Chereads / Mafia vampire king. / Chapter 9 - My field

Chapter 9 - My field

"I didn't know she would come after you,I just wanted to piss her off because she always piss me off." He struggle to explain he gasping for air.

 "Who's she anyway?" I asked

 "Jaden's girlfriend." James teased laughing but when his eyes met Jaden piercing glare.

 "Grouchy has a who now?"I was surprised

"Mmm Mia it was a joke I didn't mean it," he said looking at the ground.

"But what actually did you say that made her go nuts?"I said

 "That's not your business." Jaden cut in.

 " Nah-uhn I have ever right to know,she was after me."I complianed

 "James we're moving out explain on the way." He said to James who was already up

 I wanted to continue talking when heard this I didn't want to tag along so I shut my mouth and stood still I watched as they left.

 "He has a girlfriend like who will ever date that lunatic." I said annoyed

 "That's not true his a very handsome man and I'm sure he will act lovely to the person he loves." Anthony added

 I scoffed " if his ego permits him." I laughed.

 " Now how does that concern you, what's your business." He said humiliating me.

 "Why are you always against me, can't you at least try to support me for once." I said showing him my fist.

Jaden POV

" The FBI agents burnt down Dragon's family house, luckily Sarah and the kids weren't in it," I said

" That's dragon wife and kids right, what do they want?"James asked.

"I think they're looking for me, there so dumb." I said 

"What are we now going to do?" James asked again.

"I'm going to give them what they're looking for." I said coldly

 We drove to their secret facility building in under a construction company I explained the plan to James when were driving.

 I found them by tracking the licence plate a security camera in dvragon's home caught on tape. I traced it here, I did further investigation and found the place.

 I decided I don't need many men following me to the site, it's a stupid idea.

 I took just three men while I told the others to wait behind in the house.

 We parked far away from the car removing the original licence plate for a fake,then we put on construction worker outfit to blend in with the crowd but we till had or former clothes on in the outfit.

 We walked in when no one was looking we went to the back of the building nothing was there no door, no entries,nothing.

 "Jaden what now?"Jackson a fellow friend that was with me when I came till a teen training with Dragon.

 I used x-ray vision there was an entrance not in the wall but on the ground, I was searching for something jack pot I found it an entry.

 I pulled a lever then, a screen showed up asking for a an eye an finger print I wasn't going to sneak inside the building, Im not a rodent. Broke I channeled my strength then my eyes shown red, my eyes change from colour depending on the emotional and the specific power I'm using.

 I pulled their steel door out like it was nothing then put a barrier on the others for protection. Bashing through every door and and security protocols put in place.

 We reached their main room with computers all over the place, there where man loaded with guns ready to fire pathetic I thought.

 "Who are you?" a Man asked in suit

 "Your worse nightmare," I replied his questions

 "So the ambush wasn't enough for you? you went ahead to burn dragon's house,"

 " That was you the man?" said in disbelief

 " I'm going to burn all of you alive with this place to the ground." I said 

 I saw that they where already sending distress calls I snapped my fingers as the place caught fire, I blocked their every single way out of the facility then disappeared with my men.

 We entered car and zoomed off That was quick just the way I like it.

 " Didn't they see our face?"Jackson asked

 " Don't worry I hide your faces." I clarified

 "Jaden about the field you wanted to buy the cunning man sold it to another guy who had a much bigger offer." Matthew a guy with them said

 "What!, turn the car around go straight to that man now!!" I was furious

 "Jaden calm down." James comforted 

 "Don't tell me to calm down," I said in a demonic voice.

 "Till are going to be really messed up if you don't,you know that." James tried but failed.

 "Drive!!!"I yelled as the driver increased his speed we approached the building of the Mafia I bought the field from.

 I broke his gates and walked in looking for that deadbit.

 "Where your boss?" I asked holding the the guard he found,he pointed at a building saying his boss was there.

 We entered and saw the imbicile drowning in the smoke of his marijuana,I got to him and held him by his neck.

 " Where is my field?" I asked him

 "What field?"he asked me a dumb question

 "Will ask again where if my field?"I said tightening my grip as he choked.

 "I sold it." He said as his men gathered thinking he has out numbered us, I let go of his to look around.

 "You dare come here, your money was useless I had a better offer. Sorry but you're going to die now." He said feeling mighty

 "Ugh, I don't had time for this James, guys." I said taking a seat, to watch the show. James has already taken out four men while the rest doing really good they had experience after all. But it still was taking time as more men rushed in.

 "Enough!" I yelled all the opposing men dropped dead leaving only their boss.

 "Who are you?"he had to asked

 "Who did you give my field to?" I asked back.

 "Please spare me I'll pay you back double plus the field."he pleaded

 "I don't need your money just say the name." I was losing patience

 "Okay it's a fellow mafia his name is ruger his currently in an hotel, uhm room 180, I think it called prestige hotel his with the paperworks." He spilled everything

 "My name is baby dragon." I said because he asked.

 His eye was wide open in terror, that name is my Mafia name it strikers fear in the heart of others.

 "Please forgive me I didn't know it was you.." too late I ended him.

 "Let's go." I said as we left the building then moved out to prestige hotel. 

 When we arrived I told the others I wanted to do it myself, they waited in the car.

 I walked out of the car in the hotel's reception i told the receptionist I was here to see Ruger she declined me access so I bewitched her,then entered further into the hotel.

 I used super speed to find room 108 which I eventually did, I ringed the door bell twice then a girl came to open the door the was in unzipped short and wearing a cropped top without bra, I was disgusted at her appearance.

 "Ruger is he in?" I asked

 "Who's asking?" she said

 But I had no time for this shit I kicked the door withy leg then walked into the room the lady fell to the ground with a bursted nose and lip.

 I was looking for the Ruger guy I found him in his jacuzzi with two girls in bikinis, I didn't care what they where doing.

 "Hey, there I would like to get back the field a cunning tortoise sold you." I went straight to the point.

 "I'm the right own of that field now buzz off stripper." He insulted me.

 Stripper,did he just call me a stripper. I don't hurt people unless they did


 wanted it back.

 "Baby dragon wouldn't like that at all." I said.

 This caught his attention, he was curious

 "Is that his land?" I asked me 

 "He bought the land fair and square but you gave the jerk a higher amount, he didn't have the time to spend your money bady dragon wasted them all." I said serious

 With that he ran out of the tub got the document out of the cupboard

 "Take it and leave." Like he said I took it and left. I got I the car then zoomed off.

 When we reach the house I was puffed I needed rest I went straight to my bed and slept off.

 I woke up and it was already evening I just had a quick thirsty minutes power nap, I looked at the documents and smiled my Mom always wanted that land.

 She saw it as a nice place to start her own five star restaurant,but she died about to pursue it, I wanted to fulfill her dream.

 I saw Mia and Anthony from my room window,coming down from the car I forgot to send someone to pick them up, but now they are here, they just got down from the car.

 James meet in my room looking worried.

 " What's the matter?"I asked as if I didn't care but I did

 "Uncle is making things hard for the citizens they are suffering from his rule when are you going to fight? You're hear and his son is going to be crowned heir in months from now" he questioned me

 "I want to fully understand myself and my powers it till surprises me every day. I need to master it all," I explained as much as I could.

 I left my room for the kitchen as always james came along, but saw Mia sitting on the floor holding her stomach, while Anthony was besides her.

 I went to meet them to know what happened.

 "What's wrong with this one?"I asked.

 "She hasn't eaten anything since morning her stomach hurts badly she can't stand." Anthony said. While Mia remained on the floor. I squat to her leave I wanted to teased her but when I called her name she just looked up at me.

 I took pity in her, her eyes were red and her face was pale she was crying.

 "What do you want to eat." I said softly waiting for her to talk she never did I could tell she didn't have the strength to.

 I touched her and my eyes glowed golden I gave her strength but she was till hungry at least she was looking better I carried her up like a baby then I set off to the kitchen.

 We got to the kitchen I dropped her on a chair.

I gave her some apple the I ordered something to eat, I couldn't decide so I bought pizza and burgers for everyone to eat.

 We where waiting for the delivery guy to come but he was taking long. Mia was awfully quiet, Mia I knew wasn't quite I saw the concern on Anthony and James face.

 James was talking to her but she only nodded, note to self use food to punish Mia.

 The delivery came, James brought the food to the kitchen then we shared it, Mia was eating so fast she finished her food before us and we were vampires.

 She was staring at our plate I gave her mine because I was fully any I felt them went to my room thinking of what Anthony said. I didn't realise when I slept off.


Morning I'm back