Chereads / Into The Maw / Chapter 2 - Episode 2 - Butterflies

Chapter 2 - Episode 2 - Butterflies

There it was, a butterfly with bright pink wings, another one with blue wings, and another one with dark purple wings. As they graced the fields with their presence, a boy came out from the tall grass. He chases after the butterflies as they slowly guide him, into an open padded grass field. It was a moderate-sized area, with many wheats spread in every direction one could look. Finally, the boy had reached the open place. Here the butterflies settled and laid down. The boy lay with them. They were tiny things, but precious. As the boy lay there they swooshed and gently settled on him. Although it tickled he chose not to move and relaxed. The dark purple one sat on his chest, where the heart was and spread its wings, The blue one on his stomach area, and the bright pink one on his face. He felt a soothing peace. 

The boy had no top clothing and was not muscular but exceptionally fit. He only had a skirt made of bark cloth carefully woven together. Long, thick, and smooth black hair reaching to his chin. He has bright yellow eyes, and golden skin, reflecting his extraordinary beauty. 

Elsewhere there was talk of him. Three kids were foraging in a forest not far away from the field. Two boys and a girl. One of the boys was clearly more mature than the other two and taller, he was their caretaker and had white hair, with red eyes. He was telling the other two about places he plans to forage in next. The girl was the youngest, and she had mid-length fair blonde hair with red eyes while the other boy had coarse, chin-length blue hair and blue eyes that matched them. The girl was collecting berries carefully sorting them into the two baskets she had at each of her sides, colourful ones went into the left, and the dark or really bright ones went into the right, and rotten ones were thrown away. The boy was picking up mushrooms, he only had one basket however and placed mushrooms with different shades of orange leaving any other kinds in their place. Now the old one was collecting herbs, and picked them based on their texture, he also had one basket but placed many different kinds of plants in it. Some he was touching a plant he carefully went over the edges of its leaves with his finger and when he felt no sharp sensation he picked the plant up. He the. Turned around and checked on the kids, they were doing fine but he noticed one basket with two flowers in it. 

"Kaleo, Iopac, have you seen Yarrik?" He asked.

Iopac, blue haired boy spoke up

"U-uhh he said he needed to… uhh…" 

"He said he needed to pee." Kaleo cut him off. 

"Yeah, precisely that!" he nodded his head in agreement.

"And when exactly did he say that, and why not tell me?" Said the white haired boy raising an eyebrow. "Did he run away to the field again? Agh such a… an idiot" 

"I can get him." Iopac volunteered 

"Alright leave the basket here though and be quick." 

"Ooh, can I go too?" 

"Yeah, and I'll tag along for fun! No." Said sarcastically the white haired boy.

"Sure. I'll be quick." Iopac left. 

As Iopac crossed the bushes, he saw a glimpse of the field. Exiting the dark of the forest he got blinded by the shining golden light from an open area, Iopac is not an enjoyer of bright places, he prefers darkness. He approached the place Yarrik usually goes to, and then he saw him lying in the beautiful clearing as he shined like a bright gem. Iopac was not bothered. 

"Yarrik! Can you come back? Solid is mad that you disappeared." 

"Ah!" The butterflies scattered, "You scared me!" 

"And you are in trouble! Come on let's go back this place is too bright for my eyes!" 

Yarrik let out a sigh "Alright." 

He got up, put his hand to his chest and bowed his head indicating a goodbye to the butterflies. He then came along with Iopac. His face expressed a sense of annoyance and guilt but in a casual way. While Iopac displayed a little frustration. 

"So why do you like butterflies so much?" Iopac began a conversation 

"Huh? Oh, I don't know." 

"Really? No reason?" 

"Should there be a reason for liking things? Can't I just like them? Like when you talk about Iniris-" 

"Hey! I like her for multiple reasons!" 



"Like what?" 

"Well," Iopac stopped and looked up in thought "her beautiful red hair, her small pointy nose, her matching red eyes, her soft cheeks, her ears, her soft hands, her well taken care of body, her strong legs, her unrivalled grace, her genuine work, her beautiful voice, her sweet smell and her!"

"Wow! Well, I guess I like how butterflies look, how they behave and when they sit on me!" Yarrik replied with a smile. 

"And if they didn't do any of that?" Iopac raised an eyebrow.

"Well they wouldn't really be alive… but I would still like them!" 

"Ehhh, it's pointless with you, but you do you I guess" Iopac turned around and continued walking.

They continued on and arrived at the spot where Aokdi and Kaleo were. Kaleo noticed them instantly and greeted them.

"Heyyy! Welcome back!" She smiled

Aokdi approached them both, signed with his head motion for Iopac to go, and placed his hand on Yarrik's shoulder. 

"Can you not run away when I'm with you?" 


"Great, now I need to reward you, close your eyes. Stick your hands out and face them upwards. Great." He took a slim long stick and… Swoosh! 

"Ouch!" Yarrik immediately put away his hands.

"You didn't even bother picking up flowers! The easiest duty and you blew it! This is not even bad compared to things Gremana would've done!" 

"So-wry" Yarrik pulled out the baby eyes and childish accent. It won't work on Aokdi. 

"Awww, I'm sorry, you. Come here" Hesitantly Yarrik approached, Aokdi grabbed him by the cheeks and squished them in a playful matter. "How can I hate you? You're too cute!" Maybe it will.

The others quickly helped Yarrik gather his flowers and then headed back to the village. They approached the walls of their village.