Chereads / The Last Thunderborn / Chapter 105 - Herbs and Hazards

Chapter 105 - Herbs and Hazards

The group began their ascent cautiously. Except for the two knights and the horses, who remained at the camp to guard their supplies, the others formed a single-file line as they climbed higher into the mountains. Leading the way was Grandpa Khan, followed closely by Usha. Ranav walked just behind them, as Usha had decided to teach him about various herbs along the way. Kulbir took the rear, ensuring no one fell behind.


As they ascended, the landscape gradually transformed. The dense tree cover began to thin, giving way to a more rugged, rocky terrain. Moss-covered stones jutted out from the ground, their surfaces softened by patches of grass and wildflowers. The air grew colder, carrying the scent of damp earth and mountain flora. In several places, the path narrowed dangerously, forcing the group to tread carefully to avoid slipping off the steep cliffs that flanked their route.


Grandpa Khan suddenly raised his hand, signaling the group to halt. He pointed toward a patch of delicate flowers with silky, translucent petals that shimmered faintly golden in the sunlight, resembling the delicate wings of a fairy.


"Is that Windveil Poppy?" he asked.


Usha nodded. "Yes. Let's collect them. Rita, there are plenty of flowers here. I need your help."


She reached into her storage ring and retrieved three glass containers, handing two of them to Grandpa Khan and Rita. With the precision of seasoned herbalists, they carefully plucked the flowers one by one, handling them as gently as if they were cradling newborns.


As they worked, Usha turned to Ranav. "This is Windveil Poppy. It's commonly used in healing elixirs and medicinal brews."


Although Ranav had already studied its properties in the books he had copied from Usha's library, he pretended to listen attentively, mentally comparing her explanation to what he already knew.


Once they had collected all the flowers, the group resumed their climb. Along the way, they gathered various other herbs, with Usha patiently explaining their properties to Ranav.


"This is Goldenflame Daisy, its flower used as an ingredient in fire resistance potions.

"This is Windcatcher Fungus, this slender, pale-green fungus enhances air magic and is often used in magical artifacts."

"This is Firethorn Bloom, this plant used by forgemasters to imbue weapons with fire attributes, enabling swords to ignite and arrows to burn."

"This is Honeyspore Fungus, a crucial ingredient in stamina-restoring potions."

"This is Ridgefruit, this berry-like fruit that grows on these wiry vines clinging to rocky surfaces. It is rich in nutrients and hydration, making it a staple for travelers and mountaineers."


When they discovered a particularly abundant patch of Ridgefruit, the team took a short break to eat their fill before storing the remaining fruit in several large glass jars.


After nearly two hours of steady climbing, the group reached a vast plateau. Several mountains and hills rose higher from this point, their bases forming a sprawling landscape of rolling stone and hardy vegetation. Thin wisps of clouds hovered in clusters, giving the entire area an ethereal, dreamlike quality. The absence of trees left them more exposed, and the wind picked up, sending a crisp breeze over the plateau.


Taking in their surroundings, Usha spoke loudly so everyone could hear. "Our mission is to collect Mountain Savory for a tea producer. This plateau is one of the few places where it grows. The plant has thin but sturdy stems that grow upright, branching into multiple shoots, giving it a bushy appearance. Tiny clusters of white flowers bloom at the tops of the stems this time of year."


"We need to collect only the fresh leaves… the pale green ones. If they're deep green, their medicinal properties have already deteriorated. Also, leaves from branches that have already bloomed are of no use to us. I brought some drawn pictures of the bushes and stems. Everyone, take a look."


She held up a few hand-drawn illustrations for the group to examine, ensuring they could correctly identify the herb.


"Now, we will split up to search the area," she continued. "Do not climb higher or descend into the valley. If you find the herb, store the leaves in glass containers and return here. The more we collect, the better… our buyers will purchase all of it. This spot will be our base point."


"We will divide into three teams. Me and Ranav will be the first team. Grandpa Khan, Miss Rawat, and Kulbir Thapa will be the second team. Rita and Amanda will be the last team."


"This way, every team has someone with a storage ring and some combat capability," Usha explained. "We'll search for an hour and then meet back here."


After distributing several glass containers to each team, Usha tied a bright flag to a nearby tree, marking the base location so it could be seen from a distance. Once the plan was confirmed, the teams set out in different directions.


Ranav and Usha took a narrow trail winding around the side of a large mountain. According to Usha, a small stream lay ahead, and she suspected they would find rare herbs growing near the water source.


As they walked, she continued pointing out various plants and habitats. Ranav absorbed the information, but his attention was soon drawn to something else… footprints.


"Usha," he said, crouching to inspect them. "There are fresh beast tracks here. Looks like something came this way to drink from the stream."


Usha glanced down and nodded. "Alright. Stay vigilant. I doubt any beasts will wander here during the day, but we should always be prepared for the unexpected."


"Agreed," Ranav replied, resting his hand on the hilt of his sword.


They reached the stream and found a natural basin in the rock, carved out by the water over countless years. Around the edges, the ground was littered with various animal prints, making Ranav uneasy.


Usha, however, was focused on something else. She pointed to a nearby bush. "That's Goldenstem. Its stems, leaves, and flowers are all valuable ingredients for alchemists. Be careful when picking it… don't pull out the roots. That way, it will continue producing next year."


As they carefully gathered the herb, a sudden warning echoed in Ranav's mind.


"Watch out! A snake is coming toward you!" Jessica's voice rang through his consciousness.


Without thinking, Ranav jumped to the side. A glass jar slipped from his hands, shattering against the rocks with a sharp crack. His eyes darted upward… an eight-foot-long snake was slithering down the rocky slope at an alarming speed.


His muscles tensed. His grip tightened on the hilt of his sword. Time seemed to slow as he studied the creature. Its gleaming fangs caught the sunlight as it launched itself at his head.


Usha, few feet away from Ranav, startled by the sound of breaking glass, looked up. Her breath caught in her throat. Ranav was frozen in shock! The massive snake was already mid-air, its open maw aimed directly at his face. Then, in a blur of motion, Ranav's sword flashed. The blade sliced clean through the snake, severing it into two halves. The force of the collision sent Ranav staggering backward. His foot caught on loose rocks, and he tumbled into a bush. "Shit!" he shouted as the ground beneath him gave way. He vanished.


Usha gasped. "Ranav!"


Ranav could feel himself falling… plummeting into a hidden cave. Panic surged through him. He desperately tried to grab at something, but his fingers found only empty air.


"The cave is small. Try to land feet first to reduce impact," Jessica advised.


Ranav tried to adjust his position, but mid-air, it was nearly impossible.


"I'm taking over," Jessica declared.


Suddenly, his body responded on its own. His legs positioned themselves just before he crashed onto the rocky ground. Pain shot through his entire body.


Before he could even curse, Jessica ignited a fireball and hurled it into the darkness. A low hissing sound echoed.


"Ranav," Jessica said grimly. "There's another snake in here."