"Sprig?!...SPRIIIIIG!" called Anne. "WHERE ARE YA', BUDDY!?"
Everyone rose up and started looking around for the pink frog boy, but couldn't locate him anywhere.
"I bet he went off exploring like he always does!" spoke Polly, mildly aggravated.
"oh, no...NOT in my grandparents study he isn't." said Olivier, his tone *very* serious.
Maddie looked up to her mentor (and older brother figure) "We gonna go look for 'em?"
"We have no choice. Knowing Sprig, he'll certainly get into something that he shouldn't." spoke Olivier.
Anne gave a very knowing look as she briefly remembered all the times that she and Sprig
got themselves into trouble due to the frog boy being unable to keep his hands to himself.
"We should probably split into teams so we'll cover more ground."
"Great Idea, Anne!" said Luz (while giving a Thumbs Up.)
"Okay...There are six of us-("HEY!") Sorry, SEVEN of us." mused Willow.
"I would suggest going into pairs of Two, but that would like ONE person alone.
So we should probably go into two large groups of Three and Three-Plus One."
Maddie grabbed Polly and held her like a beachball. "I'll be the "One-Plus One", then."
"HEY!, I GOT LEGS!" snapped Polly.
"Tiny, Stubby Legs." chuckled Anne.
Polly's cheeks turned red, but huffed in defeat.
"Okay, then who will be Maddie's teammates?" asked Willow.
"I'm sticking with Olivier." said Maddie, as she hopped over to the Half-Witch.
"He's my mentor afterall, and we do great together!"
Willow, Luz and Amity giggled at this.
"Okay...That's TWO." spoke Luz. "I guess Anne will want to partner with Olivier, then?"
Anne paused. "normally I would, but...I kinda want to spend more time with you Luz."
Luz smiled wide. "REALLY!?"
"Yeah..." repeated Anne, blushing. "that is...IF Ollie is okay with-"
"Anne, whatever you choose is fine with me. You don't need my permission." said Olivier.
Anne smiled and pecked Olivier on the cheek before walking over to Luz.
THEN, all fell silent as the incomplete teams looked at Willow and Amity.
Who each had to join with either Olivier & Maddie, or Anne & Luz.
"I'm guessing Blight will want to be on Luz' team, right?" spoke Olivier.
"So, in that case: Willow can come with me and Maddie, and-"
"actually...I think I should give Luz some space so she and Anne can socialize better." spoke Amity.
Olivier froze, his eyes wide as she stared blankly. "oh, you have got to be-"
"AH-HEM!" Anne cleared her throat loudly...and gave Olivier a 'look'.
Olivier exhaled sharply. "fine...get over here, Blight."
Amity walked steadily over to Olivier, Maddie and Polly (all three eyeing her like hawks)
As Willow stood with Anne and Luz, the two groups then brough out their 'Penstagram' scrolls.
"Okay, let's all stay in contact..." spoke Olivier.
"Team One, (that's us), will search the West Wing. Team Two will search the East Wing."
"Got it." said Anne. "Whoever spots him first will call the others on our phones."
"Sounds like a plan." said Olivier with a grin.
Olivier and Anne then gave each other a tight hug. "good luck."
"don't need it...but thanks."
One the pair parted, Anne rejoined Luz and Willow.
After one last wave goodbye, the two teams marched off in opposite directions.
"I'm not sure it was such a good idea letting Amity go with Olivier..." spoke Willow.
Anne grimaced, but forced a smile. "I know Ollie has...bad feelings for her right now.
But I trust he won't let all that cloud his judgement."
Luz and Willow looked at Anne. "How do you know that for sure?"
Anne looked at her new friends. "I...don't. (*smiled*) But, I have to believe in him."
Luz looked at Anne...and then shrugged and smiled. "okay...if you believe in him, then SO DO I!"
Willow wasn't entirely convinced...but nodded anyway. "I hope you're right."
In another part of the Observatory, Olivier, Maddie, Polly and Amity were searching the area.
As Olivier walked off a bit, Amity took note that she was now technically alone with the Frog Girls.
Feeling her 'Amity the Caretaker' instincts kicking in,
The young witch approached Maddie and Polly, knelling down to their level.
"I hear you and Ollie are...Close." spoke Amity, in a sweet tone.
Both Maddie and Polly eyed Amity Blight, feeling VERY wary of her intentions.
"yeah. In my village, I'm the only one with magic." began Maddie. "I felt like an outcast all my life...until Olivier appeared.
He made me feel...special. Like I was meant to do great things, rather than...Cursed."
Amity nodded. "yeah...he always did know how to uplift people.
When me, and Willow felt like failures, Ollie was always there to remind us how strong we really were."
"If you're trying to butter us up, It's not gonna work!" snapped Polly, bouncing atop Maddie's head.
"Olivier told us ALLL about you. WE know what you did. So, drop the nice act."
Amity frowned at the Frog Girls rejection of her. "It's not an act, I really-"
Amity jumped as a green falcon swooped over her head.
Everyone watched as said Falcon flew over to the approaching Olivier, and parched onto his forearm.
"Maddie...Take Polly, and search the upper level." spoke Olivier.
"Gotcha!" said Maddie, as she leapt away with Polly in tow.
Olivier petted Fleetwing, while slowly approaching Amity...his expression 'cold.'
"let me be very clear on this, Blight..." began Olivier, both he and Fleetwing staring down at Amity.
"I DO NOT want you talking to Maddie, Polly, or even Sprig when we DO find him."
Amity looked at Olivier. "I just wanted to-"
"STAY. AWAY. from those KIDS." repeated Olivier, a growl in his voice.
"I won't let you trick them into trusting you, and then BETRAYING their trust like you did to me."
Amity almost felt offended at this remark. "I would NEVER do that to innocent children!"
"I find that very hard to believe." spoke Olivier, darkly.
"I work at the Bonesborough Library, Olivier." defended Amity. "I read stories to all the visiting children in the Kid's Corner."
This statement just make Olivier chuckle. "good one."
"IT'S TRUE!" exclaimed Amity. "Look, HERE is my Library Card! It says RIGHT HERE, that I am part of the Staff!"
Olivier took the ID Card, and examined it.
It was indeed an Official Employee ID for the Bonesborough Library,
that clearly read in black-and-white [Amity Odalia Blight] (even the photo was genuine.)
(("Wow, they'll really hire ANYONE these days...")) spoke a dark voice within Olivier's mind.
(("I bet she terrorizes any poor children that wind up in her care."))
Olivier shut his eyes as his imagination painted a mental image of Amity being a caretaker.
and, try as he might to think positively, he couldn't help but imagine crying toddlers with Maddie's face.
After half a minute...he exhaled and tossed it back to Amity.
"I don't care, stay away from them...ESPECIALLY Maddie." continued Olivier.
"I love her like a little sister, and I will protect her from anything that would hurt her."
Olivier then gave Amity stern glare. "...ANYTHING."
Amity stared at Olivier...trying to see some semblance of her best friend.
But all she saw was a completely different person who looked at her like she was a monster.
Did Olivier REALLY believe she was that bad of a person?
She may had been mean at one point, but she wasn't Evil.
It really broke her heart that Olivier would even consider
that she would act abuse towards someone like Maddie and Polly.
"what will it take to convince you that I've changed?" spoke Amity, almost pleading.
Olivier continued to look at Amity with stern eyes.
He considered giving her a response...but decided against it.
"Let's just get back to our search." said Olivier, finally.
"We're wasting time just standing around and talking."
Amity paused, and exhaled as well. "sure."
Olivier patted Fleetwing's head, and then let the bird fly off.
"sooo...what's it's name?" asked Amity, attempting to make small talk.
"HIS name is Fleetwing." answered Olivier.
"he's...a great looking Palisman." continued Amity, who the tried to pet the bird...
...only for Fleetwing to snap it's sharp beak at her fingers.
"Did you...carve him?"
"yes. while I was Amphibia, I planted Palistrom Trees." explained Olivier.
"It is what I figured my grandfather would've wanted. a nice, safe place for Palismans to thrive."
Amity smiled at Olivier. "you did a good job. you're very talented, Olivier."
Olivier almost smiled at this compliment...but he quickly hid it.
"Hm-hmm, sure." responded Olivier, nonchalantly. (("brownnosing sycophant."))
"olivier...I really mean it." said Amity, who then tried to place her hand upon Olivier's shoulder.
but Olivier jerked away before she could, taking some steps away from her.
As he did, though...Amity caught a glimpse of one of Olivier's amputated ears.
The young witch felt a chill run down her spin as she gazed at the jagged scar encircling his earhole.
Amity looked away, covering her mouth...but the image was burned into her mind.
Forcing her to remember a more gruesome image from her past, one she had tried so hard to repress.
One of Blood Stains, Tears...and Regret.
"So, that...Anne Girl." spoke Amity (desperate to change the subject.)
"What about her?" spoke Olivier, half suspicious.
"You two really seem to be...IN LOVE."
Olivier glanced at Amity, and then looked straight ahead.
"we ARE...we've both been through a great deal, and endured so much of it together."
"She must mean a lot to you, if she can calm you down so easily." continued Amity.
Olivier resisted the urge to make a snarky remark directed at Amity, and continued to humor her.
"I was in a very dark place when me and her first met." began Olivier.
"I didn't trust anyone...and being stranded in a strange new world didn't make it any better.
But, Annie helped me out of that pit, and since then has tried to keep me from falling back in.
I am...Grateful, to her for that. and have grown to depend on her to keep my head clear."
Amity stayed silent as she mused on Olivier's words.
Once again, she felt guilt eat away at her. Knowing full well that SHE
was part of the reason Olivier was in such a dark place to begin with.
Changing a once Sweet and Caring boy, into a Bitter and Cynical person.
Olivier wasn't the only one grateful to Anne for all she had done.
"I'm glad that you were able to find someone special in your life." said Amity.
Olivier didn't even look at Amity. He just scoffed, and looked the other way.
(("save your silver tongue for someone more gullible, Blight.")) spoke the 'dark' voice in Olivier's head.
(("From your siblings, to your mother. I am VERY familiar with your family's tricks."))
Amity frowned, disappointed at failure to finally get on Olivier's good side.
"It was the only good thing that came from my little...misadventure." spoke Olivier, trying to be civil.
"If not for Anne and Maddie, I would give anything to undo the last three-in-a-half months."
"Just THEM?" inquired Amity. "Because from what I saw of Amphibia, it looks like a Paradise."
Olivier paused and looked at Amity for a moment. "it had it's own share of dangers...
...BUT, I suppose Amphibia was an 'Elysium' compared to the Boiling Isles.
No Belos...no Emperor's Coven...No Triclops Bwitch.
If Mom and King had been with me at the time, I don't think I would've left Amphibia."
Amity grimaced, finding Olivier's words more disappointing, than uplifting.
Had his life REALLY been so bad, that he might've NEVER returned home?!
(She then mentally slapped herself for even asking that question,
as she KNEW full well just how bad things had gotten for Olivier since...THAT NIGHT.)
"well...Except for getting Anne, and her friends back home." said Olivier, blushing awkwardly.
"though, if my mom HAD been with me, it would've saved us a lot of time and trouble."
"Sooo...you STILL want to send Anne back to the Human Realm?" questions Amity.
Olivier looked at Amity with a stern expression.
"OF COURSE. She misses her family, and I made her a promise."
"But, if you do...You might never see her again." continued Amity.
Olivier stared at Amity for a long while, his expression cold again.
"I know..." said Olivier, firmly. "but that is just the sacrifice that I need to make.
I love her...but she doesn't belong to me. She deserves to be with her family,
so: YES, I will help her return home...ALL of them. even if it means...inviting agony, yet again."
Amity froze as she gazed at the hurt expression that was now on Olivier's face.
His words cut deep, as it made her realize that she too may have to make a similar sacrifice
once the time came for Luz to return to her own realm and reunite with her mother.
(and as much as Amity wanted Luz to stay in the Demon Realm forever...she knew that she couldn't.
And as Olivier implied, to think otherwise would just be selfish: Luz DIDN'T belong to her.)
Amity tried to reach out and touch Olivier's face to give the sad boy some comfort,
only for Olivier to jerk away, rejecting her touch as if it burned his skin.
"if you're going to laugh at me, Blight...then get it over with." spoke Olivier.
"I would nev-" Amity then paused, as yet another memory flashed in her mind.
Once again, it was of the day when she betrayed Olivier's trust.
She saw him in tears...and heard herself laughing...CRUELLY, at him.
Along with...HER.
Amity looked away, feeling shame sweep over her. "no...I won't." spoke Amity.
Olivier glanced back to Amity...feeling confused.
He practically gave Amity a free opportunity to mock him, yet she didn't take it.
For a moment...he started to wonder: had she...REALLY changed?
But such thoughts were quickly buried by that familiar, angry voice
that reminded him that Blights were tricksters, and he shouldn't be fooled.
(("Blights ALWAYS Say One Thing, But Think Another...")) spoke a voice in Olivier's head.
"we should...keep going." spoke Olivier, more calmer than before.
Amity looked at Olivier and nodded.
The pair then resumed their search...while keeping some distance from each other.
[End of Part 28]