Chereads / Harry Potter: Archmage of Another World / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Arriving at School

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Arriving at School

At the rear compartment of the train, Ron was animatedly recounting some famous Quidditch matches he had seen with his brothers. Augustus listened to Ron's exaggerated descriptions while engrossed in a book on magical history. Just as Ron reached the most exciting part of his story, the compartment door slid open again. This time, however, it wasn't Neville, the boy who had lost his toad, nor Hermione Granger.

Three boys entered. Harry immediately recognized the pale-faced boy he had met at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. The boy's interest in Harry had grown considerably since their previous encounter in Diagon Alley.

"Is it true?" the pale boy asked. "Everyone on the train is saying Harry Potter is in this compartment. So, it's you, isn't it?"

"Yes," Harry replied, glancing at the two boys flanking the pale-faced one. Both were short, stocky, and rather unattractive, standing on either side of him like bodyguards. Augustus continued to read his book, seemingly oblivious to the new arrivals.

"Oh, these are Crabbe and Goyle," the pale boy said dismissively when he noticed Harry looking at them. "And I'm Draco Malfoy."

Ron stifled a laugh with a small cough. Malfoy turned to him. "You think my name is funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all about the Weasleys—red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford."

Turning back to Harry, Malfoy said, "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You wouldn't want to go making the wrong sort of friends. I can help you there."

"Draco, promoting your pure-blood superiority again, I see," Augustus interjected with a slight smile as he finally looked up.

"Augustus, sir? You're here too?" Draco asked in surprise, having only just noticed the golden-haired, silver-eyed boy in the compartment.

"I'm a first-year as well. Why? Am I not welcome at Hogwarts?" Augustus replied casually, waving his hand.

"Of course not! Your presence is an honor to the school. I just didn't expect someone as noble as you to share a compartment with a Weasley," Draco said obsequiously, throwing a disdainful glance at Ron. The rapid shift in his expression was almost comical.

Harry and Ron both stood abruptly, Ron's face as red as his hair.

"Say that again," Ron demanded.

"Oh, what? You're going to fight us, are you?" Draco sneered.

"Unless you leave right now," Harry said, trying to sound braver than he felt. Crabbe and Goyle were much larger than him and Ron. Still, Harry had a gut feeling that Augustus wouldn't let things escalate.

True to Harry's instincts, Augustus closed his book and addressed Draco calmly, "That's enough, Draco. This behavior only lowers others' opinions of you and your family. It does neither of you any good."

To Harry and Ron, it sounded like a stern elder chastising a younger relative. To their astonishment, Draco seemed to respect Augustus immensely. Without further protest, he shot Harry and Ron a venomous glare, bowed slightly to Augustus, and left the compartment with Crabbe and Goyle in tow.

"Didn't expect Malfoy to back down so easily," Ron muttered to Harry, glancing at Augustus with a mix of admiration and unease.

The train slowed and finally came to a stop. Passengers jostled to reach the doors, spilling out onto a small, dark platform. The night air was chilly, and Harry shivered. Then, a familiar voice called out above the crowd, "Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here! Harry, there yeh are! Alrigh'?"

Through the sea of people, Hagrid's bearded face emerged, smiling. "Come on, follow me—any more firs'-years? Mind yer step, now! Firs'-years, this way!"

They followed Hagrid down a steep, narrow path. While the other first-years stumbled in the darkness, Augustus walked smoothly, as though he could see the terrain perfectly. The path wound through the woods, silent except for Neville's occasional sniffles.

"Yeh'll get yer firs' glimpse of Hogwarts in a sec," Hagrid called back.

A collective gasp of awe escaped the group as the path opened onto a vast black lake. On the far side, perched atop a high mountain, was an enormous castle with countless turrets and towers. Its windows sparkled like stars under the night sky.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid instructed, pointing to a fleet of small boats moored at the shore. Augustus stepped into one of the boats, followed by Harry and Ron. The last seat was claimed by Hermione, who climbed in briskly.

"Mr. Augustus, we meet again," Hermione said cheerfully, paying little attention to Harry and Ron.

"Indeed, Miss Granger. What a coincidence," Augustus replied with a faint smile.

"Everyone in?" Hagrid shouted, climbing into his own boat. "Right then—FORWARD!"

The fleet of boats glided smoothly across the glassy surface of the lake. Everyone was silent, mesmerized by the towering castle looming above them. As they approached the cliff on which the castle stood, Hagrid called, "Heads down!"

The boats sailed through a curtain of ivy and into a hidden opening in the cliff face. They traveled along a dark tunnel, finally arriving at an underground harbor. Climbing out, they followed Hagrid up a rocky path and emerged onto a damp, grassy area in the castle's shadow.

As Augustus gazed up at the massive structure, his silver eyes seemed to flicker with streams of data. A faint smile played on his lips, as though he had just unlocked a precious secret.

They ascended a flight of stone steps and gathered before a towering oak door.

"Everyone here?" Hagrid raised a massive fist and knocked three times. The grand doors creaked open, and the mysteries of Hogwarts awaited them.

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Chapter 270, Chapter 270: The Naive Fudge