.
In Zenis's mouth emerged blood, he instantly turned head to his attacker just to see a well -known white -haired woman.
Before he could utter single word his vision blurred as he was overhelmed by emotions in his heart and passed out.