Chapter 4 - Hello Foosha Village

After managing to finally get the log pose to calibrate in the unfamiliar sea, Souffle and Yamato finally arrived to the East Blue, and the first stop, none other than Luffy and Aces home island.

"So this is Aces home island?" Souffle asked Yamato as she looked around the relatively small village, "Foosha Village, He said this is where his grandpa hid him." Yamato said to confirm Souffles question.

Walking around was quite... Awkward... Especially since both of them were taller than anyone there, which was weird for Souffle especially given her family average height, "You know? From seeing Ace I expected people to be short, but not like this." Yamato commented, still quite surprised.

With Yamato saying that, everyone that was within earshot turned to them, "Did- Did you say Ace?" One of the villagers asked in shock, "I think we're fuck3d honey..." Souffle whispered to her Oni crewmate, only to realize that they were being bombarded with questions.

While being bombarded, Yamato realized a small detail, "Did you call me honey?" He asked Souffle with a slight smirk, "Shut up." Souffle responded pointedly with glare before a woman that looked a few months pregnant came running, "You said Ace right? Do you know how he is?" She questioned looking cheerful.

"Oh so you're friends wi-" Yamato was saying, but Souffle put a hand over his mouth, "Haven't seen him for about three years, but he was doing great last time I saw him." Souffle recollected, remembering Ace being incredibly cheerful on Whitebeards ship.

The woman let out a sigh of relief, "Good to hear... The newspapers give a lot of information, but not everything." She explained with a slight smile, "I'm Makino by the way." She introduced herself, "I'm Souffle." "I'm Kozuki O-" Yamato was introducing himself, but got stopped by a fist to the head, "How many times do I have to tell you not to say that without context?" Souffle scolded with her arms crossed.

This sight was quite humerous as the villagers were all thinking 'These two are pirates?', but then they got interrupted by someone rushing through the crowd and with a haki covered fist straight at Souffles face, "Unbreakable Guard!!" She exclaimed in shock as she put her arms up, made them into an alloy she found was as strong as sea prism stone, and then covered them in haki.

"HAAAAAYIAA!" The guy threw the punch at full strength, landing it with such intensity that it broke through the haki defense and bent Souffle's arms, "GRAAAHHG!!" She let out in pain, wondering how what felt like very little haki could break through her defense.

"Thunder Bagua!!" Yamato exclaimed as she swung her haki covered kanabo at the attacker, managing to send him flying away long enough for Souffle to put her arms back into place, "This guy is strong!" She commented, a little panic making her voice tremble a bit, "Garp-san! Stop it!" Makino told the attacker, standing in front of the two pirates.

Hearing that name made the two pause for a moment as they processed, "THE MARINE HERO GARP!?!?" They screamed in fear at the same time, "The one and only!" Said hero confirmed with a crack of his knuckles, "So why shouldn't I be bringing them in exactly?" He asked Makino, "They're friends of Ace!" She informed, actually throwing Garp off the loop.

After some blinking, Garp just let out a "Ah." and then "I guess I won't be bringing them in then." He simply said as he turned and went to go back to whatever base he came from, "Is... This usual?" Yamato asked Makino who gave a solemn nod, "It's a pain in the neck..." She confirmed.

"...So Ace said something about being raised by bandits." Souffle brought up, making Makino look at her, "He told you about Dadan?" She asked and then pointed to a mountain, "She lives on that mountain, you can't miss her." Makino explained prompting the two pirate to start heading there without a word.

Mt. Colubo.

The walk up was pretty uneventful, except for the occasional boar or tiger, "This place is pretty 'foresty'... Is that a word?" Souffle asked, "Why are you asking me?" Yamato asked back, confused as to why Souffle thought he would know, "Fair point, so where is this bandit hideout?" Souffle asked as she looked around.

As they searched they were interrupted by a loud boom, "The hell?" Souffle let out as she, followed Yamato, went to check it out, and there they found and exploded building.