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Chapter 1 - Chapter Three - Final

Detective Maria Suarez rubbed her tired eyes as she pored over the accident report for what felt like the hundredth time. Something about this case didn't add up.

A single-vehicle crash on a deserted stretch of highway. The driver, Angela Chen, claimed she'd hit a patch of nails in the road, causing her to lose control. But there was no evidence of any construction in the area, and no other reports of debris on the highway that day.

More puzzling was the anonymous 911 call that had come in nearly two hours after the estimated time of the accident. The caller had given just enough details to direct emergency services to the scene before abruptly hanging up.

Maria's gut told her there was more to the story. Twenty years on the force had honed her instincts, and right now they were screaming that she was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle.

A knock on her office door interrupted her musings. Officer Rodriguez poked his head in, an evidence bag in his hand.

"Detective, we may have caught a break. Highway patrol just brought this in - they found it about a quarter mile from the crash site."

Maria took the bag, examining its contents - the broken remains of a glass jar, with a faded label still partially intact.

"Nails," she read aloud, her eyebrows raising. "Well, well. Looks like our victim's story checks out after all."

Rodriguez nodded. "There's more. We pulled some partial prints off the glass. They're being run through the system now."

A spark of excitement ignited in Maria's chest. This could be the lead they needed to crack the case wide open.

"Good work, Rodriguez. Let me know the second those results come in."

As the young officer left, Maria turned back to the accident report with renewed focus. She had a feeling they were about to get some answers - and possibly uncover an even bigger crime in the process.

Across town, Jonathan paced nervously in his small apartment. It had been three days since the accident, and he'd barely slept or eaten. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw that car spinning out of control, heard the sickening crunch of metal.

He'd made the anonymous call, done the bare minimum to ease his conscience. But it wasn't enough. The guilt was eating him alive.

With trembling hands, he pulled out his phone and pulled up a news article about the crash. The driver, Angela Chen, had survived with only minor injuries. But she'd lost her job due to missing work, and her car was totaled. Her life had been upended because of his stupid, impulsive act.

Jonathan's finger hovered over Dr. Ramirez's number in his contacts. He desperately wanted to unburden himself, to ask for help and guidance. But fear held him back. What if she reported him to the police? What if this was the final straw that made her give up on him completely?

A sharp knock at the door made Jonathan jump, his phone clattering to the floor. His heart raced as he approached the door, peering through the peephole.

Two police officers stood in the hallway, their expressions grim.

"Jonathan Miller?" one called out. "This is the police. We need to ask you a few questions."

Jonathan's blood ran cold. They knew. Somehow, they'd figured it out. His mind raced with possibilities - security cameras on the highway, witnesses he hadn't seen, evidence left behind at the scene.

For a moment, he considered not answering, pretending he wasn't home. But he knew that would only delay the inevitable.

With a shaky breath, Jonathan opened the door to face the consequences of his actions. Whatever happened next, he knew his life would never be the same.

As the officers entered his apartment, Jonathan felt a strange sense of relief wash over him. The lies and guilt had become too heavy a burden to bear. Maybe now, finally, he could start to make things right.

"Mr. Miller," Detective Suarez began, her piercing gaze seeming to look right through him. "We'd like to talk to you about an incident that occurred on Highway 16 last Tuesday afternoon. Where were you between the hours of 2 and 4 PM that day?"

Jonathan swallowed hard, his mouth dry. This was his moment of truth. He could continue down the path of deception, or he could take the first step towards redemption.

With a deep breath, he made his choice.

"I was there," he said quietly. "And I'm ready to tell you everything."