Title: Sanzia's Song
Genre: Highschool romance, boys love,teens, long lost first love,Musical ,Richtop
Nationality: Korean
Language: English
Chapters: 20 (1000+ WORDS)
Kind of novels: Short novels
Characters: Non fan-fic
Age restriction: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
📌CUrs3 words ahead
📌Only published in webnovel and Wattpad
📌 Violence
📍 Sanzia's song (Sanzia's means (kalimba) in african dialects)
📍 If you're wondering why the title is Sanzia's Song, I don't get the hype if the title is (kalimba songs) *But I will make it meaningful though)
📍Kalimba is an african instrumental originating from culture
📍Korean people called kalimba as Sanja but they often used word kalimba because they adopt foreign language