After the excitement of the morning James and Ofelia prepared their belonging and then their armor and weapons in case of an emergency. The scent of freshly baked bread and sizzling meat wafted through the air, drawing them downstairs for breakfast. The common room was alive with the sounds of clinking cutlery, low conversations, and the occasional burst of laughter from adventurers recounting their tales.
James and Ofelia settled at a corner table near the hearth, where the fire from the night before still glowed faintly. Marlin approached with a wide grin, balancing a tray laden with steaming plates.
"Morning, lad. And for the young lady, too," Marlin said, his deep voice hearty and welcoming. He placed the plates in front of them—a generous portion of fried eggs, thick slices of bacon, roasted potatoes with sprigs of herbs, and a warm loaf of bread with pats of butter melting on top. Beside each plate sat a steaming mug of spiced tea, its aroma rich and inviting.
James's stomach growled audibly, and he chuckled. "Looks fantastic, Marlin. Thank you."
Marlin laughed. "Eat up, lad. You'll need your strength if you're heading into town today. And don't forget—you've paid for today's meals and lodging, but if you want to extend your stay, let me know."
James nodded. "Actually, I'd like to pay for another night in advance, along with dinner and breakfast for tomorrow. How much will that be?"
Marlin rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Another four silver coins should cover it."
James reached into his pocket, careful to conceal the money he pulled out. He handed Marlin the coins with a small smile. "Thanks again, Marlin. We'll take care of the rest from here."
Marlin gave a satisfied nod, pocketing the coins. "You're good folk, lad. Enjoy your meal."
As Marlin left, James turned to Ofelia, who was staring down at her plate with a hesitant expression. "Go ahead," he encouraged softly. "Eat as much as you like."
Ofelia glanced up at him, her green eyes filled with uncertainty, before lowering her gaze again. She picked up her fork tentatively and took a small bite of the eggs. Her eyes widened slightly as the flavors hit her tongue—savory and rich, with a hint of peppery warmth. She quickly took another bite, then another, her initial hesitation melting away.
James couldn't help but smile at the sight. It was clear she wasn't used to meals like this, and watching her enjoy it felt oddly fulfilling.
The bread was soft and warm, its crust perfectly golden. The bacon was crisp, its smoky flavor complementing the herb-roasted potatoes. The spiced tea added a comforting heat to the meal, with hints of cinnamon and clove lingering on the palate.
They ate mostly in silence, though James occasionally glanced at Ofelia, noting how carefully she avoided making eye contact with the other patrons. Her posture was tense, her shoulders slightly hunched, as if bracing for an insult or worse.
He decided to keep their morning lighthearted. "If I eat too much of this, I'll probably fall asleep before lunch," he joked, earning a faint smile from her.
When they finished, James wiped his hands on a cloth and stood, adjusting the straps of his coat. "Ready to head to the market?"
Ofelia nodded, rising from her seat and standing slightly behind him. Her gaze darted around the room cautiously as they made their way out, and James felt a pang of frustration. He knew she'd likely dealt with prejudice and mistreatment her entire life, but seeing her so wary of everyone around her only deepened his resolve to protect her.
The town square was a hive of activity, the kind of organized chaos that drew both merchants and shoppers from every corner of Trudid. Stalls formed a patchwork of color and texture, each one unique. Some displayed vibrant piles of fruits and vegetables, while others showcased neatly arranged weapons, sparkling jewelry, or handcrafted pottery. The air carried a heady mix of aromas—spices, roasted nuts, and the occasional whiff of freshly tanned leather.
James and Ofelia walked cautiously through the road. The cobblestone streets were uneven underfoot, their edges worn smooth by countless market days. James kept a steady pace, his eyes scanning everything. Ofelia followed closely, her small frame almost disappearing in the crowd, her head lowered to avoid the curious or disapproving glances cast her way.
"Stay close," James said softly over his shoulder. Ofelia nodded without a word, her fingers tightening around the edge of her shirt.
At a weapons stall, a burly merchant greeted James with a broad grin. The man's wares were neatly organized, gleaming under the mid-morning sun. James pretended to inspect a polished iron sword, his fingers brushing the hilt as he whispered, "Appraisal."
[Appraisal Activated]
[Err#r: Data L%ad$ng]
N@me: Iro^n Swo%rd
Cond!tion: Good
V#lue: 1 Silver Coins
Eff$ct: None
Skill Mismatch Det@cted—Err%r
The interface flickered erratically before stabilizing. James frowned slightly, hiding his reaction as the merchant began his pitch.
"Fine weapon, isn't it? Strong, reliable, and only 15 silver coins—a bargain, really," the merchant said with practiced enthusiasm.
James kept his expression neutral, though the disparity in price irked him. "It's nice," he said, setting the sword down. "I'll think about it."
Walking a little further a hunched old woman with a crooked smile waved James over to her stall, which was covered in bundles of dried plants and jars filled with colorful powders.
"These herbs are the finest in all of Trudid! Guaranteed to heal wounds, cure illnesses, and even invigorate the soul," she crooned.
Intrigued, James picked up a bundle of dried leaves and activated Appraisal.
[Appraisal Activated]
N@me: Dr#ed Gr@ss
Cond!tion: Poor
Eff#ct: None
Valu^e: 3 Copper Coins
Err%r: F!le Not Found
James frowned. The woman wanted 10 copper coins for something essentially worthless. He set the bundle down carefully and walked away with a polite smile, shaking his head at the blatant scam.
Further down, another stall caught his attention—this one draped in vibrant fabric. Trinkets and baubles glittered on a makeshift table, their surfaces catching the sunlight. A particular bronze pendant with a swirling design stood out, drawing James closer.
He whispered again, "Appraisal."
[Appraisal Activated]
[Err#r: Loading Item Info]
Br%ze P@ndant
C!ndition: Good
V@lue: 80 S!lv$r Coins
Eff#ct: B&&st Perception
Mana F!eld D&t!cted…[Gl%tch]
The pendant shimmered faintly in his hand, the light catching its intricate design. The merchant, a wiry man with a quick smile, leaned forward. "Ah, that one? It's yours for eight copper coins. Not many folks go for old trinkets like that."
James handed over the coins, pocketing the pendant with a nod. He would store the pendant in his Item Box later, keeping it secure and out of sight. He was already making a killing with his skill !
A little later, a tall, boisterous man with an oversized mustache waved a hand dramatically over his collection of swords. "Behold! Swords enchanted by the finest mages in the kingdom! With these in hand, no labyrinth monster will stand a chance."
James picked up a shiny blade with intricate carvings along the hilt and activated Appraisal.
[Appraisal Activated]
N@me: Pl#ted Iron Sw%rd
Cond!tion: Good
Eff#ct: None
Valu^e: 5 Silver Coins
Err%r: No Ma^na Detected—D@ta M!smatch
The merchant was asking for 50 silver coins—a ridiculous price for a standard weapon. "I'll think about it," James said, setting the blade down and moving on.
Another flamboyant man in brightly colored robes gestured theatrically at a display of glittering rings, necklaces, and bracelets a the stall near it. "Jewels from faraway lands, infused with magic! Perfect for discerning adventurers like yourself."
James picked up a necklace with, at its center, a blue gem glowing in the sun , activating Appraisal.
[Appraisal Activated]
N@me: Gl^ss N#cklace
Cond!tion: Average
Eff#ct: None
Valu^e: 5 Copper Coins
The glowing gem was just a clever trick, and the necklace was worth far less than the merchant's asking price of 2 silver coins. James returned it to the display without a word, unimpressed.
At another stall, James paused to inspect a collection of rings. The display was modest, but something about one of the pieces—a plain silver ring—caught his eye. He activated Appraisal again, glancing down discreetly as the interface struggled to load.
[Appraisal Activated]
[Er%or: Ite&m D!scr#ption]
Na&me: S!lver R%ng
C@ndition: Fair
Eff#ct: S!lence (R&nge: Close)
Value: 2.4 gold C@in
Err%r: Mana Lattice Det&cted—D@ta C#rruption
James's heart skipped a beat. A ring imbued with Silence? That could be valuable, especially in tight situations. He kept his voice casual. "How much for this?"
The merchant scratched his chin. "Ah, that plain thing? Two silver coins. Good craftsmanship, but nothing special."
James suppressed a smile, knowing he'd just discovered a bargain. "I'll take it," he said, handing over the coins. He slipped the ring into his coat pocket, resolving to test it more thoroughly later.
As the morning wore on, James realized the need for a proper bag. He couldn't keep stashing items in his jogging pockets without raising suspicion. At a leatherworker's stall, he found a brand new sturdy satchel with brass buckles of descent size . The artisan, a stout woman with calloused hands, offered it for 3 silver coins.
James paid the price without hesitation. As soon as they moved away from the stall, he transferred the small items from his pockets into the bag. When he was certain no one was watching, he used Item Box to store the contents discreetly. Now, his bag appeared and was empty—a clever decoy to deter potential thieves.
James and Ofelia then approached a modest stall tucked into a quieter corner of the bustling market. The table was covered with small, polished black stones, each identical in size and shape, gleaming under the sunlight. The seller, a wiry man with sharp eyes and a knowing smile, leaned casually against the edge of the stall.
"Ah, interested in magic stones, are we?" the merchant said, his tone smooth and practiced. "These little beauties are more valuable than they look. Perfect for any aspiring Explorers."
James picked one up, turning it over in his hand. It was smooth and slightly cool to the touch. He glanced at the seller, raising an eyebrow. "Magic stones? What's their purpose?"
The merchant's smile widened, clearly enjoying the chance to explain. "Simple. Keep one of these in your pocket when you're out hunting monsters, and it will absorb a portion of their mana when you take them down. Once the stone turns white, it's fully charged and can be sold to the guild for a good sum. It's practically free money if you're already fighting monsters."
James's interest piqued, but his caution held steady. He discreetly activated Appraisal on the stone in his hand.
[Appraisal Activated]
N@me: B!a#ck Mana St%ne
Cond!tion: Good
Eff#ct: 0% Charged - Absorbs a small portion of mana from defeated monsters
Valu^e: 15 Copper Coins
Err%r: None Detected
The information aligned with what the merchant had said, though James noted the selling price once white wasn't specified in the display. He turned his attention back to the stones on the table, inspecting them carefully. To his surprise, two of the stones seemed to have faintly different hues—barely noticeable unless you were looking closely.
"What about these?" James asked, picking up one that seemed to have a faint, almost imperceptible white sheen to it. "Are these pre-charged?"
The merchant shrugged nonchalantly. "Some of them might already have a bit of mana in them. It's not uncommon for stones to absorb residual mana just from being around it or be found in the maze after an Explorers as meet his end. But the price is the same for all as the are Black —10 copper coins each. A bargain, really."
James didn't reply immediately. Instead, he used Appraisal on the stone he had just picked up.
[Appraisal Activated]
N@me: B!a#ck Mana St%ne
Cond!tion: Good
Eff#ct: 4% Charged - Absorbs a small portion of mana from defeated monsters
Valu^e: 15 Copper Coins
Err%r: None Detected
He appraised a few more stones, quickly identifying another one that was slightly more charged than the others.
"I'll take these two," James said, holding up the partially charged stones.
The merchant's eyes gleamed, clearly pleased to make a sale. "Good choice, lad. That'll be 20 copper coins for the pair."
James handed over the coins, feeling a small rush of satisfaction as he slipped one of the stones into his pocket. He glanced at Ofelia, who had been standing quietly beside him, her eyes darting between James and the merchant.
"Here," James said, handing her the second stone. "Keep this with you. If we ever… end up in a fight, it might come in handy."
Ofelia hesitated, looking down at the smooth black stone in her palm. "You want me to have one?"
James nodded. "It's better if we both have one. That way, we can collect more mana if we ever have to defend ourselves. Just keep it in your pocket, and it'll do the rest."
Her eyes flicked up to meet his, a mixture of confusion and mistrust still lingering. But she nodded slowly, tucking the stone into her pocket. "Thank you… James," she said softly.
James gave her a small smile, then turned back to the merchant. "Thanks for the stones. Let's hope they work as advertised."
The merchant laughed. "Oh, they will. Trust me, you won't regret it."
As they walked away from the stall, James couldn't help but feel a sense of quiet accomplishment. With these stones, they had taken another small step toward preparing themselves for the challenges of this world. And while it wasn't much, it was a start.
Trailing behind James, Ofelia kept her head low, her gaze fixed on the cobblestones. The lively chatter of the market was overwhelming, and the occasional sneers or whispered comments about her presence stung. She couldn't shake the feeling that every eye was on her, judging her for what she was—an elf, a slave, an outsider.
But James's steady demeanor offered her some comfort. He didn't treat her with disdain or indifference, as others had. Instead, he included her in small ways—glancing back to ensure she was close, offering a reassuring word when she faltered. It was… strange. She wasn't used to kindness.
She watched him interact with the merchants, noting how he always seemed to examine items with care before making a decision. There was something calculated about his movements, as though he saw things others didn't, every times his bracelet making a little bit of light. She wondered what he was looking for, but she didn't dare ask.