{Jaune's POV}
As soon as i finish eating i quickly say goodbye to the rest of the family befote i walk as quickly as i could to the stairway without making my ribs hurt even more than it did.
'I really need to do something about my ribs.. wait... in the movies they wrapped the body eith some bandages.. would that work? Well even if it doesn't work it wouldn't hurt to try... well i would hurt putting it on but it would be good enough to hold my ribs in place while i pump my Aura onto it.'
I paused at the middle of the stairway and started to hum as i think on where would the medkit be located because i don't have it in my bathroom... it would most likely be in either saphron's or mom and dad's bathroom..
'I could grab the one in Saphron's bathroom but she would probably check it more often that mom and dad considering dad usually have mom heal him'
I nod to myself at the great detective work... ehehehhe... detective Jaune.. sweet short amd rolls of the tongue.. the ladies will love it..
I shake my head before i walk up the rest of the stairs and go to mom and dad's room befoe ei quickly go to their bathroom and grab start to think on where would they put the medkit in.
'The top cabinet? Nah.. that would be stupid.. what if someone is hurt really bad and they can't reach medkit... so the sink's drawer then.' I nod to myself, Detective Jaune for the win!
I then open the sink's drawer and thankfully the medkit is there, i then grab it before i open it.
'I can't take the whole medkit, i had to take just what i need.'
I let out a hummed and start to carefully rummage through the medkit.
'Roll of Bandages? check!'
'Bruise cream? Check!'
'And what else?..... i really should read on some medical books but this should be enough... hopefully.' I hummed and put the medkit back to its place before i quickly hide the bandages and bruise cream under my sweater.
"Ouch...." i then rub my ribs softly because i moved my body to quickly putting the stuff under my sweater.
After i feel good enough to stand up and walk again, as quickly as i quickly as i could, i go back to my room.
'Should i put the bandages on right now? But what if the others come to my room? And it would be easier to wait for Modred to put the bandages on me.. i can't exactly reach around my ba k without hurting myself more.' I let out a sigh before i slide the stuff under the bed and i then climb onto the bed and lay myself down as gently as possible.
"Ouch.... what i wouldn't give for mom to heal me now... but i can't... mom would ask questions.."
I then start to concetrate and focus my Aura on ribs.
Wow... that feels good... Having Aura is the best! Why didn't i just accept Modred offers to unlock mine a long time ago... well at least my Aura is much better quality then it would be if she unlock it.
I then raise my right hand and look at it.
'Those circuits... can i do it again?'
I then focus and after a few minutes the circuits appear on my hand but unlike before, the amount of lines is less... much less than before.. and tbe glow is much dimmer..
'Its not the same as last night.. but it felt strong.... maybe it have different level depending on the amount of Aura i pumped?' I start to think to myself.
'I need Modred for this... she should know more about this... but she never told me about this circuit thingy.. maybe she thinks that its too advance for me? But she never hide anything from me... well never hide anything from if it meant that i would be much stronger knowing about it '
I nod to myself because i trust Modred with my life for this kind of things..
{Modred's POV}
I watched Jaune stand up and say goodbye to everyone before he walks to the stairs.
'Fuck.... Jaune don't walk that fast! You'll hurt yourself!' Modred let out a sigh before she continues to eat.
"Come on dad! I want to go too! I want to be a huntress when i grow up!" The little brat is still jumping up and down the chair. Oh what i wouldn't give to strangle the brat to shut her mouth...
Modred... calm yourself down.. she's your sister.. not some kid...
I shake my head and let out an annoyed sigh and try my best to focus on the food while ignoring the others as best as she can.
Still can't believe about how stupid Jaune is for fucking sneaking out in the middle of the night to go to the forest.
HOW DUMB IS THAT KID!?!?? Don't he know how sad i would be if he died?!?? What about mom!? Saphron!? Hell even the bitch Artoria will cry!?
I frowned and stab into my pancake with force.
'He's fucking lucky that he managed to unlocked his Aura by himself... and his arm.. ribs..' i feels my eyes start to water again before i shake my head.
'No.. Jaune don't need me crying... he need someone to help him use his Aura... its not like that will help him, that useless fuck... thats why the great Modred Arc will help Jaune!'
I still wonder on how the fuck did dad never try to teach Jaune on how to fight properly? How many years wad it that he trained Jaune and does it never occured to his useless brain that maybe he could try to teach Jaune on how to fight like he is dancing?
Jaune managed to reach more training by himself than when he was being trained by that stupid asshole!
I sigh again to calm myself again and continue to eat.
"Modred... do you want to come too?" Dad asked me but i frowned and glare at him.
"No... just go with the others." Well its not like i can go with him even IF i want to anyway.. Jaune wanted me to talk with him later.
Dad sighs and nod. "Okay Modred.... i know you're still angry at me... but i am only doing what's best for my children."
.....uuughhggh.. that stupid face.. if not for Olivia is here i would jump across the table and punch that face and pummel it..
"I don't care." I frowned and glare at him before mom chimes in to stop another fight from starting "Miles.. if she doesn't want to go its okay... and i don't think it would be good if Modred join too considering that you are already bringing Noir, Artoria and Jeanne... your hand is already full for you to bring another one."
"Yeah, i guess so.." dad answered mom before he continue to eat. "Noir, Jeanne, eat faster because i'm planning to meet up with the other hunters in about an hour."
"Okay dad.." Jeanne answered Dad calmly while meanwhile the little shitstain is as usual being too fucking loud! "One hour! Can we go there faster?"
But one hour... as much as i hate to admit it.. i agree with the Noir.. i can only go to Jaune's room without anyone following me, if they can go faster than thats good.. i need to help Jaune with his Injuries.. god damn it.. being the great and caring Modred Arc is such a pain sometimes..
[AN: well it looks like I didn't get the 150 powers tones... such a shame.. but cause I like you guys well imma post an extra chapter both on my patreon and here tomorrow..... love y'all... btw why don't y'all help a brother out and go to my patreon? the extra chapter on patreon tomorrow will be about Jaune and Mordred having a physical fight.]
[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars.]