Chereads / Ketonear / Chapter 6 - Ep 6: attack of the currupt skies

Chapter 6 - Ep 6: attack of the currupt skies

While yuki and his team where at draconiya the currupt skies sent drogon to slow them down while the other 4 went to urabose and started there attack. The members include Lila, brook, kencho, drogon, and the leader hendo

Lila a solid silver aura force user she has a slim figure and larg tits she wares a long white dress that goes just below her knees with the currupt skies embalem by her heart she has long yellow hair and purple eyes main weapon blood bow.

Brook a solid silver aura force user she has a slim figure and medium tits she where's a black dress with a fere coat around her neck thst does down to her knees with the emblem of the currupt skies by her heart she has long black hair and purple eyes main weapon daggers of flame and ice.

Kencho a solid silver aura force user he has a well built figure and where's a white shirt robe with a fur coat around his neck with the currupt skies embelem and black pants he also has a ketsune mask because he is part of the ketsune race he can use his aura force as lightning he has medium long black hair and dark red eyes main weapon sword of lightning.

Drogon was already introduced in ep 5

Hendo a solid silver aura force use he had a well built figure he also has dark magi aura force he where's a crown around his medium long white hair and has crimson red eyes he where's a black shirt robe with strange purple patters and white pants main weapon katana of darkness and dark magi.

They destroyed most of the buildings and killed many people in one go until the royal knights stepped in but Evan some of them died there down to 3 members uri, zenzu, and sho narrowing and defending the kingdom along with king urabos

Uri a solid silver aura force user she where's a white shirt and white skirt with ribbons on the left and right side she has a slim figure and medium tits she has long red hair main weapon rapear.

Zenzu a solid silver aura force user he where's a white shirt robe and white pants he is also part of the ketsune race so he had a ketsune mask he has medium long blue hair and blue eyes main weapon saber and lightning magi.

Sho a solid silver aura force user he where's a white button up shirt robe and white pants with ribbons on the left and right side he has long tired up black hair and green eyes main weapon sword of the sun.

The others did all they could but they all died but not in vain as the three most powerful holy knights and the king where holding there ground agonised this threat.

"Hahaha time to die people of urabose hehehe" Lila

"Grrrr oh no you don't" zenzu

"Your mine zenzu" kencho

"Your a betrayer to your race kencho for thst you must die" zenzu

"Try it then hahaha" kencho

As kencho then blasted a massive amount of lightning at zenzu blazing him back as Lila was about to kill innocent's harlequin came fourth with his spirit spear. 5th configuration increase and shot a dozen blades at Lila making her turn her sights on him. While Phoebe sent out a potion that weakened anyone thst she deemed an enemy. Weakening then by the tiniest little bit but they where still powerful Lia was also fighting agonised brook there battle sent shockwaves of aura force power across the space they where fighting at. Lia put her all into fighting but was blown to the ground she tried to get up but brook came down and stabbed Lia through the bottom left side of her belly making Lia scream a little in pain. But before brook could finish it uri came fourth and blew brook back stabbing her through the same spot pinning brook to a wall before backing of and checking on Lia. While in the distance king urabose and hendo where creating powerful clashes destroying the ground and shaking the air itself clash after clash blow after blow. There battle is of legends only dreamed about and told in legends the real thing happening right hear and now. There power was on a hole other level back to harlequin and Lila's fight Lila shot a powerful blood shot harlequin then tried to use is guardian but it went straight through pearcing harlequin in the shoulder. Making him cough out blood harlequin then calapsed onto one knee before Lila could do anything else sho came out of no where and blew Lila back then stabbed her straight through the left side of her belly then he went to deliver a finishing blow before he calapsed on one knee for some reason.

"Oh what's going on what is this why do I feel weak" sho

"Hehehe my blood magi since I managed to get a little bit of it on you I have complete control over your body" Lila

"Although since I haven't pieced you before I activated the affect I cant kill you unlike mister fairy king over there ooo your the last fairy right hehe I might have to make you impregnate me thst way the fairy race stays in this world not only thst but I get to enjoy your body" Lila

"Grrr stay away from me bitch I just gotta move grrrr" harlequin

"Uh uh uh i control What you do unfortunately i cant control what you say oh man oh well you will crave my body eventully my love" Lila

"Hmm if you really have true love you wouldn't be so stubborn Whst if I did want to impregnate a beautiful looking girl like you not only thst you are strong enough and your aura is beautiful" harlequin

"Oh" Lila

Lila starts to blush a little because of this the curse activates and she starts to scream in pain harliquin then asked Phoebe to try and help her. And like always because if phoebes alchemist magi she manages to cure the curse placed in her and now Lila is free. Meanwhile kenchos and zenzus fight they both shot powerful lighting blasts and swung there weapons sending wayves of lightning destroying everything. Eventully they both decided to get serious and use there masks unleashing there true power and sending a shock wave of lightning before both dragging forward at great speed then clashed blades with Tremendous force. Zenzu then shot a powerful beam of lightning making a direct hit on kencho was blown back and crashed into a wall zenzu thought he did major damage but turns out kencho was barly affected and retaliated with a Evan more powerful beam of lighting zenzu tried to block it he did for a little bit until zenzu was blown away with all the power from kenchos attack. Zenzu stood his ground but could barly move as then kencho rushes forward to kill zenzu but before he could harlequin came fourth and used his spears first form. To nock back kencho then harlequin shot his spear at fast speeds and he pieced the shoulder of kencho.

"What how did you do that" zenzu

"Hmm because of Lila's blood magi it's boosted my power by a crap tone I am surprised tho my body as adapted faster then Whst I thought" harlequin

"It's because your the fairy king yoy have unique abilities weren't you trained" zenzu

"Im afraid my kingdom was destroyed by a demon so I had no training that's the reason why im known as the last fairy" harlequin

"Well looks like I get to kill the last of the fairy race hahaha now die" kencho

kencho blew a blast of lighting at harlequin but he managed to use his spirit spear 2ed form guardian to protect him then harlequin retaliated with spirit spear 5th form increase. To shoot a bunch of blades at kencho slicing him a little in the arms body and legs but that didn't stop him and kencho sped forward with incredible speed and power punching harlequin in the stomach then slamming him into the ground. As kencho was about to finish things zenzu rushed forward and sliced kencho across the body weakening him segnificantly once zenzu did thst he calapsed into one knee dew to over use of his mask zenzu then took it of so he could regain power. Kencho didn't let this stop him he was feriouse and almost killed zenzu where he was on the ground barly able to stand up from exorstion. luckily before kencho could he was sliced through the body leaving a hole through him by harlequins spear.

"Your welcome for my blood magi otherwise you wouldn't be able to move harlequin" Lila

"Hahaha thank you so much how will I ever repay you" harlequin

"We could go somewhere private and do the dirty" Lila

"Half I should of thought you would say that don't worry we will get to thst as soon as the city is safe oh watch out" harlequin

Harlequin then used guardian to protect Lila as a powerful impact of ice and fire came flying at us.

"Well well well seems we have a traitor hehehe" brook

"Grrrr damn you brook I thought we where friends" Lila

"Hmpf to be completely honest I don't know how your still alive the curse should of killed you" brook

"Phoebe saved me she removed the curse she can do the same for you" Lila

"Sorry honey but my love for the master is the only thing in this world I care for I will kill you" brook

"Now now Brook you cant take all the fun man I was hopeing I could slow them down longer oh where's thst yuki boy" drogon

"That doesn't matter Phoebe Lia Lila you guys take brook me and zenzu will deal with drogon" harliquin

As the battles quickly started brook shot a powerful ice flame blast at the three girls but Phoebe managed to give Lia and Lila defence boosts so they didn't get hurt Lia then rushed in and clashed blades with brook. One thing about brook she's only really powerful if her daggers special abilities work if they don't then she's Pritty weak. Lia then out sped brook and cut her sides of her waste and legs making her unable to move thst much.

"No no no this csnt be happening why is this happening oh Lila" brook

Lila was standing right Infront of brook with her blood bow aimed and ready to fire at point blank.

"Goodbye brook" Lila

"No this isn't over forbidden art take my body and give me strangth" brook

Brook then sent a shockwave blowing Lila and Lia back while thst was happening brook started to grow horns from her head and took on a demon like shape. She then rushed forward and crushed Lila's arm making her unable to use her bow then brook went after Lia punching her in the stomach then kicking her into the air after thst brook flew up and blew Lia to the ground making her spit blood. Before brook finish of Lia Lila had a sudden awakening and she activated her blood brute aura force alowing her to activate her twin blood bow two blood bows appear each side of her she then put all of her power into the twin shot blood stream. Once she short two powerful beams shot at brook they where spiraling eachother until they merged into one big one and made a direct hit on brook. Once Lila did that she calapsed and is now struggleijg to stay awake brook then appears right infront of her with a massive hole through her body. Brook then stabbed Lila in the back the blade whent straight through brook was about to kill Lila but luckily Phoebe managed to fully restore Lia back to her full strangth and she came flying in and kicked brook blowing her to the left. Through a couple of broken buildings Phoebe then rushed over and helped Lila recover.

"Lia i managed to save Lila but it will take a while for her to be able to fight so your going to have to fight brook on your own" Phoebe

"Just leave it to me I will be fine" Lia

Brook then released an explosion of aura force energy before rushing back into the fight Lia then released her aura force and her twin daggers extended with silver energy she then rushed forward with explosive power. Brook then went to punch her with a powerful blow thst is capable of destroying mountains but Lia managed to slice up brooks right arm before cutting it compleatly of. As Lia goes to land a seccond blow finishing the battle brook regrows her arm instantly plunging it straight through Lia's chest taking out her heart. And crushing it Brook then pulled her arm out Lia with lifelessness in her eyes calapsed to the ground her lifeless body loosing all of its blood. Her last Thought wishing she could of died in menzas arms as she let out her last breath. Phoebe was then stuned with fear she couldn't move at all as for Lila she is passed out in the middle of her healing.

"Hahahaha she's dead and now to kill the perthetic healer and Lila the traitor" brook

" l…l…Lia why no this cant be" Phoebe

"Now die perthetic trash oh" brook

Out of nowhere menza comes fourth and kills brook with a single strike before walking over to Lia holding her body close to him with tears rolling down his eyes.

"Grrrr im sorry I couldn't make it sooner im really sorry your death will not be in vain Phoebe snap out of it do you want Lia's death to be in vain if not continue healing Lila so she's ready to fight I will stand guard " menza

"Oh hmm right come on Lila wake up already she's used a lot of blood but I should be able to save her since she hasn't lost any important parts of her body" Phoebe

Meanwhile zenzu & harliquins & drogons fight there clashes sending shockwaves drogons powerful crimson flames and zenzus lighting clashing with harliquin there to not only protect but also fight with great strangth.