It was a dark and spooky night when an explosion happened. The people had realized that a monster had creeped into the town and started blowing stuff up. The monster was smart so it knew how to light a fire on gas.
Everyone was scared because the monster could be hiding in the pipes of you're home. Nobody knew what had happened after but a bunch of explosions happened after the first one.
Untill the explosion's stopped and most of the houses were just gone. The monster was quick with its movements and small to fit in you're house vents. Meaning if this thing returned next night everyone will be doomed.
They had to strategize a plan in the town center. The town center was near a fountain surrounded by buildings. The only way in was through a ally way.
Someone had a idea "We should add wood to the ally ways so the monster couldn't enter."
They all agreed it wasn't strong enough of defense. One person said "The monster would just blow it up."
Although they knew what terror th night would bring they slept away thinking it wouldn't attack again. But they were terribly wrong. Everyone woke up to the sound of loud screeching inside someone's vent.
Then that house with the screeching would blow up. Someone named Jack must've been recording because the camera survived and caught footage of the monster biting of Jack's head and then blowing the house up. After that night only 25 people out of 287 survived.
So they did come up with a plan they made the vents small enough so the monster couldn't fit through. But they also blocked the ally ways with steel. The town was poor so all there hard earned savings went into that steel.
Night struck but the monster was smarter. The monster ended up blowing the backs of the houses up so it could get inside. Everyone died except one person who was Jake's 18 year old son.
He was named Jake jr. He quickly drove away from the town. It became night in his drive he thought he was fine. But the monster was faster then his car and catched up.
Jake jr ran over that monster like a speed bump. He kept doing that Untill the monster died. So Jake jr continued his drive to a town far away. The far away town named monstervill it had no monster's it was called that to lure monster's in so they could kill it.