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Unraveling Predestiny

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In a fantasy version of Earth a team of 6 wildly different individuals form an unexpected group to take on magic beasts, myths, legends, and form the course of history as we know it. What fate must they over come?

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - Journey Begins

Earth is rich with history and life. Grand conflicts and rivalries spanning across hundreds of years. Legendary figures changing the course of humanity. What if it was different? Hidden worlds only few ever see, transcendent beings battling for good and evil, malevolent monsters slain by unsuspected underdogs. Every event or progression big or small throughout history is influenced by the existence of magic. Magic, the central pillar of this very familiar but fantastical world. So many journeys untold. Stories that are yet to be revealed. What is waiting here for you in this world of magic? Avarice. 

1358: Hamburg, Germany. 

The city of Hamburg could more closely be described as a village. The main differentiator is the existence of a downtown area. The only cobble paved roads meander from the outer gates to converge in the city center where the lone church overlooks any of the few multistory buildings that line the single road of the shopping district. Behind the comparatively grand stone brick church is Hamburg's reservoir lake slowing flow of the Elbe river. The bordering grassed levee creates the only recreational park type space in the area besides the thick forest that encloses the city. 

Legs outstretched, arms propped behind them supporting their body weight sits a tiefling. He takes a deep long breath, taking in the clear cool air of rural Germany. Vebjorn's eyes stare out across the lake towards the catholic church, trying to ignore the leers of humans and dwarves passing by. So far in his journey he hasn't been to a single city in Germany where people aren't amazed or disgusted by the presence of a tiefling. 

Vebjorn lays back, head cushioned by the soft grass, blue sky out of reach. Closing his eyes he keeps the image of the town's church in his head. Taking this moment of serene Vebjorn reflects on his own norse faith. His patron god Vidar, his family, slumber. 

The soft crackling of fire echoes through Vebjorn's head. An immense searing heat permeates the core of his body. Temperature rising simultaneously with the intensity of roaring flame. Crack! Pop! Vebjorn opens his eyes to see a stone underground basement. The dank smell of rot carried by the sea of fire circling the dungeon walls. In the center of the room towers the largest demon Vebjorn has ever seen. Broad shoulders cracking the slightly vaulted ceiling, toothy sharpened teeth and mean beady eyes glare at Vebjorn. The demon's muscle bound body shifts, taking strong steps forward. The weight reverberates deep bassy rumbles in Vebjorn's chest. Pounding heart, sweat drips down his face, hands shaking, breath shallow. Absolute fear. Demon approaching nearer feet cratering the ground. Before Vebjorn can blink the demon's hand reaches terminal velocity at his face. A fist the size of Vebjorn's body impacts. The force of the blow blasts through his body sending him backwards. Back slams against the stone. All air escapes his lungs, a warm sensation envelopes your skull. Gasping for air Vebjorn gets on his feet. Kneeling, he reaches up to touch his forehead. A wet sensation ebbs down his face. Looking at his hand, eyes refocusing to see blood. Glancing back up it seems the scene has changed. Vebjorn recognizes it as the town square he passed through earlier. The previously lively trading center in rubble, tinged red with flame. Sounds of villagers screams in the distance. Earth shaking footsteps crash down as that demon lumbers over Vebjorn. Past its legs are 5 oddly familiar figures, collapsed and unconscious. The demon with rage in his eyes raises his arm for a final blow. 

A cool breeze sweeps over Vebjorn as the scene freezes in place. An authoritative familiar voice says, "This is what you must stop. The wrath of those with ill intention." The same breeze rolls over Vebjorn. Yet again the scene changes, finding himself in a rolling field of tall grass, swaying back and forth. Large sharp mountains in the distance. Up above on the crest of a hill Vebjorn sees a man lounging. Compelled to move towards him, Vebjorn finds himself standing by the man's side. The gallant bearded man adorned with elk antlers on his helm stares up at Vebjorn. His battle worn features soften as he smiles and says, "Hello my son. We have little time to speak so I'm afraid I must be brief. You must cross swords with the king that threatens everything. If not stopped he will swallow the world."

"Are you able to clarify? That seems pretty vague," Vebjorn replied. "And are you sure I'm the right person?"

Vidar simply returns his gaze to the war in the valley below. He points. Vebjorn observes the gory battle unfold before his consciousness is rocketed back to reality.

Nekhii stands at the southern city entrance. Tall wood walls split off in both directions from the heavy stone gate. Two guards are posted on both sides of the walls to inquire demandingly for people's travel papers and a fee. Nekhii now close to the front stares out into the dense forest lost in thought. How far from his home in Mongolia he's traveled. Joints and back getting tight from standing he rolls his shoulders ruffling his black feathers. Almost to the front now Nekhii puts his winged arm in his pocket palming a few bronze pieces. In the moment Nekhii's gravity is off center he feels a nudge on his ribs as a goblin crouching mazes its way through people's legs. Up ahead guards start to shout, mutters migrate through the line. Nekhii regaining stature feels his usually ribboned ankle bare.

 "That little piece of, damn him. Why even steal that?" Nekhii thinks to himself. Taking advantage of his sub 5 foot prominence Nekhii rushes past the guards in their confusion.

Vebjorn rubs his groggy eyes with his finger tips. Rubbing the stress from his eyes. Stands up and continues his way down the path tracing the lake shore. His knee buckles slightly as a small 3ft green blur runs past. A man's voice yells out, "Hey you! Stop him. That little wretch stole my coin pouch!" Vebjorn frantically checks his pockets, noticing a very important item missing. Leaping to action, Vebjorn chases the creature. 

The Adelaide Inn is a small establishment. In the common room is a warm inviting atmosphere. A 24/7 roaring hearth and group of cushy chairs sits in the center of the room. Far wall lined with bookshelves. This comfortable room is guarded by a friendly looking dwarf sitting behind a desk with a wall of keys behind them. Aaron sitting back to the door buried in his book hears the jingle of the bell as the door opens. The commotion of the street slip through the door. Voices yelling, boxes falling, a series of hasty footsteps run past. The thud of the door seals out any troubles of the outside world. Aaron's blazing orange eyes peer over his book toward the goblin crouched in front of the soft fire warming his hands. Glancing up at Aaron's scarred face the goblin swiftly shifts his head to look elsewhere. Aaron, used to being avoided due to his rough appearance, returns his attention to his book. 

"What are you reading?" asks the goblin. Aaron once again studies the goblin that's trying it's best to read over the chair's arm. 

With a mildly annoyed tone Aaron replies, "My tome on fire spells. Every reread strengthens my visualization when casting."

"I've never had that problem." The goblin says. Easing his weight on the chair to walk away. Full investment in his spell book now Aaron hears the dwarf and goblin exchange a few words before the bell chimes once more. It takes a minute for Aaron to realize his cloak pocket feels lighter. He places the book down on the table, turns to the front desk and says through gritted teeth, 

"Sigmar, which direction did that guy go?" The dwarf barely points before Aaron books it out the door.

Brok and Violeta look quite the unconventional couple strolling down the city center. Onlookers can't help but gawk at a 7 foot half orc barbarian and a 4 and a half foot halfling holding hands. Brok and Veevee continue down the packed city street taking in the feel of this new city. Rowdy dwarves drinking beer even in the afternoon, horses and carriages clacking back and forth. Cloudless blue sky above. Shouts and yells advance behind the two as a goblin runs in between their legs. He stumbles, almost falling on his face. The goblin manages to catch himself before continuing a full sprint. Before Brok and Veevee feel their pockets lighten the source of exclamations clamor past the two.

Veevee pats her pocket, "Seems that guy nabbed my locket." She takes a step and turns to Brok holding out her hand "Shall we go?" Brok simply nods. 

It's been hours since Demetrios has started running. At this point all he can focus his eyes on are what's directly ahead. The sound of heavy breath filling his ears. Heart pounding in his chest. Lungs shallow. Barely even noticing as he runs through the center city square where all the small groups of people chasing convine. Desperate to make an escape he takes a left. Demetrios's legs have long since lost strength as he staggers around another right corner. Trying not to lose grip of the odd assortment of objects pilfered from people's pockets. One last corner. Demetrios jolts to a stop, walls surrounding him.

"No, it's a dead end," whispering to himself. Turning around to desperately find a way out his pursuers round the corner blocking him in. 

Vebjorn, the first to enter the alleyway, says between breaths, "Please stop. You can't run anymore. Return the stuff you stole and I'm positive you'll receive forgiveness." 

"Like hell he will!" Veevee pushes past the crowd. Nekhii squawks in agreement. Veevee, getting full sight of Demetrios, pauses in place. Demetrios backs up to the wall seeing Veevee's expression change to surprise and grief. 

"Brok come here! We found him. Our Louie!" veevee's voice slightly cracks trying to choke back emotion. 

Brok kneels down putting his hand on Demetrios's shoulder and says in a thick russian accent, "If you could give us all back our items we can all forget this happened. I'm betting you had your reasons." 

Aaron emerging from the crowd bombastically shouts, "I don't care! For what idiotic reason would he steal my tattered blanket?! And do you two know this guy?" 

Nekhii puts his feathered fists up shadow boxing the air. 

"Yes, how do you know this goblin?" Vebjorn asks. 

Brok stands back up, gathering the four away from Veevee and says, "My wife is going through some stuff right now so just go along with it." The three exchange confused looks before nodding in unison. 

Tightly hugging Demetrios Veevee exclaims, "Oh Louie I'm so glad we found you." She sharply pushes him away grabbing his shoulders. "But I know we raised you better than this. You know not to steal things. Now give these kind people their things and apologize. Then your dad and I will hear you out on why you did this." Demetrios sheepishly hands everything back to the crowd of people. Upon receiving their items people disperse until only the six remain. 

Demetrios at the center with Veevee at his side. Brok, Aaron, Vebjorn, and Nekhii stand before them. "You have some explaining to do young man." Veevee says sternly.

"Ahh, right. So um how to say this. Most goblins in the area live in organized clan outside of city. Humans aren't too kind to us so we stick together. The clan boss promises protection for offering each month but uh last time I almost get kicked out." Demetrios pauses, "This month I was especially desperate so I just grab anything I can." The group shares looks. Vebjorn speaks up, "So if we deal with this boss guy you'll be free right?" 

"Yes. But I would not ask you do this for nothing. He sits on a pile of gold. Kill the boss and it is yours." Demetrios says.

"Payment is enough for me." Aaron says. 

"Nekhii likes shiny." Nekhii squawks.

"Da" Brok agrees. "I think we are all in agreement then" Vebjorn says looking at the group. 

"Okay Louie, can you lead the way?" Veevee asks. 

Brok picks Demetrios up, placing him on his shoulders, "Ok which direction do we go?" Demetrios points toward the south gate. The group follow Brok and Demetrios as they wind through city streets. 

"Between you and me what is your actual name?" Brok asks. "I am Demetrios"

"Ok Demetrios I bet you noticed my wife saying strange things. From now on when you are with her your name is Louie got that?" Brok sayings in a harsh tone.

"Uh no?" Demetrios says, perplexed.

"I am not asking, I am telling." Brok says.

Golden light of the evening sun basks over the city as the group exits the southern gate. Demetrios still on Brok's shoulders begin to lead them through the trees. Soon as they enter the brush the cool air of the forest relaxes the crew after prolonged running. It takes another 30 or so minutes to arrive at their destination. Orange and purple light of the sunset peak through gaps in the tree's canopy. There they all stand before a small cave's mouth. 

"Are we all ready for a fight?" Vebjorn says. Nekhii glares giving his best game face. Brok nods. Aaron a thumbs up. Demetrios smiles.

Veevee says, "Let Brok lead first. He can take any surprises." With that remark they head inside.