被王连宏困扰着,莫子勋真的来不及上班了.以前她是莫家的大小姐时,拥有自己的专用车,但现在她只有一辆电动车可以出行.骑着电动滑板车上班,她对时间没有这么精确的把握,为了不迟到,她必须比以前更早地到达办公室.叶枫穿好衣服的时候,也回房间换上了工作服.她出来的那一刻,真的让叶枫惊叹不已!莫子勋的美貌不用多说,不仅是百万分之一,而且是十亿分之一,十亿分之一!就算她不化妆,穿着最普通的职场装,也掩饰不住自己无与伦比的颜值!平凡的白衬衫和短裙完美勾勒出她纤细纤细的身材,冰冷,奶油般光滑的肌肤,带着强烈的诱惑,短裙下几乎完全露出的圆腿,晶莹剔透,如明月般有光泽动人,一双洁白如玉的美脚, 脚趾匀称整齐,犹如十颗娇嫩的白樱桃,闪亮的脚趾甲如花瓣般嵌在娇嫩的脚趾中,柔弱无骨,细腻透明,整个人纤细地站在叶枫面前,彰显与众不同的美感!她瀑布般的黑发扎成马尾辫,脸上可以吹碎,雪白玉颈下傲人的身材无与伦比."别傻傻站着,这是把备用钥匙,给你一把,我自己还有一把,你去医院送完轮椅再回来,别乱跑."见叶枫再次发呆地盯着他看,莫子勋怒气冲冲地将备用钥匙递给叶枫,告诫道.叶枫收回了心痛的情绪,不知为何,看到自己的妻子长得那么漂亮,要出去逃亡谋生,总觉得很心疼."你现在头发看不见了,等我有时间带你去理发,戴上这顶帽子,我们走吧!"莫子勋最后还是小心翼翼的,知道昨晚捡到的叶枫阴阳头还是很抢眼的,所以他在叶枫的头上扣了一顶帽子,勉强掩饰了他的丑陋.两人下楼,楼下停着一头崭新的小电驴,那是莫子勋上班的交通工具.她解开锁后,骑马上来,然后转向身后推着轮椅的叶枫说道:"记住我说过的话,路上要小心,还有我的电话号码,已经写成了一张纸条,塞在你的帽子里,如果你有什么事,就去找个好心的路人借用你的手机, 马上打电话给我!"在孜孜不倦地 "唠叨" 之后,她害怕自己会忘记什么.但想了想,也觉得没什么好忽视的,于是我启动了小电驴,匆匆忙忙地去干活.叶枫看着她逐渐远离的瘦弱背影,又感到心疼起来!小电驴暴露在风吹日晒下,只怕烫伤莫子勋娇嫩的皮肤.他想要恢复体力和赚钱的绝望愿望变得更加强烈!南城医院,这是叶峰昨晚被陈斌打伤并被送去救援的地方.他把轮椅推到设备前,归还,然后取回押金.就在这时,一位身穿白大褂,手里拿着病历簿的中年医生恰好经过,他不经意间看了叶枫一眼,瞬间停顿了下来.这位医生不是别人,正是昨晚负责治疗叶枫伤势的主任外科医生!他叫刘相雪,在这家医院的资质也不是很老,但医术也很精湛,对一些匪夷所思的病人印象特别深刻!"是你吗?"柳香雪难以置信地看着叶枫!叶枫的脑袋昨晚被利器狠狠地打中了,就算他诡异地恢复过来,但在这么短的时间内,他竟然能自己站起来?Moreover, he also pushed his wheelchair to refund the deposit, should it be so exaggerated?Liu Xiangxue closed the medical record book and was about to come over to see Ye Feng, but suddenly heard a rush of footsteps behind him!I saw a large group of people with extraordinary aura rushing to this side!The leader of them is a burly man, he is sweating profusely pushing a wheelchair, followed by more than a dozen men in suits and leather shoes, at first glance he knows that he is a bodyguard!In a wheelchair pushed by a burly man, sat a white-haired old man.The old man was richly dressed and had an extraordinary bearing, but his face looked very bad, as if he was suffering some kind of pain, he stretched out his hand to cover his heart, his head was bowed, and his breath was dying."Dr. Liu! I've found you! My father's angina was done again last night! You must think of another way, you must save him, you can't watch him die like this! The burly man came to the front and said to Liu Xiangxue in an urgent tone.Liu Xiangxue glanced at the angry old man, and said bitterly: "Boss Su, I have already said it, I am really powerless about Mr. Su's illness. I've done a few thorough check-ups for him, and I'm pretty sure he just doesn't have any problems at all, and I'm helpless about this inexplicable colic. ""You keep saying that there is nothing wrong with my father, but what happened when he died when he was in pain? And this is all visible to the naked eye, his health situation has deteriorated sharply, and now he can't eat, how can there be no reason for no illness and no disaster? The burly man said angrily."Boss Su, if you don't believe me, I can't help it! Didn't you know what happened last time? I'm not the only one who says this, but the experts in our hospital are very sure that your father is not sick, and we have done a comprehensive diagnosis and analysis of him in that hospital-wide consultation! In this case, you can either send it to a provincial hospital or go abroad to see it, at least in my medical knowledge, there is nothing you can do. Liu Xiangxue shook his head."Quacks! You're all quacks! I can't even find out my dad's symptoms, if my dad really has a three long and two short things that are delayed by you, I can't make you regret it! Your entire Nancheng hospital will have to pay the price! The burly man Boss Su was also really anxious, and roared angrily, with a threatening tone, glaring at Liu Xiangxue fiercely."Boss Su, I understand your feelings, but please calm your anger first! I know that your Su family has a great business in Binhai, but I have done everything I can with a clear conscience, even if you really want to blame me in the future, I have nothing to say, but I don't think you should be so confused! Liu Xiangxue said helplessly."You !!" Boss Su was full of anger, and seeing that there was nowhere to vent his anger, suddenly Ye Feng on the side said, "I can cure this disease of the old man." "In the tense atmosphere, Ye Feng suddenly said something amazing, and everyone was taken aback!Even the old man in the wheelchair originally planned to wave his hand weakly to tell his son not to be unreasonable anymore, but the hand that was raised instantly froze in mid-air!