Victoria ignored me, holding up another silk shirt that might as well have been designed by a pervert. She tilted her head, pretending to consider it. "This one brings out your shoulders."
"Victoria," I said, exasperated, as she gestured for the store attendant to bring more items. "I'm not wearing that."
"You're wearing it," she replied simply.
The store attendant, a young man who had been blushing since we walked in, stumbled forward with an armful of similarly scandalous outfits. The poor guy could barely look at me. I caught Victoria smirking at his reaction, clearly enjoying how effective I was as a model.
I sighed, holding up a black mesh shirt that left very little to the imagination. "This one doesn't even have a back."
"That's the point." She reached over, running her fingers along the fabric before glancing at me with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Do you know how much fun it is watching people faint when they see you?"