// Third Point Perspective //
Claire thrusts her rapier at Virion which he redirects away from his body with his metal staff. It was a plain, dull grey staff with no mana crystal anywhere to suggest it was for a conjurer.
It didn't even conduct mana properly.
Despite this lacking property, Virion made good use of it by turning it into his practice dummy for mana manipulation.
He pushes mana through it and compacts the layer of air around it thereby increasing its density in an attempt at reproducing the spell that Cynthia used against him when they first met.
Of course, it was less effective use for it but effective enough to improve his multi-tasking skills instead. And also reducing the force with which Claire's balde struck his staff with her superior built like a car's shocks.
Claire reels her arm back and decides to let go of the light attacks to conserve her stamina. She takes just a second to catch her breath, matching it with the flow of her mana to better, more efficiently circulate it through her body.
She leaps in his gaurd, and raises her sword not at him but in his gaurd, breaking through by pushing his staff away. Then the two engage in flurry of strikes, she slowly pushes him back with her more refined swordsmanship and control.
Virion lets go of his spell to direct his focus at the dancing blade in front of him otherwise he might just loose sight of it. He internally wanted to sigh at his shortcomings but there was no room for that.
Fighting ones weakness was meant to be hard otherwise why would it be a weakness.
He was forcing his eyes or rather vision to take in everything - not in that literal of a sense. His mind couldn't help but stray to the tip of her blade though despite his continued protest. It was as if he wad losing hus sight fir the path to focus on the trees.
The very she reason broke through his guard, his eyes naturally focused only on the weapon, missing the rest of her body language and interpretating his response wrong and now he was on defense.
A result of his past life.
The tip of her rapier reminds him of his fine-tipped brushes made of sable that he used to make the tiniest of details, now that 'focus' had carried over to here. This particular problem arises when he augments himself whilst in close combat as he is approaching the first stage of the yellow colour, he naturally wants to branch out.
Fighting like this was new to him and on top that, augmenting required morr focus as he is a conjurer. And more often than not, it comes at the cost of a few HP so he augments other things other then himself as it is more in the middle between augmenting and conjuring, making it easier.
The way he usually fights allows for distance therefore time to anticipate his oppositions' next move. In the future, it wouldn't be always the case as there are more powerful foe awaiting.
He needs to unlearn almost twenty years of repeated gestures and behavior.
Well, at least he can imagine why other children despite awakenining early were not really considered geniuses by some.
But as someone with a past life and reader of this once novel, his understanding over the elements and mana in general helps him negate the need for chanting.
So knowing this, he wondered why Arthur struggles with his deviants so much as he should have a basic understanding of all of it.
Maybe he just doesn't bother?
Virion couldn't exactly remember.
He pushes back these thoughts though with a wince when Claire's next attacks slips past his vision and grazes his thigh drawing blood.
Maybe he should just close his eyes as it is more of a liability now.
Another slash from Claire grazes his arm, he decides to push his new idea to the back of his mind again and focuses on the individual infront of him.
Claire though seemingly unsatisfied with something, halts in her tracks and stomps her foot infront of her, reinforcing her stance.
Virion could only guess something was coming, that being something big and he rests his staff at his side. Claire smiles, pulling the mana from her core and augmenting herself futher.
She launches forward leaving her front foot's footprint in the ground and tenses the muscles in her arm as she appears infront of him. She uses the spell [Piston Stomp] but instead of from the soles of her feat, a small burst flames came from behind her elbow propelling her arm holding her weapon with much more speed than she could muster with augmenting.
She was mere inches away from him much to his surprise. As she put her foot down to drive it home, or so she thought but it never seemed to reach a solid surface at first. Virion had sinked more or less the specific area that she would've stepped on to carry her momentum into the thrust, a few centimeters down and landed her in a awkward balance and effectively reducing that momentum she had.
He leisurely moves to the side, guiding her blade away with his staff and strong gust of wind following that motion. She was nearly lifted off her feat but managed to twist her body on her awkward foot like a ballerina. Coming back around at Virion whom simply erects a wall.
The tip of her sword sinking into the pillar of earth, channeling mana through her rapier and releases it. The rock explodes with flames erupting from within it blowing away the resulting dust.
Virion already made more distance between them, waiting but she didn't pursue him though and instead just stood where the wall used to be.
"Let's take a break." she breathed and rolled out her shoulder. The spell had taken a toll on her arm so she didn't want to push it futher. This was merely a test so no harm was done.
"That's some serious fire power." Virion pulls his staff back in his ring and walks to the red head.
"Hard to believe when you negated it so easily." she also puts her weapon away, gaining a bit of space from scorched grass and plops down on the not so charred grass. Virion sits down next to her with a heave. "But I guess that's just you."
"I suppose there is some truth to that but you did manage to surprise me. And it might've landed if you hadn't given me time to prepare." he admitted.
Fighting might not be his specialty but as a now former blitz championship holder, thinking and anticipating on the spot is his kinda his thing.
"I'll keep that in mind." she stretches her legs, now more determined after hearing how close she got. It wasn't because Virion was skilled in close quarters - which he isn't - but as sparring partners over the past few years, she has come to appreciate his input.
"But isn't using it like that quite dangerous though?" he voices his concern.
"For me, it's only a bit strenuous on my shoulder." she assures him. "It's more a finishing move cause I lack a bit of those."
"I suppose I never really saw you dish out powerful spells." he ponders. "In my opinion, it's just a testament to how good your sword skills are."
"Aw, thanks." she nudges his side lightly with her elbow with a content smile, leaning on him. "Well, I did have a great teacher."
"It's a shame I didn't get to see him in action yesterday." he folds his arm around his knees, intertwining his fingers on the other side and letting his legs push out. It helps keep him stable with minimal effort on his part while Claire rested against him.
"Couldn't be helped seeing as you are a conjurer."
"It was refreshing though to fight a conjurer on a similar level (?)." he hums, recollecting the little skirmish he had with the earth mage and how he won.
It was pretty close.
Then again, he was only using water (with deviant) which was like a direct counter to hers. On the other hand, she was at a higher stage then him therefore more reserves and greater output.
Water wasn't particularly his strongest element either. The disparity between his affinities wasn't nearly as big as with Arthur or at all even.
Going with ome element wouldn't put to much of a target on him but it would raise the difference in mastery with each. So to the surprise (not really) of the two visitors he mixed in a little wind as well.
Mainly because he would probably need his Beast Will if he were to be in a tight spot.
"Are you implying that you are growing bored of me?" his companion brought him out of his thoughts.
"Not really." he saw through her teasing. "It was just different."
She let out a grunt at her failed attempt to get him flustered and just stared of into the distance.
"If you don't mind, I wanted to try something before my time here is over."
"A new spell?" she shifts her head on his shoulder to look up at him. He gaze travels down to meet hers, he wanted to resist the urge but couldn't help himself.
"No. I wanted to try something on you." he keeps his straight face, trying not to chuckle as the realization struck her.
"Wha?" she jumped, aghast at his boldness. And again he could help himself as a little smile crept onto his face, finding her reaction quite amusing.
"I obviously meant a spell, you degenerate." a playful tone escapes his curving lips as he stands up, dusting himself off.
"I'm not a degenerate." she points an accusing finger at me. "Anyway, how can you say that with such a straight face though."
"I didn't say anything." he holds his arms up placatingly. "You must've been imagining it."
"You degenerate." he said, almost spelling it out as he grins coquettishly (maybe she was just imagining that grin as well).
She pouts and turns her head away. "Let's just move on now."
Was she embarrassed?
"Okay." he puts his down. "I'll close my eyes and you will try to hit me bit first move a bit back." she complied silently and backs up six or so meters.
Claire turns her head back to him. There was confusion on her face but deep down she was hiding her mischievous smirk, not wanting to give her opportunity away.
Virion closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, focusing on his surroundings. He was contemplating whether or not to use the earth or air to pinpoint his opponents location.
Earth is pretty limited to just the surface (and underground) so air might be the better choice overall. Sure, it's molecules are less compact so less effectiveness than that of earth but he could use his Beast Will to cover for it.
But because he can he chose to go with both.
But for now he'll stick to the air do as to not overwhelm him. And so with another breath, he taps into the first phase of his Will.
Reaching out to his surroundings, picking up the vibrations, trying to piece it together. A very weird feeling passes through him, making his hair stand up.
It was hazy.
"Okay - hugh! "
The air was knocked out of Virion as Claire buried her fist in his abdomen. "That's for earlier." she huffed while Virion cradled at her feet, clutching at her leg with his one hand.
"This... isn't ove... " his voice was strained, barely getting his words out.
While he did act confident the other day, he wasn't all that sure if it'll work out as planned.
His parents will obviously be upset but if plays his cards right he should be able to convince them. The other option would be to just push Arthur but Virion only read up to volume 10 and even then he didn't finish the volume.
Therefore not knowing how these characters fates are intertwined he has no choice but to rely on his own judgment.
He needs to work alone whatever the consequences of 'alone' might entail was vague and might cost him the bonds he had formed along the way. Then again, it would be better that way than to arouse unnecessary suspicion regarding his existence and causing internal conflict among family members.
In all honesty, the thought of Arthur had crossed his mind - seeing as he is the main character and all - he would eventually come out victorious in this war right? So technically, there would be no reason for him to do anything with the storyline.
But that would be flawed, wouldn't it?
Otherwise, why was he reborn in this world? It couldn't be just to 'be here' right? That somehow he was pitied by 'fate' and given a second life to enjoy.
Who knows?
Maybe this is just some sick dream then? And the things he does here doesn't really matter in the end.
What if it wasn't though? And he just wasted this second life away.
That's why despite his suspicions, he convinced himself that this isn't a dream. But this still only grazes the surface of it all.
Somewhere along the way - beneath this surface - a foreign emotion emerged in the depths of his mind. Perhaps it was always there? And was just weighed down by the shackles he had been born with.
What is it like to be free?
To not be shackled down by others or this strange thing called 'fate'.
"I'm quite... what's the word again?" he thoughtfully scratches his chin. "Was it was rebellious?" a small smile forms.
In his previous life he couldn't have dreamed of such luxury. His father was quite strict with him.
His goal was clear then.
He futher sinks into the couch, laying down his head on top of the backrest. His mesmerizing eyes staring up at the blank ceiling and just like the ceiling he emptied his head with a sigh.
Today would be his last day here and now he has to do the most bothersome part of it - packing.
"Why are you spaced out this time?" an alluring voice whispered in his ear bringing him back to the colourful world.
It was Claire that sneaked up to his ear.
With a slight smirk she moved so her face was just directly above his and her arms placed on the backrest rest just on either side of his head. "What would you done if I was assassin?"
"Doyouthinkkillingmewouldmakemedie?" he mumbles still with a blank expression.
"What?" she raises a brow at his antics.
"Nothing." he clears his throat and his eyes lit up again. "Anyway what are you doing here?"
"What?" she jumps over the backrest and in one clean motion plops down next to him in a sitting position. "Can't I check in on you?" a little smile crept onto her lips as she leans in a little bid.
"You can but you are a little to late now, no?" he sighs.
"I guess there is no getting around you." she chuckls halfheartedly. Her mischievousness was gone with the wind.
"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" her voice was distant in a way.
"You have nothing to worry about." he tries to appease her. "I'm now a registered A-Rank adventurer."
"I'm still worried." she pouts.
"What should I do then?"
"Don't go?"
Why was she so adamant?
"I can't do that." peeling his eyes from the ceiling, turning them to her.
She hesitated with a slight frown, wondering why he is in such a hurry?
"And what if your parents were to object?" her voice came out weak. It was conveying her desperate attempt at trying to hold onto something.
"Who knows?" he responds. "Though my adventuring license might be a waste, no?"
To her that meant he already had something in mind. Will he run away? It was the only conclusion she came to or could come to.
In the end there was no one who could stand in his way.
"That's so typical of you." her voice slightly grew in volume - no, it grew deeper. "But why are you so hasty?"
She leans her head on him, subtly clenching her jaw.
"Who knows?" he sat still.
The her now is much different from her usual self. She is usually so nonchalant and straightforward but now she was... he couldn't find the right word.
In her eyes, she was watching a kid much younger than her possibly march to his death. Was it arrogance or is he just that obsessed with it? She didn't know but either way it was a stupid decision in her opinion.
He should just stay here.
"I'm the older one here..." she stumbles in her mind, trying to find the rest of the words. "... it has me so lost." she kinda chuckles at the thought.
A seven year old kid, huh?
No, he was more than that but she just couldn't put it into words.
"Just training with you has really helped me a lot. And I would like to repay that someday so don't be reckless."
Virion stays silent.
"And you are an irreplaceable comrade... no, more like a dear friend."
He smiles at those words.
It was his first time having someone calling him his friend. "You make it sound like I'm going to die or something." he jokes, earning a laugh from her as well as a pout.
"But I'm grateful... " he hesitates for a moment. "... friend."
Virion stirs awake. It was also warm and it felt like something was pressing down on him. His neck was also unusually stiff for someone who sleeps about anywhere.
He yawns almost falling back asleep but quickly opens his eyes. And red hair littered his vision. It was kinda ticklish.
It was Claire that was laying wait half her weight on him and still in her school clothes. She was loosely hugging me with one arm.
She was quite reckless.
He silently slips from out under her without disturbing her. He almost fell off the edge of the couch as he scoots out but quickly catches himself.
Sneaking away into the bathroom. Taking a few essentials with him as it might be dangerous to dress himself in his room while she was here.
Stepping out of the bathroom, dressed in a dark grey button up that wasn't tucked into his black pants. And not without black shoes as well.
To dress like this was another habit but he didn't mind it. It was fun in a way, brings him a sense of 'organized'.
Claire had now shifted from the couch to sitting upright on the foot end of his bed. Her stare thoughtless stare out the window. True to the novel, she didn't fall short even when compared to Kathlyn and Tessia.
Her red hair hair tied down into a ponytail that reaches her lower back, her grey eyes glimmering in the setting sun.
As if sensing his presence, she roused out of her stupor turning her head to him. "Hm?" she raised an eyebrow at his blank stare and appearance.
"Where are you going dressed like that?"
"Back home." he broke out of his little daydream and approached her. Not her specifically but his bed.
"Oh yeah, it's kinda your thing." she mumbles to herself rather than addressing him.
He crouches down on his toes and grabs on to her thigh with his one hand so that he could look under the bed while not needing to dirty his pants by touching the floor. She had a little jolt at the sudden contact. He pulls out his luggage from underneath his bed and throws it open his bed. Going over to the wardrobe he threw his clothes inside the trunk.
"I suppose." he walks back to his bed and closes the case and pulling it inside his storage ring. He had been given this as a present from Cynthia a while back. It was silver all around and the crystal was actually on the inside of the ring which was pretty neat.
A moment of silence grew between them. Virion sat down next to her.
"Can't believe it's nearly been three years."
"Me neither."
Time did indeed fly when you had a goal to work towards.
Despite there being no words spoken between them, they relived all the times that they clashed and learned from one another. And they even had some fun.
"Yeah." it was only one word that escaped her mouth but it was all they needed.
"Will you come see me off? " he asks while standing up.
"Of course." she stands up as well and follows behind him. "But first..."
He was about to open the door but she slaps her hands on his shoulders, holding him in place. She slides up her hands to his unkept collar.
She started fiddling with collar amd pats it neatly down. "Don't you have someone to do this for you?" she says that rather suggestively or was her voice always so...
"Who knows?" he shrugs of his thoughts.
Claire hums with a raised eyebrow.
He opens the door and they were greeted by Tess. "Oh hey, sis."
"Morning princess." Claire slipped around Virion and wrapped her arm around Tess.
She blankly stared into space. "How..." colour slowly crept back on her face. "How can you guys be so indecent?" she practically shouted.
"Huh?" both Claire and Virion was dumbfounded.
"Why was she in your room?" she calmed down but pointed an accusing finger at Virion.
Isn't Virion the victim here if anything? She should think a bit more before jumping to conclusions.
"You are also in my room from time to time though." he countered.
"Yeah but your hair is still damp though." it was obvious what she was getting at. "So you were showering while she was also there." she pointed an accusing finger at Claire this time.
"Yeah but I was still sleeping."
"Sleeping!?" Tess almost exploded. "Don't tell me..."
"Slow your row, Tess." Virion held a finger against her mouth and effectively shushing her before she was to let out another high pitch shout.
"It's not like that." he removes his finger. "And why are you thinking of such things at your age?"
"Look whos talking." she retorted, puffing up her cheeks. Her turquoise eyes was now glimmering with skepticism at the two.
Claire face lit up. "Could it be?" she pressed her cheeks together with her hands, looking down at the slightly shorter princess with gleeful expression.
"What?" Tess was now confused and slightly worried for what she was plotting.
"Yeah." Virion hummed with a sly smirk.
"What?" Tess practically snapped her head to Virion. They were now working on her nerves. From her experience with them she knew this wouldn't be good so she hoped that they will make this quick.
"Were you thinking of Arthur - mmh."
"Shut your mouth." Tess now flustered covered his mouth with her hand. She didn't need to hear futher as anytime they mention Arthur around her they always tease her. On the other hand, Virion's eyes creased as he smiled.
"As expected of a future ruler of a country." Virion hissed with playful teasing. "Thinking of the 'future' at suc-" she covered his mouth with her other hand as well.
"And you too!" she was now beat red.
Virion was gonna miss this.
"Let's get moving." she pulls away her hands to her side. "The Director is waiting at the front gates."
We walked behind Tessia oit of the building. We continued to walk around the outsideof the dormitories until we reached the last corner just before you get the hall or front entrance.
Tessia stops in her tracks. "Unfortunately, this is as far as we can go." she directs her eyes or rather her words at Claire.
"It was Master's request." Tessia lightly scratch her cheek with her index.
"So this is goodbye then."
Tessia suddenly hugs Virion much to his surprise. "I hope you don't attract as much trouble as your brother." she breaks away with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
"I'll try my best ." he responds knowing full well he'll be attracting trouble on purpose.
This time it was Claire giving him a soft and warm embrace. Unlike Tessia that clung to him with worry like a mother to her child Claire' s was somehow different but he couldn't put his finger on it.
"Promise me you will keep yourself save." she slowly broke away from him looking him in the eyes.
"Only if you promise me to keep yourself save." he looks down from her face and carefully put a finger against her sternum. Tessia looks on at the interaction with devious face (gramps' influence), now she can get her payback with this.
Before Claire could say anything more he spins on his heel and walks away.
"I will see you guys." he waves.
"Bye." Tessia waves, now looking at his receding back with but a tinge of sadness but also wishing him luck.
They all had fun together and trained together. Just thinking about his absence left a hole for longing to creep in. Wishing for a little bit more time.
"Bye." the words escapes her throat rather hesitantly, still processing what he meant with that bold choice of... how should she put it now...
The placement of his finger, she strangely didn't mind it. Nonetheless, those actions left a strong impression on her for some reason.
Seeing the manor under the seeing sun again has reminded him of how much he missed this. He climbs out the carriage and walks up the stairs to the huge double doors separating him from confronting his parents and the rest.
He lightly presses his hand against the doors and pushes it open. "I'm home." he voice rang throughout the manor.
He closes the doors behind him in the meantime whilst the clacking of shoes reverberated from behind the stairs.
Both his sister and mother came down on him almost throwing off balance. "It's only been a year since I was last here." he wore a face that said 'seriously'.
"And?" they broke apart from him.
"You should've let us know you were coming."
"Thought it would be fun surprise."
"But this time for real, right?" Ellie chips in anxiously.
"You missed me that much?" Virion let out a sly smirk.
"No." she pouted and his smirk evolved into a little laugh alongside his mother.
Alice guided him with her hand on mhis back. "Come on. The rest are in the living room."
"Hey, lil bro." Arthur greeted Virion as soon as he saw him walking through the doors of the living room with their mother and sister in tail.
"Oh hey, Art." he lifts his hand for a moment as if to wave at him. He looks around fir a moment before the wind was forced out of him.
"Oh, there you are Sylv." Virion breathed harshly. He caught her in his arms. "Kyu~" she innocently stares at him as if she just didn't assault him.
She had taken on a new form. It was kinda fox like with soft and plentyful white fur. Her tiny paws were dipped in black as well as the tips of her long pointy ears. The only thing that didn't change were eyes. They had the same yellow colour with slanted pupils.
He rubs his hand over her head, pushing back her long ears.
"Hello, Virion." Tabitha also came forward to embrace me from her couch. "You have grown quite handsome." she playfully pinches his cheek.
"Good to see you too, aunt Tabitha." he smiles and rubs his cheek as soon she let go. He looks back to his mother. "Where is father?"
"Oh, he is with Vincent but they'll be here soon." she went to take a seat along with Tabitha.
"I see." he sits next to Ellie which sat next to Arthur.
Alice sensing something off frowns a little. "Why you ask?"
"I have something I want to ask, is all."