Sylvia had the twins and set out to find Emperor Malic. Leaving the twins to grow up without any real compassion or love for anything but each other. One brother was named Drex and the other Odis. They trained in every magic possible, every way they could to benefit the empire. They are the hope of the dragon kin after all. Drex and Odis both found love in two of the strongest dragon kin in their time. Vestia was beautiful and cunning marrying Odis. Cassandra was just as beautiful but had no equal to her wits marrying Drex. As time went on Vestia turned Odis against his brother Drex causing a civil war.
This war lasted till my grandfather become the emperor. Emperor Nix the wise, earned his title by not only ending a civil war but protecting the borders from enemies who followed the gods. The followers became a organizations known as Godsent, The Holy Disciples, & Divine Order. Making the Blessed Holy Empire of Ralon. Emperor Nix restructured the empire making fortress, farm land, technical innovation, and cultural development. War still rages on multiple worlds claiming many lives monster and or humanoid. The Ralon empire is just one of many dangerous, magical creatures, mystical beasts, large insects and crawlers. Then if you manage to survive all of that you could die, from a curse, illnesses, or natural disaster. There are of course still worlds where life prospers yet still can become challenging at any moment. We as dragons always uphold our values and principles. We aid those who are our allies, always protect those who are innocent, or weak getting bullied is one way to put it simply.
My father the current emperor Rakeem efforts are mainly focused on protecting the empire and maintaining the upper hand in the war against Ralon. Trying to put a end to gods influence and hold over the world for good. This would not be an easy task to accomplish during the civil war. Although being stopped still managed to prepare building a power that shouldn't be underestimated. That's enough about the past I shall tell you the story, now that this history lesson is finally over.
Dranova Xavier StillWater
The return of the true Emperor.
My name is Dranova Xavier StillWater and don't you forget it. Doing my birth I was blessed with the sign of the emperor. Those blessed by this sign is seen as a candidate to lead the dragon kin. I turned out to be a little different at birth I was blessed with three sprits. Light, dark, and that of the emperor's Malic spirit. We call our spirits angelic or demonic, for there light or dark natures. Yet I was fortunate enough to have three.
You would consider me lucky but it's definitely the opposite. Everything is born with a spirit to help guide your path and development. These spirits also let you use there strength to enhance the user and their abilities. I'm only six years old at the moment and haven't learned to control my own powers yet. I was sent to study and learn under my uncle while under the watchful eye of my grandfather Nix. Each step is hard they work me to the bone everyday. Forcing me to push past my limitations and understanding my heart. As a StillWater to be weak is a sin, for us losing isn't just a failure but a stain on your life. Only way to return from defeat is to win or die in the attempt. Getting trained by my uncle Hykeem and grandfather Nix is worth the payout.
At the age of 12 I was able to gain mastery over my magic. Learning the true names of my spirits and gaining their names would still take time. Knowing one's self is a long journey grandfather would always say. At the age of 14 I was able to battle largest of beasts with minimal difficulty. I trained for years to master the bow, spear, and sword by 16. Once I reached 18 I was able to use my emperor aura and deemed ready for the world ahead of me.
The return of Dranova
I have only ever met my family members in passing.