Chereads / The Kissing Lie / Chapter 3 - Thestory of Frankfurt and the necklace of Love

Chapter 3 - Thestory of Frankfurt and the necklace of Love

My grandmother told me the story of

Frankfurt and the necklace of Love when we were sitting by the fire, The milky

way was above us in the cattle post, Hyenas laughing in the distance sent

shivers down my spine, I held my small puppy in my hands keeping it warm, so it

could survive the cold of the northern hills, all it's siblings had died and

it's mother was neglectful, I was the only family it had, I would stretch my

hand into the fire, and pet it with my warm hand, in my hand it fall asleep, I

wanted to show it that it wasn't alone, that someone loved it and it didn't

have to be scared anymore. It was just me, my blind granny and my puppy, my

small family… but I felt content and happy in their presence, as I stared into

the fire all I could think of was lost love, hearts I cherish but my love was

unrequited, my granny knew me well, and could see right through me she said

"Rori my son, what is done out of love should never be regretted, we women

are hard to understand, sometimes too much love is disgusting, It's like a

flood you drown in it, though the good heart rarely finds love the heavens love

the journey a man will take to obtain love, It's impossible to forget love,

even if you never get the girl her soul loves you more than her vile mouth and

eyes that belittle you, for her soul is honest, a girl remembers how you tried

even if she will never love you back, it breaks her heart to reject a good

heart they fear it's too good to be true or it will never work out, but in the

quiet of her soul she remembers you, what's done from Love can't be



said to her: "What use is it? Why Love if you can't be loved back?"

She respond: "Look at your puppy it lost its

whole family and its own mother won't look at it, but it sleeps peaceful in

your hands, it can never kiss you but would you say it doesn't love you? It

will never say to you the 3 magic words "I love you" but would you

say it hates you? You touched it's heart and it will never forget you, you gave

it peace in a scary world, that is similar to a girl sometimes you cherish more

the friend who makes the scary world peaceful and offers an ear when none will

listen than a lover, for lovers are short lived, passion fades away, your body

is all that plagues their mind, but men will never see that being a friend

isn't the death sentence, If only they knew how much women cherish a simple

shepherd in a world full of wolves, Sex means nothing but pleasure but a friend

means time and memories, sometimes a friend's love is greater than a lover's

thrusts, Rori my son Don't regret love even if it's unrequited, don't fall into

the well of bitterness after rejection and denounce your love, or call the poor

girl shameful names, I know loss is painful my son, but when I look into your

eyes I see a handsome young man, a man full of love, respect your sisters as

you have respected me and the heavens will reward you, "Don't curse a tree

if it offers you no fruits, for someday it will be the only shade you





Rori smiled and laughed with delight at the

wise words he was receiving, he then said: " Grandmommy did you write the

Book of Love? So tell me mama I know my love is true but has there ever been a

man who didn't regret unrequited love?"

 "Yes" the old lady responded "His

name was Jonah Frankfurt, to every myth is some truth, let me tell you the

story of Jonah Frankfurt and the necklace of Love".


There once lived a man named Jonah

Frankfurt, he was a poor farmer and his father was an Ironsmith. Frankfurt was

madly in love with the daughter of a papermaker, but the lady didn't feel the

same way for Frankfurt, One day Frankfurt went to tell the young lady how he

felt, Frankfurt expressed his love to the best of his abilities.

When he was done the young lady said:

"I could never love you, you smell of dog manure and can barely read and

you're about as rich as a whistle, how could I possibly love you? You're not my

type I'll never be interested in you."

Jonah was hurt and walked away, all day

Jonah grew sadder and sadder, but Jonah still loved her and kept praying for

her wishing nothing but the best for her, he wondered how he will ever prove to

her that his love was true… Oh how will I ever prove to her my love is true?

Jonah thought.

Jonah then decided to go and ask the

Oracle, how he could prove his love to the young lady.

"Oh you teller of fates, knower of man how

must I show my love for the one I'm infatuated with, the one I'm desperately in

love with, with eyes that tingle my heart, the thought of her makes me smile in

the darkness and forget the pains of the nights, a blend of beauty and

brilliance, how must I prove my love is true? Tell me Sage..."

The Oracle said: " If you wish to create

true love you must unite broken hearts, Make two that hate each other love each

other, Do it twice once in spirit, and once in blood".

The Oracle flashed an Orange light and from

the light emerged a Golden Butterfly, the Butterfly flew into Frankfurt's head

and through his Heart and Out through his chest, now Frankfurt knew what the

message meant, He needed to unite two who hate each other, he had to do it

twice, first in spirit then in blood. In Blood he thought of his Mother Maria

and Father John, They once loved each other, but their love spoilt, the end

leaves much regret, The day Maria died, she and her husband were having a

fight, the last words John ever heard from his eternal beloved was "I hate

you! I hate you! You waste of a man!" as Maria stormed out of room, in anger

she forgot that she had mopped the other rooms minutes before the argument, the

rooms  were still wet and slippery, as

she stormed out of the room she slipped and was sent skiing down the other room

she hit the table and was flat on the floor as a sword that was on the table fell

straight into her throat killing her, a painful death as she laid in a pool of

her own blood and her body twitching, The room was John`s storeroom where he

kept swords he made since he was a Ironsmith, "Death by lover's sword".

Frankfurt was In grief and never forgave himself, even 20years later, he made

no more swords and kept none in his room, every day at 8o'clock As if he was a

man possessed, he would go to the spot where she died and cry frantically

begging for forgiveness, 8o'clock was the hour she died 20 years ago.

Frankfurt wonder how he would unite those

two who hate each other, because one of was them no more… how can the dead forgive?

How can the living know they've been forgiven? Then the Golden Butterfly came

and flew over Frankfurt and landed on the palm of his right hand, when it flew

off the a seed remained it had 4 sections Top left of the seed was golden, top

right of the seed was diamond, bottom left to the seed fire, bottom right of

the seed was water, it was a circular seed, It was a seed of Magic called the

Seed of forgiveness, it is said from the seed will emerge a beautiful glass

flower, a symbol of True Love… glass symbolizes the fragility of Love and a

flower symbolizes the beauty of love, but the flower will only emerge under

certain conditions, the one who lives must water the seed with tears to

remorseful heart and if you dead has forgiven the glass flower will emerge, if

the dead hasn't forgiven one may cry eternity and will  never see the flower emerge. Frankfurt took

the seed and gave them to John, and told him about the seed of forgiveness,

John planted the seed at Maria's grave, and for 7days the man cried at the

grave but no flower emerged, then on 8th day Frankfurt went we his

father this time.


spoke first: "My love it was never my intention to be the cause of your

death, I'm sorry my love, I love you through time and beyond it, your heart

will always shake my ribs, I love you please forgive me".

then Frankfurt spoke: "Mama please

forgive dad, It was an accident, I miss you every day, please forgive him your

forgiveness will help me find love, I wish to have a family with her, love as

true as yours and dad loves that conquers death, we are and always will be family,

the men hugged each other whilst placing their right hands on the grave of the

late mother and wife, as tears fell simultaneously on the grave almost

instantly a glass flower emerged reflecting light everywhere, all colors of

light could be seen blue, purple, green, red and yellow it was a beautiful

spectacle, The legend was true only the best magic can revive Love, Family love

is the oldest and most refined work of sorcery, Frankfurt had completed the

first part of his test to had united two broken hearts and made two who hate

each other to love each other, he had united blood… His parents.

Now how would he unite spirit? The Golden

Butterfly appeared once more and out of nowhere Frankfurt starting uttering a

poem which would help him

"If a man is true in heart

He must make Air love Fire

Dine with Saint and Sinner

Unite the fallen prince with the arrogant


Your treasure will be found in heaven's

palaces and hell's castle"

With that poem Frankfurt now knew what he

must do, he would have to unite two spirits that hate each other, that have

hated each other since the dawn of time, he needed to unite the devil and God,

how would he do this all mighty task?. Frankfurt thought for love I'll unite

heaven and hell, he said to the golden butterfly "take me to hell"

and golden glitter spined around Frankfurt, he vanish in the glitter and

Teleported to the gates of hell, Frankfurt look up to see an enormous castle

painted in Red and black with Red hibiscus flowers decorating it, with

Fountains of fire, in the sky flew Dragons and a Phoenix singing "sun,

glorious sun make me young again", the ground was paved with precious

stones like sapphires, ruby, emeralds and silver, Frankfurt walk to the

Master's castle, on the throne was king of the underworld the devil himself,

Frankfurt walked put to him and take a knee to pay his respects, Frankfurt then

said "I come to you ruler of condemned souls, master musician, the fairest

of dark stallions, because I wish to prove my love is True, May you please Sing

a song I'll carried with my heart,  a

song to God" the devil said "You must have gone completely insane to

come to hell, and ask me to sing a Song for God, love makes mortals do stupid

things" Frankfurt then said "What must I do to prove I'm

serious?" The Devil " You must be bewitched, but anymore even a

fool's wish must be granted" "If what you is true, than that means

you're willing to lose about for love, am I right?" Frankfurt: " For the

heart I love i`ll do anything" Devil : "Alright I but sing for you, but to hear

my voice you must be worth, I must warn you it comes with a heavy price, if you

seek to prove your love is true and not just words you must lose that which you

cherish, you must lose your sight you must go blind, you must lose the jewels

In your head which your mother gave you, the instrument that see beauty, the

one that brings light into your soul, your direction giver, your ambition

seeker the eyes that saw you the horizon, you must lose your sight, then you`ll

never see her again how will you love what you can`t see, how will you enjoy

love, if her eyes shine no more, and you can`t tell if she smiles or frowns,

and people curse and mock you but you can`t see them, will it be worth it?

Frankfurt : "I love her beyond my sight, her heart i`ll fell in the dark,

beauty is but a luxury of love, loving the soul is more nobler, I said I love

her and I came to prove it, I came to prove my love is true, you make take my

sight but my love you`ll never have" the devil looked in shock at this mortal

man with immortal love, devil "very well, you are worthy of my voice" touching

Frankfurt's eyes the devil uttered a curse to take away Frankfurt`s sight "For

true love`s quest, deceivers will men be gone, eyes no long will you enjoy the

visions of paradise, be gone let only the heart see love", and what that curse

Frankfurt was now a blind man. The Devil " Never before have a seen a mortal

without such determination, in my kingdom you are honoured for your

determination is that of a tiger, I hope it was worth it?" Frankfurt: "Only

time will tell, but my word are unchanged I love her beyond my sight" the Devil

: " Now I must grant you your wish" then the master musician who could  sing in 7 voices began to sing a song about

god, a melody none could replicate and for a moment all the suffers in hell

were at peace as the voice of the fallen angel fill hell with delight, tears of

joy in all faces alive and dead, souls rejuvenated and brought back to life by

the dark king`s perfect melodies, the devils song said "father father why have

you forsaken me why have you forsake me don`t you know I loved you so, cursed

me down even I know love will make rise again love will make me rise again".


When the devil was done no word was spoke,

then Frankfurt with tears of joy hugged the devil, all were shocked even the

devil himself,  Frankfurt then said " I

wish my love will be as true as yours, the hated harbor the greatest love,

you`re a lover if ever I've seen one you were right my eyes can`t see true love

but my heart felt it in you, I hope someday you find true peace for your soul

deserved to sing in heaven once more you`re simply timeless, bless you Lucifer

king of music" hell was in disbelieve "how could a man hug the man who take his

sight?!?! How could a man say the devil has the greatest love in him?!? Is hate

just corrupted love?" hell would never be the same from that day.


Now with the sing in his heart, ready was

ready to go to heaven, the golden butterfly appeared Frankfurt said to it "take

me to heaven" once more golden glitter spinned around Frankfurt and he then

vanish and was teleported to heaven`s gate.


A blind Frankfurt arrived at heaven`s gate

he couldn`t admire the Palace in the sky, painted in white and blue with white

roses decorating it, a fountain of dandelion white karens standing patience

near the fountains and doves of all colours flying in the air, singing "take in

the fesh air, relax relax breath and believe", heavens path was paved in white

acacia trees, but Frankfurt didn`t know that, he walk the thorn paved path

without even noticing he was walking on thorns. Then a voice said "Wow! How did

you walk through the path of thorns?" Frankfurt: "there was a path of thorns?!

I didn`t know that" voice: " No men has ever walked through heaven`s path, it

is a test, a boundary for believe if one believe he can`t walk he will not

walk, if you perceive the thorns as painful they`ll become painful, few man

have the courage to walk heaven`s path, My so mastered walking on his father`s

house, with that he was able walk on water, I believed he could walk on water

and he did, what you believe becomes your reality." Frankfurt: "wait who is

your son? Wait… it couldn`t be… you`re talking of Jesus of Nazerth, the Messiah

sent to the people…so that would mean you`re the glorious one, ruler of souls

of faith and undeterrable belief, the most High you`re God">

Voice: Yes I am, do you not see me?

Frankfurt: no I can`t see you, i`m blind

God: that explains it, what have you come


Frankfurt: my lord I have come to prove my

love is true, I bring you a gift

God: What is it?

Frankfurt: I carried it with my heart,

touch my heart so you may know


place his hand on Frankfurt`s chest to fell, in an instant the devil`s song

began to play in the palace of heaven and the walls of the great palace echoed

the words of the master musician "father father why have you forsaken me why

have you forsake me don`t you know I loved you so, cursed me down even I know

love will make rise again love will make me rise again", a tear shred from the

eye of God and a smile came upon his face, and he said

"So you`re Frankfurt the mortal man with

immortal love, the man who seeks on go to the ends of both life and death for a

woman who rejected him harshly, for her you wait to an oracle, for her you united

with living with the late…for blood, for her you wish to unite spirits, unite

God and the Devil, I hope they remember the name Jonah Frankfurt, an embodiment

of true love, sonny boy you have already proves your love is true the moment

you decide to take this journey, Her soul already knows you love her, your will

spoke what words couldn`t, Jonah my boy love is beyond words, you`ve already

won my heart, you need not to be test further, now you need to ripe, I'll

reward you, for you have brought me the greatest gift, you`ve brought me my

long last friend, I had such great love for him you know, but in anger I let my

love get corrupted, Hate more often then not is misplaced or corrupted love,

how I wish he how I always missed him without his music this place is dull, him

made me believe in the beauty of my creation, wthout him nothing I create

amuses me like how Lucifer`s music brought out the best in me, me and him are

one we need each other for all of time, good and bad can`t exist with each


I`ve done it I have complete my mission I

have united broken hearts, I have Made the two the hate each other love other,

I did it twice once in blood then in spirit. I have proved my love is true, now

I must return to my love.

God: before you go I would like to deliver

to the devil I gift, for your troubles i`ll honour you with a gift, a necklace

only you are worthy to wear it, your love will never be forgotten, poets

generations after your death will tell stories journeys you took for love,

hearts you touched will never forget you, even the end of time the love they

harbor for you will never wither, even if will never announce publicly their

love for you, you will always be in their hearts, it`s called the necklace of

love, it`s chain was made of silver and at the centre of the necklace was a

pumping mirror heart, the mirror pumping heart always to any that look at it to

be able to see the face of ones they love, what each person sees in the mirror

heart is unique to them many can stare at the necklace and they would all their

own loved ones, but for the barrier being Jonah he couldn`t see the necklace

but the pumping heart allow him to feel love and the heartbeat of the one he

loves, he is literally powered by love each pump his loved one makes strength

him and makes him better understand the deeper meanings of love, "the heart is

the blind man`s eyes".

God gave Frankfurt the necklace of love and

Frankfurt wear it, god then said " Please take this gift to the devil on your

way back to earth. The gift was a golden silk robe and a singing crown, a crown

is could singing any sing be it a song by man or bird, a crown worthy of the

master musician, tell me " I'll always love you son", Frankfurt took the golden

robe and crown that could sing and call the golden butterfly and asked it to

teleport him once more to hell, once Jonah arrived in hell he gave the devil

God`s gift, Satan smile with delight and wear his golden silk robe and singing

crown for the times all of hell was in delight, finally spiritually peace,

finally the master smiled, the devil then give his gratitude for the delivering

and message from God, devil: "Thanks be to the messenger for fulfilling his

duties and more thanks to god for our renewed love, I love you too old friend,

goodbye Jonah Frankfurt the man who were infinite love" Frankfurt gives my

final respect and told the golden butterfly to take him back to his love,

golden glitter spinned around Frankfurt and he vanished and reappeared on earth

right in front of the girl he loved.


Jonah`s mission was complete, but fate  had a new challenge for Jonah. Frankfurt said

" I have prove my love for you is true, for you I dine with both the devil and

god, I made the dead forgive and the living love, I love you beyond my sight, I

am simply in love with you">

 the young lady said "I know you love me,

i`ve always knew, but I never knew you would go to those unbelievable lengths

to prove it, you`re obsessed with me, do you know that`s unhealthy for you"

Frankfurt: " I know it is dangerous to be

lost in you so, but love kills fears, it`s fears that`s unhealthy, love

conquers fear".

Young lady: " wow, you really are crazy,

but why me? I don`t see myself is that beautiful why do you love me?"

Frankfurt: I love you because my even in my

blindness your smile pump my heart, your eyes give me light, you are simply

worth love until the end of time, I love you because I love you, where your

heart is mine is never far behind.

Young lady: "Jonah Frankfurt your love is

crazy, you have spread your madness unto me, now i`m madly in love to you, like

a cancer your love eats me now, and I can`t resist no more, I love you Jonah



Frankfurt: "nothing is sweeter than passing

the test of time, day and night I dreamed of the love you would love me back, I

grew doubtful and wonder if I was destined to spend my days chasing the winds,

but to heard those enchanting words come from your mouth makes my journeys and

trials worth it.

Young lady: "But how can you tell your my

words that I love you, I may be deceitful"

Frankfurt: "You are the keeper of your

heart and i`ll never know it`s secret, But Love I know the heavens gave me the

eye of love, with it I can tell if words are just lies or indeed your heart

pumps for myself"


Young lady: "what does it tell you of me?"


Frankfurt: "I look beyond your mean word

into your clear soul, and I saw love unchartered, you too are capacity of the

greatest love as is everyone, love dwells in you and you`ve got a special place

in your heart for you, a place beyond words, or appearance, I place of honesty

I place of forgiveness I place where love flows like a river that never dries,

you love me and I love you more than you will know".

Young lady: "Jonah Frankfurt you are the

first man to read my heart and look beyond the shattered mirror that hides me,

for you only time stop me from loving you until the end of my mortal life, i`m

sorry I treated you badly".

Frankfurt: " the past matters not anymore

we must enjoy the present and turn to the future".


As Frankfurt finished speaking and was

about to reach out and embrace the young lady, a storm of dust appeared, the

sound of thundering footstep and running horse surrounded them, people

screaming, the village was in chaos and a state of panic, out of no way appear

a man riding a horse, dress in golden samurai-look armor, dragging a prisoner

it seem, the old man had the hands tied with a rope and the rope was attached

to the horse`s saddle, it seemed the old man had been taken to be a prisoner,

he had endured inhumane treatment and was being dragged along like piece of

useless old cardboard, when Jonah turn to look at the old man who was being

dragged by the warrior, he saw the old man was his father, in anger Jonah

attempted to attack the warrior but the old man said "STOP!!! Son he will kill

you, he is carrying a sword!!", the young lady also held Jonah,


warrior was laughing aloud and spoke " so this worthless old hag is your


warrior: " well forget about a father-son

fishing trip, because from now on i`m your master I rule you I own you, i`m the

only father you will know, you and this stupid village are now mine, i`m

conquering them all, you`re my property, if I say live you live, if I say die

you die"

warrior: " i`ll make a deal with you, you

give me that pretty thing next to you be to mine and live in my palace and I

let you and your father live or you refuse and I kill you all, what will it be

lover boy your sugar-puppy or your father? The choice is yours"


Frankfurt: " You`ll never have them you son

of a bitch!!!"

Jonah jumped and punched the warrior off

his horse, as Jonah was fighting for his life, love and family, out of no where

an arrow pierced his left legs,in pain Jonah got off the warrior and received a

kick to the face.

The warrior commanded : "take the dog! He

doesn`t deserve to die that would be an easy escape, take he to the palace

dungeon, I want him to be an example of what happens when you defy me, give him

and his bastard father, a spiky floor compliment of the king, don`t forget to

throw away the keys I want these dogs to rot and cry!!", maybe sure his prison

has a glass roof above him, it should be beneath my room, I want him to hear

and watch for the days of his life as I bang his lover and hears her scream but

is hopeless, I want to break his soul, watch me everyday from your cosy prison

as I ejaculate on the one you love, your flirthy slut, ha ha"

With the warrior`s commanded Jonah and his

father went taken to the palace prison, and they cell was as the commander want

spiky floor with unbeakable glass upon them, it was beneath the commander`s

room, so Jonah could be torment by the sight of his lover being abused whilst

he could do nothing to help her.

And it was so the conquering command had

taken Jonah`s village and everyday did unspoken acts to the woman Jonah dearly,

loved with tears in her eyes that fall on Jonah`s glass roof and her screamed

echo through the palace and down to Jonah`s prison below, she was truly

helpless, to the commander just another slut, to Jonah I woman worth giving his

life for, Jonah cried everyday as he watched his true love suffer, her cries

and scream sent him into madness, he even forget the pain of his spiky floor,

torment love is worse than a broken body,


But love is undefeatable, it`s

unconquerable, everyday the young lady would say as the command tried to break

her body and soul " my heart belong to Jonah, you can break my body, bt my

spirit you`ll never have, no matter what you do i`ll always love Jonah, I

suffer but I don`t break, my love is forever it`s stonger than a coward`s

fists, my love is unbreakable, I am a stong woman you`ll never destoyed me,

rape away coward!, your mother should be disguised you are no man!!! I`m never

be yours, my heart is forever free!".

Each day the young lady would go down to

the dungeon and gave Jonah and his father bread, they shared with the rats that

gave them company, Jonah would say " down here there is no virmin, virmin is up

there that drinks wine, and chants it`s bravery and nonlitiy to it`s slaves,

may his soul burn is the hottest  part of

hell, drink now virmin so you`ll have to answer to the true masters upon your

death, I know your soul is destined for eternal damnation, laugh now you will

cry later, you will pay for your sins, for every crime a punishment will be

served in time, the bill will come due".

The young lady would say : " my love let I

forget about our scars in the meantime, let us enjoy the love, even prison bars

can`t separate I love you forever, I regret nothing in loving you"

Frankfurt concluded by time : " for you my

love I have lost my sight, my legs and my freedom and everyday i`m tormented by

your cry, but I regret nothing, you am not I regret, I will never loving our

love journey from unrequited love to unbreakable soulmates, I will love you

through anything, I regret nothing".



"That was the story of Jonah Frankfurt and

the necklace of love" said Rori`s granny

The grandma said to Rori " my boy love

should never be regretted, what is done from love will always be special,

sometimes life writes different stories of love, don`t never regret love,

sometimes it`ss unrequited sometimes it`s in abundance, but nnever regret it,

for love is a gift, to love a soul is an honourable deed, never regret love

someone even if they don`t love you back, just know you touched their soul,

they`ll always remember you, love can`t be destroyed".


Rori smiled and continued staring at the

fire, he then spoken " love is like a free, words can`t describe it, sometimes

it burns sometimes it warm, you can`t touch it, but you can feel it"

Grandma:" That`s my boy, I love you Sonny"

Rori: " I love you Granny".



BY Hopebradley Masole