The Shadow warriors of the Night temple stared in trepidation at the harrowing scene infront of them.
Just a few steps away from them, their two leaders were also standing with grim expressions visible on their faces.
The young dark haired boy with pale white skin was staring down at them with an eerie smile.
Behind the dark haired boy, a massive skeletal sihoutte was standing a few meters away from him while holding a small figure in its palm. The figure was a dark shadow creature with resembling features of the pale white skinned boy. It was also shadow clone, that had been manifested by the shadow Raven of the Night temple.
Behind the large skeletal figure, there was a swirling gray fog and inside the fog numerous dark shapes were standing on a standby ready to pounce on the warriors the moment the order was given.
These dark shapes and the massive skeleton were the reason why the shadow warriors were filled with apprehension.
Never in their widest dreams would they had ever thought that one day they would witness a contigence of fallens being led by a single human.
"Is this even possible, he- he can't be human, can he?, voiced out one of the shadow warriors with a stammering tone.
General Morris fixed his gaze on the massive skeleton, a frown slowly forming on his face and he began to speak with a dazed look.
"You are feeling it too right Genrick"
The deputy general of the shadow guard nodded solemnly, his voice contained a hint of fear and surprise as he replied.
General Morris still fixing his gaze at the skeletal giant, then said with disbelief.
"But how can this be? l can understand how he is controlling the lower ranked fallens, but how the heck is he able to control a high ranked fallen of the dracul stage?
Beside him Genrick, seemed to be thinking of something,
"Could it be because of the curse?
Recalling the details of the curse of Carnage, that he had seen on the temple's ancient records.
Morris then shook his head,
"No, l doubt that. According to the ancient records that was recorded by Austin Steinfield. The curse of Carnage has only two mystical effects that are both classified as negative effects. The first negative effect being the ability to spread corruption to other sources through the access of the fog of death.
The second negative effect is the euphoric urge for a massacre that is accompanied by a physical boon to perform the carnage."
After saying this words, the general turned silent for a moment, he pondered for a moment.
"Perhaps this might be a ability of some sort"
When the words of his superior, settled on his ears, it took a while for Genrick to understand what he meant. And when he finally understood, his eyes became wide with shock.
"You don't mean...?
Just at this moment before the deputy general could finish his sentence, the young dark haired boy who had remained impassive the entire time in face of their iddle chatter, then suddenly made a comment.
The dominating and ancient voice boomed loudly from the boy's mouth with malevolance.
"You humans sure do love talk do you?
Just when he said those words, the dark shapes in the dark fog at the boy's back suddenly swirled.
Numerous creatures of various shapes exited out of the fog of death. They moved with startling speed towards the dark armoured humans.
The warriors of Night seemed to tremble in face of these horrors. The only exception were the two warriors in silver armours at the lead front.
General Raven Morris and deputy general Genrick Stark looked over, at the rushing creatures in indifference, as if they weren't a threat at all and indeed they weren't.
Before the fallens could reach the two generals something startling suddenly unfolded upon them.
While the creatures were running, their shadows suddenly made a move. The shadows that were appearing from the back of the creatures, had detached themselves from their masters.
The shadows moved from the creature's backs and suddenly appeared infront of them.
The shadows assumed a solid form, turning into perfect replicas of their masters.
Once the dark soldiers had manifested they lunged at the charging fallens.
The shadow warriors stared in awe at the amazing display of power shown by their superior.
One of them then stemmered in reverence to this amazing ability,
"Shadow-shadow manifestation, its really as overpowered as they say"
The warrior then shook his head and remarked,
"He truly earn his title as one of the twelve shadows of Night"
This power to manipulate shadows was a famous ability that was well known by the every warrior of the Night temple. This was a power that belonged to the a famous saint of Night, the mystical ability that belonged to Raven Shadow Morris.
Morris and Genrick stared coldly at the numerous fallens with less vigilant postures. The fallen's shadows that had manifested from Morris' power were doing well against these horrors.
"Genrick, l think its your turn now. My shadows can only hold them off for so long"
The tall stoic man with the slender appearance then tersely nodded towards the general.
Without wasting any time, Genrick turned into a blur, traveling several meters in a matter of seconds.
Two short dark blades with silver hilts instantaneously appeared in his hands.
The blades danced swiftly in the air, slashing poking and thrusting in the direction of the fallens. Once slashed his swords, rippling invisible attacks would be released towards the creatures, slicing through their sturdy armor.
The manifested shadows of the fallens, suddenly turned back into immobile shadows, leaving only Genrick to defend against the upcoming tide of fallens.
The deputy general did not seem to worry about the sudden disappearance of the shadow clones, instead a calm smile had suddenly appeared on his face as he calmly stared at the approaching fiends.
It was like the threatening creatures were not a threat to him at all, and truly they went.
The corrupted fiends of corruption also charged towards the slender hunter with frenzy and bloodlust expressions on their hideous faces.
The shadow warriors of the Night temple, seemed to tremble in excitement at another chance of witnessing another legendary display of mystical powers.
Although Genrick was not as prestigious as the general nor did he have the mysterious shadow title of strongest saints of the Night temple, he was still a strong warrior who was well known throughout the lands.
Being a veteran hunter and a deputy general of the Shadow Guards force of the Night temple, Genrick Stark was also a well venered figure among the shadow warriors.
Just when the fallen creatures were about to reach the Deputy General of the Night Temple, something strange suddenly unfolded upon them.
Genrick who was calmly watching the approaching fiends, suddenly displayed a fierce and menacing aura.
His eyes turned pitch black and purpiless, his surroundings became illusory and surreal.
Everything around him suddenly blurred as if it was a dream.
The charging creatures began to slow down as their motions grew stiff and a few moments later the menacing fiends suddenly stopped they frenzy charge, they all motionlessly stared at the slender hunter with drowzy gazes.
At this moment one of the shadow warriors suddenly exclaimed in surprise,
"The dreamwalker ability, so the rumors are true, the deputy is really a dreamwalker"
The Dreamwalker was an extremely rare and powerful ability that could subject and forcefully enforce a dream upon reality.
This rare ability was the mystical ability that was possessed by the deputy general of the Shadow Guard.
Just a few seconds after Genrick released his dream ability, all the terrifying creatures who had been subjected into a dream suddenly confulsed and fall dead to the ground.
This earned another surprised exclamation from the shadow warriors.
Before everyone knew it, Saint Genrick Stark had single handedly destroy about a hundred fallens in a matter of seconds.
The deputy general of the shadow guard escaped the fight unscathed.
His silver was as lustrous as it had been before he entered the battle.
The pale skinned boy looked unperturbed by the significant loss of his minions, instant he smiled at the warriors in a errie manner.
His ancient and malevolent voice resounded in the air once again.
"That was truly an impressive display that you showed. To think that you humans had grown so strong in a short time span"
At this moment the errie smile displayed on the boy's face suddenly vanished, replaced by a serious expression.
"Sadly you have yet to see a mere faction of my power"
After saying those words the towering skeletal fallen standing behind the boy, suddenly moved.
The two generals paled in fright upon seeing the approaching massive silhouette.
A terrifying aura descended upon them filling them with an foreign emotion of fear.
The towering skeleton had amber flames burning in its eye sockets. Its skeletal body draped within a thin veil of grey fog, it then released a terrifying cold aura of death that seemed to affect every living creature which was nearby.
Genrick, general Morris and the shadow warriors behind them, could feel the dreadful presence of the skeletal creature.
They could feel their wills being suppressed by this presence making them want to submit to its dominance.
Gritting his teeth, the deputy general of the shadow guard looked at his superior and then asked.
"Morris you better have a plan to deal with that thing"
Morris who was facing a hopeful look from his subordinate then shook his head and replied dubiously.
"Nope, but..."
Suddenly at this moment the ground quaked, making the human warriors stumble.
Behind Morris something strange began to unfold.
His shadow began to change shapes, turning into a large shape of a giant winged creature.
Within a split moment later, a loud piercing caw resounded throughout the area, followed by the sudden appearance of a large corvine bird that stood ten feet tall.
The words of the Raven shadow of the Saint echoed in the air,
"But l think maybe she can do something about it"
Behind Morris, emerged a large, tall raven with crimson red eyes and dark glistening black feathers.