Chereads / My Heart Longs for the Cheating Fool / Chapter 3 - I should kill Chase

Chapter 3 - I should kill Chase

Ariana's pov:

I stared out the window as droplets of rain came down on the window pane, why would he be this late? 

We had scheduled for today and yet here we were waiting for chase. I steal a glance at our wedding planner and see impatience brewing, fingers tapping on her laps just waiting.

It's only a matter of time until she speaks up, it's already up to an hour and yet no fiance of mine

I begin to wonder if he ever heard of the saying time is money. Obviously he hasn't because he's be here by now..

Another thirty minutes and I had grown frustrated I'm sure I wasn't the only one 

As if to confirm what I thought she opened her mouth to speak

"Ari I'm sorry but if your fiance isn't going to show up then we'd have to cancel it's been an hour plus now"

Yupp we were already on first name basis, a strategy carol decided to use to be able to help the personal planning better 

"It's fine carol , let's just reschedule. I'm really sorry for wasting your time"

"Okay, I'll see you next time then "

"Yh, bye"

And she was gone leaving me alone with myself.

I so was going to kill chase! 

How could he forget and I tried calling him he didn't pick up either.

I really wonder what excuse he was going to give to save himself from me .

Chase's pov:

Shit shit shit!!

"What is it babe?"

"I'm late , really late. Did you turn off my alarm?"

"Yh it rang like an hour ago"

"What? And you didn't think to tell me?"

While yelling at her I jumped up from the bed to dress up 

"What's so important that you would yell at me like this?"

I just ignored her because I was so angry I might just have the balls to squeeze the life out of her

She keeps talking but her words are lost in my mind as I think if what excuse I was going to give my fiancee

"Chase are you listening? I wouldn't...

I pick up my phone and leave the room towards the door 

I step out in to the chilly air and a chill goes down my spine by what I see or rather who I see .

I stood there thanking my stars that she didn't meet me at my door.

We state at each other waiting for the other to speak her jaws set. My fiancee was clearly upset 

"Babe, I'm so sorry I literally slept off after being exhausted"

Yh that's right, exhausted from all the fun I and she 

Had. Yes she is her name for the time being.

"Sleep!? That's your fucking excuse?"

I'd never heard her swear , when did she start cussing?

"Babe , like I said I'm sorry. I really was exhausted." I laughed in my head just thinking about she snickering. Ibet she was standing by the window right about now ..

"What a pathetic excuse! Do you know how long carol and I waited until she got impatient and left? How could you miss this? This was important. You know if you don't want to go through with this s we could call it off!"

I knew she had only said that out if anger but honestly I wished I could do so. If only she knew what was going on both in my head and in reality.

"C'mon babe don't say that I promise It won't happen again"

I move towards her and kiss her forehead wheathering the stiem in her head "c'mon babe cool off , anyone seeing you would see the fumes coming out if your ears"

That actually worked, I had her smiling again in no time.


"What do you say we get out of here and grab dinner? At your favorite place off course"

"Sure babe" she replied smiling.

Ari was just so simple, I knew just the right buttons to press with her .

At the sea food restaurant 

"This is so good babe . The lobsters are to die for!" 

" Agreed babe, it's really good "

"Yh so how was your day?"

" Just work tho , work babe it's been exhaustive these days especially with the pending merger of both of our family's companies "

"Oh sorry about that babe, it'll all be over soon "

"Yh. How was your day?"

"Well besides a certain someone not showing up, it was okay " I Iooked up at her and saw her pouting.

"Babe, I'm sorry..I'll keep apologizing okay? It really wasn't intentional...

My words were cit off when my eyes spotted she . What was he doing here? What game was she trying to play!?

I was brought out of my thoughts when Ari said something 

"Babe, Evelyn's here!!"

"Really? Where"

" She's coming over, sis!! Fancy seeing you here!"

"Arii, I didn't know you'd be here, I just came to grab food everyone os oong crazy ik that house ny not cooking. Now I wished I moves out just like you did and foind me a fiance to spoil ne like you did!"

She said chuckling.

I remained silent except for the simple nod I threw her way. I remained silent until she became less chatty and was gone. 

My action obviously didn't get unnoticed by Ari. Most girls would even be happy but not Ari .

She really wanted me to get along with all her family members including sisters thath could qarm their way into my heart. Just saying, potentially.

Anyways that's how far Ari trusts me , trusts us, our relationship. I likes that about her, you know the ability to love recklessly. That couldn't be she tho. So much difference between them.


"Yes sweetie"

"Why did you ignore her existence?"

"Babe" I laughed," it's nothing just wasn't feeling particularly chatty but I am for you" I grinned, full teeth on display as I finished my sentence.

She blushed at those words.

"Stop it babe ! We're at a restaurant, a seafood restaurant. What would tye fishes and lobsters think about us?" Either that we both burst out laughing.

Ari was funny sometimes, genuinely funny 

One of the things that pulled me to her when we first started dating.