1. Beatrice Delacroix
Protagonist, younger sister to Celeste Delacroix, and soon to be wife of Damien Thorne.
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Ginger - wears in alfo/buns.
Favorite color: Gold
Age: 23
Skin tone: Limestone/light skinned
2. Amelia Delacroix
Beatrice ambitious and often antagonistic older sister, who takes control of the failing family business.
Eye color: Dark grey
Hair color: Ginger
Favorite color: Rose gold
Age: 27
Skin tone: Limestone/Light skinned
3. Damien Thorne
Beatrice's husband, heir to the Thorne family fortune, and rumored to be ruthless and distant.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blue hair
Favorite color: Green
Age: 25
Skin tone: Dark light
4. Laurent Delacroix
Father of Beatrice and Amelia, head of the Delacroix family, and former leader of the now-failing family business.
Eye color: Drake Green
Hair color: Brown with a beard
Favorite color: unknown
Age: 66
Skin tone: Limestone/ Light Skinned
5. Rebecca sekveki
Rebecca is Beatrice's best friend. They have known each other ever since they were younger. Rebecca is royalty known to be raised by a well-known warrior in 1954.
Eye color: Gold
Hair color: Blonde
Favorite color: Red
Age: 23
Skin tone: Limestone/ Light Skinned
More characters coming soon!