Nathan was ecstatic about his new traits, he ran with relative ease. One thing was a problem though, the forests inhabitants. Nathan spotted a couple of wolfs, thankfully not as big as the one Nail turned into, but they also had horns on their head. Some had one, others had two and some even had three but he found these were rare as he didn't see them often. He wondered what the horns meant. Nathan slowed his running and walked slowly around the wolf's careful not to gather their attention.
After a while he encountered a bunny like the one Nail transformed into. It had one horn as well. Nathan almost snuck around it thinking about the humiliation nail put him through thinking the rabbit was just as capable but thought different.
'I think it's time to test out my fighting potential'
Nathan watched the bunny for a while, observing its movements like he would do in his dads game with a new monster. He didn't see it fighting any other creatures as there weren't any around but he decided to take the chance. He found a thick branch nearby and held it like a dagger, with his pocket knife he sharpened the point. Another hum resounded in Nathan's mind.
Name: Nathan Relix
Title(s) - N/A
Talent: ???
Trait(s) -
You have walked for so long with out rest, food, or water. Your triumph has paid off
-25% exhaustion
You have run a remarkable distance. Your triumph has paid off.
+10% run speed
Even with nothing you made a weapon. Your triumph has paid off.
+10% strength when using a weapon made by the user
Element(s) - ???
Stats -
Strength: 10
Constitution: 10
Speed: 10
Wisdom: 5
Charisma: 1
Luck: ???
'Neat!!, This rabbit should be a cakewalk!'
With his newfound confidence and new trait he knew he can beat this rabbit. Finally he can show off the name of Relix!
Nathan sat on his ass panting, the rabbit took a lot out of him. He tried to sneak attack it but the rabbits innate instincts were far too fast for him even with his Runner trait. Nathan barely caught the rabbit stabbing the stick in its hindquarters immobilizing it. He immediately went to snap the rabbits neck seeing his chance to overtake the enemy.
A hum resounded from his head alerting him that his status changed
Name: Nathan Relix
Title(s) - N/A
Talent: ???
Trait(s) -
You have walked for so long with out rest, food, or water. Your triumph has paid off
-25% exhaustion
You have run a remarkable distance. Your triumph has paid off.
+10% run speed
Even with nothing you made a weapon. Your triumph has paid off.
+10% strength when using a weapon made by the user
Element(s) - ???
Stats -
Strength: 10
Constitution: 10
Agility: 10 -> 12
Wisdom: 5
Charisma: 1
Luck: ???
Nathan sat there stupefied.
'I can get stats from mobs! Maybe I don't need to leave this forest. I can use it as a stepping stone to get stupid strong!'
So Nathan did just that, killing rabbits left and right still avoiding the wolfs. At first he had the same trouble with the first rabbit with the rest of them but after killing a few more he started getting the hang of it. Some of them even dropped their coats like in his dads video game.
'Sick, I can probably fashion some armor out of this.'
After about 30 rabbits he heard another low hum.
Name: Nathan Relix
Title(s) - N/A
Talent: ???
Trait(s) -
You have walked for so long with out rest, food, or water. Your triumph has paid off
-25% exhaustion
You have run a remarkable distance. Your triumph has paid off.
+10% run speed
Even with nothing you made a weapon. Your triumph has paid off.
+10% strength when using a weapon made by the user
Bunny Slayer:
You went on a massacre of rabbits. Your triumph has paid off.
+15% agility
Element(s) -
Stats -
Strength: 10
Constitution: 10
Agility: 12 -> 28
Wisdom: 5
Charisma: 1
Luck: ???
'Wow just how many did I kill, I swear I didn't kill that much, or did I?'
As he was basking in his new trait he felt the ground shake. Instinctively he went to hide, he knew nothing of this world so he grew to be cautious.
The shaking became more violent and the loud booming seemed to be coming closer. He chose a bush to be his hiding spot and froze in place as he saw what was approaching.
It was a rabbit with three horns the size of a wooly mammoth. It's hindquarters were soaked in blood as if it had been stomping animals for a while. Some blood was even fresh, it also had a beautiful white coat covering the rest of its body. Unlike the normal bunnies or even the three horned wolfs that had a tannish colored horns, this one had deep black horns as if made of obsidian.
'Must be the field boss, judging by its size it's going to be hard to beat but the rewards must be plentiful.'
Nathan tempted by his greed almost made a move on the creature but thought second of it when the rabbit turned around and had half a wolf hanging out of its mouth like a half eaten carrot.
Nathan was mortified, his whole body screamed to run as fast as he can but even with his new trait, he knew that this boss would catch up to him.
As he turned around and started to creep away he met his own worst enemy. Twigs. He stepped on one and it made a deafening snap in the silence. The boss bunny immediately rushed to his position.
'Well im fucked.'