Chereads / Mafia vampire king. / Chapter 16 - I'll settle it tomorrow

Chapter 16 - I'll settle it tomorrow

"Hassan you called."I said cheerfully

"Promoted you didn't l."I he said.

"Howl are you doing, is he treating you bad?" He asked

"I'm fine actually." I replied.

He was worried about me,

"What now?" He asked

"Honestly I don't know." I confessed

"You need to leave that sycopath." He advised.

"It's not easy." I said.

"I'll help..."

"She not going anywhere bye Hassan." Jaden said cutting the call throwing my phone on the couch.

"What do you want from me, why did you do that." I yelled at him.

But he didn't give me give a any response.

My phone rang again but Jaden got to it first.

"Na,Na, Na, not so fast." He said collecting my phone.

"Give me back my phone." I shouted at him.

"No more Hassan." He touched my forehead with his fingers, I was confused.

"Get your hands off me." I said removing his hands "I'm till going to call him you won't be always always with me." I added.

He was confused, he did same thing again,

"Stop it and give me my phone you lunatic." I said removing his fingers.

"What the fuck." He yelled.

"Are you trying to use your powers on me?" I yelled.

He did same thing again.

"Stop it you weirdo leave my memories alone." I said as James heard us.

"How ." Jaden pulled me closer observing me.

I kicked him in the zipper running straight for my run, I locked the door.

How I'm I going to get out of this mess I cried in my bed, eventually I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up in the morning did my morning routine, put on my dress then left to get my phone back, I saw they where living again.

"I needy phone back."I demanded

But he refused I pulled out my stake the orders wanted to come after me but I brought out my garlic it was already peeled it smell was really taking over the room.

"You might be immune to garlic but not to wooden stake. Or do you want to find out?" I threatened him.

"Jaden give her the phone." James said.

"Do you want to die."Jaden said to me.

"I have nothing to lose I don't care anymore if I can't do the things I want." I said to him without fear.

He handed me my phone in his pocket.

"You can get out now." I said teeth sighing.

They left to where I don't give a fuck about, I hope the get hit by a bus full of wooden stakes.

"You're going to make Jaden blow up the world one day." Anthony said.

"At least his going to free me from my misery." I replied.

"His going to blow it up with jealousy." He added.

"Why do I cared." I say walking away to my room.

I got a mail from Samantha

"Who's the guy at the background." she said with a emoji with hearts for eyes.

"Just an imbicile, no need for hearts cause it will never happen." I replied after going back to my IG reel I posted.i saw Jaden walking into the room in my video.

"His really handsome." she said in a crying emoji.

 Our text turned in a call.

 "So you're now on holiday thought you had personal issues." She reminded 

 "I'm done so I decided to relay." I lied

 "With a guy."she said 

 "Nothing is between us." I clarified

 "Well I got to go wedding to plan." She said I bid her good bye then she cut the call.

 I tried finding Hassan number but it wasn't there,I checked blocked list but it's wasn't there.

 I was draining my sorrows on social media when the vamps came home.

 I heard a soft knock on the door, I opened it then saw Anthony at the door.

 "Don't freak out but we're going to Korea this night." He said closing his eyes.

 "What we just got here two days ago." I complained slamming the door.

 I had no choice but to pack my things, I packed all my things then left to the kitchen.

 "The Emerald is secured we need few more things before we are ready get some rest we leave by eight" I overheard Jaden talking with his fellow vamps

 I went to the kitchen to make an healthy salad.

 "Hey." Drular said walking my way which ignored her.

 "I know you're going through a lot right now, I feel pain." She said, I chuckled like she said something stupid.

 "No you don't, have you been caged, have you been told not to love when you're ready for love, my your freedom ever been taken from you." I said getting louder as I went then returned to my meal.


 "Please leave me alone." I interrupted her 

 "I have been meaning to see you." I said as jaden walked in.

 "I want to resign, this job is a vampire on its own drinking my blood."I said.

 "Once you're in you can't come out."he said.

 "That was never in the contract, taking my liberty was never in the contract. So I can press charges against you." I said with confidence.

 "I can call my lawyer anytime any day." I added he knew I was right.

 "Will settle this tomorrow after the trip." He said.

 I left them in the kitchen to my room waiting for eight pm to come. I used social media as a means of entertainment as I waited.

 I was quite through out my trip my landed in Korea I didn't care what time it was, all I wanted right now was rest I was exhausted.

 I saw shown my room, enter looking for the first thing on my mind,the bed.

 I didn't pulled off my clothes I slept like that on the bed into dream land.

 In the evening I was up and strong, feeling heading to Jaden room for our discussion.

 I ringed his door bell faster than I count.

 The door clicked from behind the person behind the door came jumped out with his fangs are red eyes out and for some reason I didn't flinch I wasn't scared.

 "Are you done yet?" I asked him.

 He was stunned, sighed walking past him into his room.

 "You've really grown some wing, looks like I'm too easy on you." He said closing the door.

 "Yesterday agreement."I went straight to the point.

 "What about I kill you before you press charges." He warned.

 "Do it I don't fear you, plus I'm do e with this life anyways." I said giving him my neck.

 "Come on." I said to him.

 "What do you want." He surrendered.

 "My freedom."I answered.

 "You need to understand that if you get too attached to people secrets are going to be leaked that's what I'm trying to avoid." He explained massaging his head with two fingers.

 "I'll give you freedom,but I don't know if you would be able to keep shut?" He mocked.

 "If I love someone, he will accept it." I said.

 "With what you said just now is already a no for me." He said looking at me like a joke.

 "Okay I promise I won't tell anyone your identity,I have working for a long time I'm ready to date someone, I can't date a vamp." I said shaking my head with my left arm out.

 "My Mom did." He said with pain in his voice.

 "Wait what." I said to confirm my I head, then I remembered he was really half human it didn't skin into my head like that.

 "forget about it, your freedom is given, but you must ask for permission, plus tell me where you're always going." He said as I happily left walking out of the room.

 I heard a voice in my head,

 "any lies and your outing is cancelled." Isn't that Jaden's voice I turned around he was smirking at me.

 "Now that's not fair." I whined

 "What not fair." He said in my head again while smirking even more.

 I gave him a middle finger then left.

 I was going to cruise Korea like a boss, we where in Seoul the busiest and luxurious place in Korea I think.

 I started browsing places I could visit in Seoul,I found so good spot.

 I was in a picture mood and my last post in Dubai got me my first one thousand likes.

 Then an idea up into my head took my phone after checking my self in the mirror the started recording.

 "Hi join me on my little tour around the world first Dubai now Korea,in my next video I'll be sharing some facts about Dubai in case you're planning to move or go on a vacation in Dubai, but now I'm in South Korea in Seoul see you soon bye." I said to my phone then post it.

 It was my time to be an influencer.

 I went down to make something for the guys and Drular. I had to thank Jaden his the one that brought me to Dubai anyway.

 I made barbequed with tuna and freshly squeezed orange juice making my own serum.

 One whole barbequed tuna wrapped in foil paper for each person.

 "Mia I'm so sorry." He apologized for nothing but I knew him so well, the best way to get a man is really his stomach.

 "Go get the orders." I said to him.

 He zoomed off without looking back,soon James came down with Anthony.

 "The scent reached my room in was praying you'll call me." He said sitting down.

 "Where are Drular and Jaden." I asked.

 "I didn't call Drular, I can go get her." He said zooming off again.

 When Jaden can down in was like my heart skipped a beat, his hair wasn't stlyed it was wet and glossy all over his face, wearing a tank top with sweat pants, his muscles showing them selves off.

 "Mia what are you looking at." James teased I ignored him.

 But Jaden was really looking younger his face was less tensed, it was normal.

 I couldn't stop stealing glance.

 Soon Drular came down with Anthony.

 "I thought the neighbours were the ones trying to make them beg for food." Drular said in excitement as she sat down I gave them their tuna.

 "I just wanted to appreciate Jaden." When I said that he looked up in shock,

 "I had I good time in Dubai,ish but I know it will be better because he has given me a little freedom, plus i had little mood swings in Dubai." I said.

 "A little, it was a hand full." James exclaimed, Anthony nod his head in agreement.

 "It wasn't all my fault." I defended.

 "But I know I was a bit too much so accept my little apology gift." I concluded.

 "If this is small I would love to see a lot.". Drular said as the opened the foil began to feast.

 "hmmm." Jaden exclaimed to everyone's surprise.

 "What can I eat in peace." He returned to his cold attitude.

 "It's safe to say Mia is a under cover chef." I laughed at him remark.

 I was happy they were all enjoying it.

 "What are you guy eating." Harriet and snow white came down.

 "Mia cooked and as you can see Jaden's loving it." He said making Jaden stop in his tracks.

 "So what are we going to eat?" Snow white said.

 "I'm not your cook snow white." I said.

 "My name isn't snow white, ." She said.

 "It's Adira." She said.

" It's your problem not mine," I told her.

Harriet did even say a word.

"Izcacus, could you pass the salt."Drular said.

"Who's that." I asked.

"That's me." James said smiling.

"What!"I asked.

"That's our vampire name, Jaden's real name is Freyr." He said

"Mine is Raubtier." Anthony said 

"Her is daeva." James said pointing at Harriet.

"Mine is means blood sucker, Jaden means Lord, Anthony means predator, Adira means strong and powerful, Daeva means evils spirit." He said.

"Your name said enough about you." I laughed at Harriet.

We enjoyed our meal I was done eating, so I did my dishes while others licked their bones.

I went upstairs thinking of what I was going to do first.