"I think we may be one of the last guests," I say, noting by the time the carriage reaches the castle, it's already dark and I can see the entrance is mostly deserted. No one is out, save a few servants standing about, waiting for the last guests to arrive.
"They look tired." I frown, feeling a bit sorry, as I watch some yawning, swaying their lanterns half asleep from waiting up so late.
"So?" Mykhol, meanwhile scuffs, behind me, "What does it matter if we are or not?" and leans over to open the carriage door. "We're here, aren't we?"
"Yes, who cares? " Naska adds, already half standing from her seat, "I'm just so happy I don't have to spend another minute in this damn carriage!" She goes, clearly anxious to leave.
"But where is everyone?" Mykhol immediately frowns, upon noticing the lack of people, as he climbs out behind me. "Why are there only servants to greet us?"
"You're right." Naska returns, mostly to Mykhol than me. "They should be here to greet you-," Naska clears her throat." Er, I mean your Empress and yourself." She corrects before adding. "How obscene."
"It's not obscene, Naska" I counter, "It's just late." and I give a sympathetic look to the servants scrambling up to get our luggage. "Everyone has most likely retired by now. We should be glad they still have servants to take us."
"But, still," Naska chirps, again looking at Mykhol, for support. But Mykhol doesn't answer. He is more interested in watching the servants. And I can soon hear why.
"Is that? My god," One of the older maids whispers.
"Is it her?" Another goes. "She's come?"
"It is!" Another cries in excitement. "She's back!"
"Quick, inform their majesties!" Another cries, and a maid pulls up her skirts to start running and shouting.
"She's here!" She shouts out. "Her Empress Anastasia! Our Princess is back!"
"Oh, I…I don't think…" that's all necessary. I find myself having to frown.
"If you can just get our luggage and show us our rooms..." I turn to the nearest servant. "I would rather that…" than wake everyone up.
"Of course," The servant nods to me. "Yes, you must be tired, Your Empress." She goes on. "What with the journey being so long."
"Does her Empress want something to drink? "One of the older maids cuts in, rushing over. "How about some food?" She goes. "We can get whatever you want from the kitchen."
"Wait!" Another chimes in. "A bath ! Perhaps she'd like a bath?"
"Quick! Someone start a bath for her Empress!" Another's shouting, making people take off as if to start.
"Wait, stop. I don't…"
"Yes, your Empress?" They all turn, suddenly looking over at me. "What can we do for you?"
"Er…" I wasn't ready for everyone to just stop like that, so it takes me a second to come back. "If someone could just… show us our rooms?" That would be… But this seems to only set off a new chain of events.
"My god! She's grown up so much!" An older maid gushes. "I remember when she was just a little thing."
"She still is," Another adds. "But she's prettier now."
"Yes!" Others nod and agree, smiling after me. "very pretty!"
"Um…anyways," I, meanwhile, frown, seeing this is quickly getting out of hand, again. "About the rooms?" I prompt, but it's no use. My voice is lost over theirs, and I am not sure how to proceed.
Do I order them? Would that be out of my domain? These are not my servants. And this is not Nochten.
What would be proper?
"Uh..?" For a moment I have to wonder what to do. But before I can decide on anything, Mykhol is at my side.
"Why am I even surprised? Of course, it'd be like this." Mykhol retorts, taking my hand into the crook of his arm. "I mean, after all, they are human." Mykhol finishes with a fanged smile, sending a few to shiver in fear at the sight.
"Cousin," I must shake my head. "Don't make fun." But I am surprised to see, it does have an effect. It calms a few down enough to remember to work on the luggage again. They work, but not before giving wary looks at Mykhol. Looks which Mykhol just smiles back at, making them move faster.
Is it me, or are there more than before? I note after a moment at the number. It does seem like there are more servants. And it's not long before I see why.
Servants are indeed coming down from the castle to join the now-growing crowd. Their excitement matched with the ones already here. It surprises me to see so many still up.
I… wonder if he's up? I look over the crowd, But of course, not expecting to see him. It's late and he should be in bed. I know, but still, I can't help but hope to see a pair of blue eyes come bounding over and...
"Ah," A stab of pain hits my stomach, making me wince, and move to rub it out.
"Still cramping, my dear?" Mykhol notices, and rubs my hand. "You poor thing," and gives my fingers a gentle squeeze, comfortingly.
"That, yes." I can't help but smile, appreciating his consideration. Naska, however, seems to frown at the sight before turning to snap.
"What's taking so long?" Naska barks at the servants, crossing her arms over her large breasts. "Why we ain't moving?
"Yes, actually." Even I have to note that it is strange. "Is something wrong?" I ask before we all see a new servant coming down. He's moving quickly, but, unlike the others, it's not with excitement.
"What's this?" Mykhol asks, barely waiting for the servant to stop, let alone catch his breath. "Why are we just standing here? We should be escorted inside."
"I-my lord, your Empress," The servant heaves, breathing deeply, trying to catch himself." There- there seems to be an issue."
"An issue?" Mykhol narrows his eyes to see the servant nod.
"The rooms," He huffs, "There's an issue with the rooms."
"The what?" Mykhol snaps with his fangs, clearly growing angry. "What do you mean issue?"
"Cousin," I urge him gently, pulling free from his arm, before looking back to the servant. "What is the problem here?" I ask. "What is the issue with the rooms?"
"I, just a miscount." The servant goes. "We don't have…we are short some rooms."
"Short?" I repeat, "You are short…rooms?" I can't help but ask, feeling rattled.
They knew we were coming, didn't they? I was invited, wasn't I? So they should have prepared enough rooms, shouldn't they?
I look on at the servant, concerned.
"Oh!" The manservant perks up. "Rooms are being prepared now, though."
"Of all the bull shi-" Mykhol grumbles before turning again to snap. "It's because we're vampires that you think you can-" Mykhol begins to shout, with Naska adding in behind him.
"Yeah! Just because we're-"
"Silence." I snap and look at both of them. "Both of you. Don't make this worse."
"But, you were invited, Ana." Mykhol only shakes his head at me. "You are a guest, not to mention a royal." He continues looking over at the servant. "But to have them, not only not come and greet us, but now come short-handed and make us displaced?"
"Cousin, it was just a mistake." I counter but Mykhol only sighs, raking his hand through his hair.
"Still. Ana," Mykhol looks back at me. "You know this is not proper. A host would never insult their guests like this. Let alone to an Empress." He shakes his head again before meeting my eyes.
"Ana, this is outright disrespectful and,"
"Please, Cousin" I stop him there. "They are making rooms for us. There is nothing more we can do." and step forward, just now, catching sight of the other servant still coming up. This one is elderly, but dressed in a higher maid uniform. And vaguely familiar.
I wonder who… But then I remember. How could I forget? She's that maid. The maid who served tea that day and the one who took my cat away.
Julia, I remember her name, And just seeing her now, makes my stomach tighten apprehensively, as she finally reaches us.
"Yes, the rooms are being made," Julia announces, turning slowly to look over the group of servants gathered, making a few look down immediately before she continues.
"But a tea room has been prepared in the meantime," Julia explains, finally looking directly at me, with a stiff curtsy. "If her Empress and company will follow me." She turns as if ready to go.
"Ah, yes." I finally manage to find my voice and gingerly move forward.
"About time," Mykhol moves to catch back up to my side, taking my hand again, and smiling as he leans in to whisper.
"Though, I don't care very much for tea" Mykhol confesses, before winking at me. "I prefer a cup of coffee any time."
"I… share the sentiment," I confess back, feeling a little more at ease with him now at my side.
"Tea, your majesties, "Julia cuts in, making us both look up. "Is easier on the stomach at this time of night."
"Ah, well." Mykhol straightened up, shrugging to me, a flick of a guilty smile on his face. "Of course, I…was just thinking that." He lies, before rolling his eyes to me.
"Tea," I flinch, almost tasting the sour liquid already. "How…lovely," and feel my stomach grow tighter.
As they moved to the castle, Naska took her chance to gawk at the new sights openly. She'd never been anywhere save the palace. So, this was all new, let alone eye-opening.
Wait until I tell Bruno about this. Naska looked around as they entered. Her eyes stole up all the artwork on the walls, the colors, the smells. She knew he'd love to see all of this, already imagining his excitement.
I wish he were here to see… Naska stopped feeling her chest hurt remembering. The long travel wasn't the only reason Naska didn't want to leave. Leaving her son behind, so very far away now, back home, was painful. But she had to.
But that will change soon. Naska thought again and looked back to Mykhol. His handsome face, was still handsome, even after a week of travel.
I could just stare at him all day. And she would, if not for her eyes falling to the sight of Ana's hand in his arm, immediately making her grow sour.
Enjoy it while you can. Naska growled softly before quickly noticing the shiny thing above.
"Wow," Naska gasped looking up at the ceiling. "What's all that glass?"
"They call it a chandelier." Mykhol went and looked up to see. "Pretty, isn't it?"
"I suppose…to some." Ana gave a short answer. But, rather than look at it, she moved to almost hug the wall as they walked.
Is she…afraid of it? Naska couldn't help but laugh. How childish? And she immediately felt better.
"Oh yes," Naska stepped a little closer, her eyes firmly on the chandelier, "Very Pretty." In fact, she liked the glass, very very much.