Aqua quickly turned around and saw his friend Xavier' s hand on fire and him running around. while running and screaming help he touched another student named zack . As soon as xavier touched him, zack's whole body went up in flames.
Xavier, not feeling anything hot on his hand, stopped running. But Zack was actually burning and started screaming and running. Aqua tried to ran and help, but suddenly the branch which aqua had shot suddenly fell down a couple meters behind him covering a quarter of the football ground with dust, along with the students. Aqua not really being see and not really understanding how mana works, he decided to use one of his skills because he was the one who created almost everyone's. Aqua quickly used his skill "analysing Gaze", and saw everyone with a blue silhouette. But one person was covered with a orangish red color . Seeing the color Aqua realised it was Zack, and without any hesitation aqua stretched his hand out and used water mana to create a glob of water a blast it towards zack, which sent Zack flying upon impact and hit a wall, and made him unconscious. Xavier learned how to control fire and quickly got rid of it .
When the dust cleared everyone saw zack unconscious with only some burnt marks. The reason why Zack wasn't severely injured is, he was also gifted with the system, which makes his body strong as steel. And that Xavier is only level one.
The teachers quickly arrived at the scene and asked everyone about what happened, and of course they said that they don't know. While they were discussing about what happened and some taking Zack to the nursing room. Aqua sat on the ground and layed on the floor. Taking a deep breath, he looked around and saw the teachers all asking the students about what was happening. Aqua looked at his hand which was still shaking . Then aqua thought to himself if he should tell them what was going to happen to this world. After that aqua walked towards Xavier and the teachers. He tapped on the shoulder of the principal who was also there talking and said looking menacingly.
'He used fire mana and set him on fire'
The principal turned around in fright and said 'what', so aqua told him
'See it for yourself'
And aqua used his fire control ability to create a huge wave of fire towards the giant branch. The teachers looked at the branch which exploded when the fire hit it. Covering his face with his hand, the principal looked at the explosion. Then he turned and looked at aqua and said.
'What did you do?'
So aqua looked him in the face and said.
'This power will be the cause of many deaths'
The principal looking confused said
'Death? What are you talking about? I told you to explain how you did that?'
Aqua thought to himself.
'He isn't going to listen unless I show him'
So aqua turned on his system and went to the setting section in the top right corner. When he got in the setting there was two options" visibility to others" "show how to use skills". Both of them was turned off, so aqua turned them both on, so that the principal can see it.
Aqua showed the principal a timer on the system which was counting down and it said
3h 53m 23s
Remaining until ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜
After aqua showed him the system, the
Principal was confused and said
'Wh- what is this'
The principal tried to touch it but his hand went straight through it. So aqua turned it off and sighed and said.
'Listen sir, in the next 3 hours , the most terrifying creatures will appear. Destroying 73% percent of living things on this planet. Please believe me sir, otherwise everyone here will die'
The principal thought to himself.
' Judging by how he destroyed a wall and made for come out of his hand and showed me that strange thing. He might not be lieing. It could happen, but I don't know anything about the creatures and the fire power. Still how does he know this ?'
Aqua thought that the principal was staring at him for too long and thinking something. So aqua told the principal to arrange an assembly.
The principal turned around and ran but a bit slowly and suddenly he turned his head around to look at aqua before entering inside the school.