During the first Squad Alef meeting, that is, before we came to Herald Island_
"So this is Squad Alef, huh? It will be nice working with you all, though I must say, I hate rebels." Drops of blood were dripping off his fists. The others lay on the ground, bleeding.
"I surely did not expect such tyrannical behaviour from you, Fiske." said the squad overseer, who was standing at the corner of the room, smiling. She just watched as Fiske beat the living crap out of his squadmates and actually seemed to sadistically enjoy it.
"I just found it appropriate to make it clear who they're dealing with on our first meeting." he turned to face the agents. "Now, let me try this one more time. When I tell you to do something, you comply, am I clear?"
"Yes… yes, sir." One of them, who by now could barely move due to the pain he felt, refused to answer.
"You're quite the bold one. But by the time I'm done with you, you'll be obeying like a little puppy." He walked up to him…
After the announcing of the results of the first test_
"Ashley, what happened with your squad? They were nowhere to be seen during the test."
"I guess they must have gotten all confused during the test. But rest assured, they will perform better during the upcoming test."
"Please make sure they do. We don't want any squad to get left behind."
"I assure you, they will." She had a confident tone, one which you wouldn't expect from someone who didn't know what was coming next. Or did she? After Manabu left,
"Did you do what I told you to?"
"Yes, and don't worry, nobody saw us." Fiske said, turning to look at his squadmates, who were nothing but dogs waiting for commands. "Everything should work out just fine."
He didn't notice the bead of sweat rolling down one of his squadmates' cheeks. Fearful regretful beads.
"If you say so. I'll leave the rest to you." She left.
'Let's see who wins this time.'
"No matter what you do, you will always remain a slave, you pathetic child." the man said as he picked up a long whip. "You have no place in this world, Fiske. Never forget that."
End of Flashback_
'Let's see who becomes the slave this time.'
… … …
After a long discussion, we finally came to a conclusion.
"I hope now everyone agrees on buying StarBridge, and by everyone, I mean you, Garnet." Alicia said, giving Garnet a tired expression while pinching the bridge of her nose. Her tiredness was kinda valid since all he did was argue why our suggested properties were bad without providing any suggestions himself.
"I still think it's a bad idea." He said, folding his arms. Alicia almost lost it. She looked like she would kill him in an instant if he didn't shut his British accent up.
"Just take what as a yes, Alicia. That's the only way we'll make any progress." Lucas said, smiling. Other than Alicia and Garnet, the rest of us had been holding back tears of laughter ever since Garnet started speaking.
"Then it's decided."
[Squad Zayin just purchased non-exclusive access to the StarBridge Hotel on the Western side of the map for 1800 points.]
That was the fifth purchase of the day, with purchases ranging between 1000 and 3000 points.
"By the way guys, we should start thinking about who will become our leader. Remember what Melissa said?" Alicia suggested. By then, I'm sure everyone in the group knew it was going to be her. She's the only one who didn't.
"I can…"
"Nope, it's not going to be you, Garnet." Lucas interrupted even before Garnet could say anything.
"I was gonna say Alicia."
"Sure you were." Everyone, including Garnet, started laughing.
At the end of the week, a meeting was held at the training hall. Instead of Mr. Manabu giving us directives, a different person took the stage this time.
"Congratulations agents, for you have made it through to the end of the first week of this two month training camp successfully."
He made us look stupid with that statement, that statement was actually meant to serve a different purpose. To show us that was the easiest the training could possibly get. What lay ahead was on a totally different level.
"My name is Sir Conmadik Trent, and I will be taking you through the remainder of the test together with Mr. Manabu."
"What a name. Did his mama hate him or something?" I heard an agent whisper to the other. They both started giggling.
"Now that you know how things work around here, I'm gonna make things even more difficult to understand. I wanna see people throwing hands at each other, putting the best toes of your best foot forward. I wanna see action! To see you all use your brains and outdo each other. Now who's with me!"
Not even a squeak could be heard from the audience's side.
"Dork!" someone shouted. Everyone burst into laughter.
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that."
Mr. Manabu stepped in. "Ok, that's enough. I will be working hand in hand with Mr. Trent to ensure this camp is a success."
He paused for a while, to let the agents settle.
"Now, onto the real reason we called you all for this meeting. I'm here to announce that the entire Eastern side of the city is now off limits to all agents. It has been marked red on the map on E.A's official map. All agents are required to move all your property from that region to the buildings you bought access to. If a squad has not yet bought access to a building, they are required to do so and move latest midnight. Now, the real training has begun."
"I won't upload any chapters for some time, sorry."