Luckily for the cheating couple, Gwen had just stepped out of her room to grab something downstairs when she heard her father's slightly irked voice speaking to Sam.
"Shit!" She tiptoed to the upper floor glass railing and peeked downstairs to confirm it was really her dad.
Upon confirmation, she quietly hurried over to her mother's bedroom and knocked lightly on the door, why dialing her mother's phone number.
Thankfully, Matt had just concluded his adultery business with Regina and was just unlocking the door when he heard the knock and Gwen's hushed voice, calling for her mum.
"The little brat." Matt opened the door, ready to berate Gwen for being a nosy little shit. But the words that came out of her mouth made his blood freeze.
"Greg is here and he's coming upstairs," Gwen said in a hushed repressed voice, disgusted by her supposed father.
"F*ck!" Matt cursed under his breath, not expecting his brother to arrive so soon.