My phone rang with countless phone calls mainly from my mom, she's been keen on me getting married and i can't fully become the CEO of dad's company without getting married and that's why i decided to get married to one of my debitor's children so it will be a way for them to pay. I arrived at my mansion and met mom inside with dad and yeah my annoying elder brother who's keen on getting dad's company at all cost "Mom you didn't inform me of your visit" i said coldly as i sat down "do i need to inform you when i want to see my child" she said as she gupped down her drink, "i heard of your marriage to one of the Brown's children" Dad said coldly "it's already announced even though i haven't giving details" i said coldly "i was hoping you will get married to one of MR. Bright's beautiful ladies" Dad said and i sighed "you wantd me to get married and am doing that even if i don't want it and you are still telling me who to get married to?" i said a bit loud, i ordered one of the servants to serve me a cold drink " so who is this girl?" Mom asked "She's the youngest daughter of the Brown's and has an attitude but am only gettting married in olther for you guys to stop pestering me" i said and stood up "Dad isn't done" my so called elder brother said in a cold tone " Who are you to speak to me and besides this is my house and i can leave here when i want" i said and turned to leave "LUCAS!, at least respect my presence" Dad yelled " i am that's why i haven't thrown a blow at him" i said and left to my room. i laid on the bed and then that rude Brown's daughter popped up in my head, she's truly not scared and not a gold digger and really someone who can't be intimated, i guess she will be the right person to get married to.
"Can you even believe it, after been rude he tried to act sweet" i complained to my bestie Monica, "Wow, this really crazy, i can't believe someone shutting your dad out" she said, "but the problem here is why did he change his mind, what does he want with me?" i asked " like you said before, you were rude to him not caring who he was pobabily he wants to teach you a lesson when you both get married" she said " no, i think it's more than that because from what i have heard about him, if he really wants to deal with me he would have at that spot" i said thinking hard " but have you wondered why he wants to marry from your family in the first place?" she said and what she said made total sense to my head "you are write, he could get married to the president daughter or something, why will he enter a small town and pick me?" I said wondering but no answer came in.