His voice boomed like thunder, instantly drawing the attention of those nearby.
"Hey… doesn't that guy look familiar?"
"Are you blind? How could you not recognize him?!"
"Look, he's definitely not a beautiful girl or a sexy woman. So tell me, why should I bother remembering the face of an ugly guy like him?"
"Shhh! Shut up! Damn it, you've spoken the forbidden word, now he's coming this way. We never met each other, we never spoke to each other, we're complete strangers. Got it?!"
"H-Hey, where are you goin—?!"
And, just as he expected, in less than a few minutes after leaving the family estate and reaching the bustling city center of Arsnova, Azalea abruptly ordered the carriage to stop. She then told the driver that she wanted to continue the rest of the trip on horseback and that Lumien would be the only one accompanying her.